
Let the fire begin

I can see the fire burning on the carpet, keen to expand its territory. Indigo you have to keep calm and think.

As the panic sets in, I asked myself, lHow the hell can I keep calm!!! If the fire incinerated my body will I even exist!? This is so much worse than death!"

"Okay, I have to calm down... breath.. ok i have no breath.. relax..."

"Ok, I am spirit/ghost/soul, what can I do? Maybe the fire won't hurt me like it did when I was alive."

Extending my fingers towards the flames, I bravely put my hand through it.

"Okay, my hand don't hurt when I touch it. Just some airy sensation, like a smothering sort of energy... eh? It seemed to be moving slower..? Not a lot slower but sort of slower... oh! I can pinch part of the fire! So cool! I bet it will look like fire floating in mid air haha like a ghost fire to others, haha. Ok, let me scoop the whole fire up."

As I hold the fire in my palms, I noticed the fire growing weaker. Was it because I feed on its energy? Or was it because the fire had no source to feed on, so its energy became weaker? Most probably the latter.

But if the former applies, does this mean that I need some form of energy to sustain myself? And I need fire to sustain myself? Which explains why the chinese burn joss sticks and stuffs and also the lack of sightings! We are literally starving into non-existence! Maybe that is why we need to be around human, and why the cold does not affect us? So many mysteries to unravel.

As the fire ran out, I turned my attention to the light switches. It is literally an unlimited supply of energy. I sort of "touched" it and sparks started to fly everywhere before short-circuiting. Before I knew it, fire started to spread.

I tried my best to stay close to my body so fire would not spread to it. However, it was weird but there seemed to be a force field around my body that negate my energy absorbing powers.

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