

After breaking up with Ryan, My depressed brain was thinking of ruling the single ladies world, it's known that no one knows what life has in stock for us, but I was gonna suggest to life so my world could be perfect.

Hanging out with my girls was beautiful but, I always had Ryan at the back of my head (he's an asshole, but he is always on my mind), and he has been hanging out with Alison(I dislike her so much and now she's hanging out with my ex boyfriend) since our breakup, It's just like he never cared about me, cause it's barely been 2months since we broke up and Alison has taken my place already?.

Who da hell does she think she is!( I'm not jealous now, I'm just hurt, a lot), and Ryan?, it's looking like he actually wants me to be jealous cause, does he have to kiss her in my presence?, I just feel like walking up to their table and sassing the both of em but that would just make the whole school think I'm frustrated and jealous, plus, I've avoided detention for a very long time and I'm not ready to ruin that record. After all, they're just not worth it.

Melinda(that one friend that always tells me how the end will be from the beginning) came over to my table after noticing I was in a bad mood and said, " Hey, you've been looking at Ryan and Alison so much, they might begin to think you're jealous" Jealous!!, I replied, why would I be jealous of them?!, its not like she's gonna last longer than I did with him