
Chapter - 1 : Kaviyan

Chapter - 1 : kaviyan

Shadows of Innocence

Meet Kaviyan, a charming and energetic 10-year-old boy who radiates joy despite his troubled home life. His parents, toxic and emotionally distant, fail to provide the nurturing environment he deserves. Kaviyan finds solace in school, but his innocence is shattered when he becomes a victim of abuse by the school bus driver.

Kaviyan's encounters with the bus driver begin subtly, innocently even. At first, it's a friendly smile, a seemingly harmless conversation. However, as time passes, the bus driver's behavior becomes more inappropriate and manipulative. Kaviyan, unaware of the dangers, feels a growing sense of discomfort and confusion.

As the abuse escalates, the bus driver coerces Kaviyan into compliance, using intimidation and manipulation to instill fear. Kaviyan is forced to engage in actions that leave him feeling violated, helpless, and emotionally shattered. One particular incident involves a milky substance, which traumatizes Kaviyan deeply due to its association with the abuse. From that point on, anything with a similar color or taste reminds him of the unspeakable acts committed against him.

Kaviyan carries the weight of his trauma alone, haunted by the memories of the abuse. Fearful of his parents' toxic reactions and judgment, he remains silent, suppressing his pain deep within. The abuse continues, intensifying his feelings of shame, guilt, and self-blame. Kaviyan becomes withdrawn, his vibrant spirit dimming as he battles the emotional uncertainity inflicted upon him. His fear of milky objects grows, as they trigger vivid flashbacks and a deep sense of unease.

One day, the abuse crosses a painful threshold. The bus driver's demands become violent, and Kaviyan is physically assaulted when he attempts to resist. Bruised and broken, he returns home, tears streaming down his face.

When Kaviyan's parents finally learn about the abuse he has endured, their toxic nature reveals itself in a shocking way. Rather than offering support and protection, they blame Kaviyan, unable to face the reality of their own failure as parents. They dismiss his trauma, accusing him of fabricating the story for attention. In a heartbreaking turn of events, they decide to transfer Kaviyan to another school district, hoping to bury the disturbing truth and avoid any accountability.

Kaviyan enters his new school district burdened by the weight of betrayal and abandonment. The transition is difficult as he fights with feelings of isolation and the loss of familiar surroundings. He struggles to trust others, fearing that they too will disregard his pain. The trauma associated with milky objects continues to haunt him, reminding him of the abuse and further isolating him from his peers.

At the age of 13, Kaviyan finds a new friend, Rohan, at his new school. They quickly become best friends, sharing laughter and creating a bond of trust. One day, Kaviyan opens up to Rohan about the abuses he has endured. Overwhelmed by the weight of the secret, Rohan makes a regrettable decision and tells the entire class, betraying Kaviyan's trust.

As the news spreads throughout the class, Kaviyan becomes the target of bullying. His peers, driven by ignorance and cruelty, taunt him relentlessly, magnifying his pain and trauma. The once vibrant and energetic boy now withdraws into himself, burdened by the overwhelming shame and humiliation.

The betrayal intensifies Kaviyan's trauma, creating a deep-seated fear of sharing his experiences with others. He becomes guarded and develops a profound distrust towards anyone who attempts to get close to him. The scars of betrayal etch themselves into his psyche, isolating him further and preventing him from seeking support.

As Kaviyan's parents begin to learn about the abuse and the subsequent bullying, their perspective undergoes a gradual shift. Realizing the gravity of their son's suffering, they decide to transfer him to a new school, hoping for a fresh start and a chance to protect him from further harm.

At the age of 16, Kaviyan finds a new best friend, Arjun, at his new school. Arjun seems empathetic and understanding, and Kaviyan feels a deep connection with him. Overwhelmed by his trust in Arjun, Kaviyan opens up about his painful past, sharing the abuse he endured.

However, as time goes on, Arjun's behavior changes abruptly. He starts giving Kaviyan the silent treatment, distancing himself without explanation. Kaviyan's vulnerability is met with rejection and abandonment, causing his trauma to resurface even more intensely. The once-promising friendship becomes a source of deep pain and confusion for Kaviyan

The silent treatment from Arjun triggers profound feelings of abandonment and rejection within Kaviyan. His sense of self-worth plummets, and he becomes consumed by a constant fear of being hurt and rejected again. The trauma grows larger as Kaviyan's trust in others shatters, leaving him emotionally scarred and isolated.

After the series of painful experiences and betrayals, Kaviyan's traumatic journey gets an end when he joins college at the age of 19. It is there that he meets a girl named Riya, who becomes his closest confidant. Riya creates a safe and nurturing space for Kaviyan to open up about his past, and their bond grows stronger each day.

However, a misunderstanding leads to a heated argument between Kaviyan and Riya. Hurt by the conflict, Riya momentarily distances herself, giving Kaviyan a taste of the silent treatment he has grown all too familiar with. In the midst of his despair, Kaviyan realizes the toxicity of the situation and confronts Riya about the emotional abuse she inadvertently inflicted upon him.

but nothing changed and his body melted down as he cried for god's help.


At the age of 19, Kaviyan found himself captured in the suffocating grip of depression. The weight of his past experiences, coupled with the heartbreak of losing Riya, the woman who had provided him solace, bore down on his soul with an unrelenting force. It was as if he was drifting aimlessly in a sea of darkness, desperately searching for a glimmer of hope to guide him to shore.

Amidst this emotional uncertainity, Kaviyan's father fell gravely ill, further complicating his already noisy world. Their relationship had always been strained, fraught with toxicity and resentment. However, Kaviyan couldn't deny the sense of responsibility that tugged at his heartstrings. Despite the bitterness that lingered between them, he knew he had to care for his father in his time of need.

The weight of this duty weighed heavily upon Kaviyan's shoulders. It was a constant reminder of the intricate web of emotions entangling his existence. As he tended to his father's needs, he grappled with his own inner demons, battling the scars of his past while putting on a façade of strength and compassion.

Nights were the most difficult for Kaviyan. Sleep eluded him, and his mind became a breeding ground for the haunting memories of his traumas. In the depths of his despair, he longed for respite from the torment that plagued him day and night.

One fateful night, while restlessly roaming the corridors of his home, Kaviyan's eyes fell upon a small, unassuming bottle on the kitchen counter. It contained a collection of pills, prescribed to alleviate his father's pain and discomfort. In a moment of desperation, Kaviyan's hand reached out, his fingers instinctively clasping onto the bottle.

Without a second thought, he twisted open the cap and swallowed one of the pills, hoping for a fleeting moment of relief from the relentless meantal pain that consumed him. As the pill made its way through his system, a wave of unexpected sensations washed over Kaviyan. It was as if he had been transported to another realm, soaring high above the world, weightless and free.

In this spiritual state, Kaviyan's imagination ran wild. He envisioned a vivid scene of justice unfolding before his eyes, where his abusers were held accountable for the pain they had inflicted upon him. The euphoria enveloped him, wrapping him in a temporary relief from the depths of his depression. It was a taste of liberation, a quick escape from the shadows that haunted his every waking moment.

With each passing day, the attractiveness of the pills grew stronger, it gave the promise of escaping his own reality. Kaviyan found himself seeking solace in the tiny capsules, turning to them for temporary relief from the relentless agony that gnawed at his soul. He became entangled in the web of addiction, as the pills offered him an illusory escape from the pain that relentlessly annoyed him.

Simultaneously, Kaviyan's father's health continued to deteriorate. The man who had been the source of so much pain in his life was now on the edge of death. Despite their painful history, Kaviyan couldn't help but feel a moral obligation to care for his father during his final days.

He attended to his father's needs with unwavering efforts, hiding his own indifference beneath a carefully crafted facade of love and concern. However, beneath the surface, the toxicity of their relationship still simmered within Kaviyan's wounded heart, adding yet another layer of complexity to his already burdened soul.

The day arrived when Kaviyan's father died to his illness, leaving Kaviyan with a mixture of conflicting emotions. He outwardly displayed the expected signs of grief, performing the role that society had assigned to him. But deep down, his heart struggled to find genuine sorrow.

Guilt gnawed at him relentlessly, as he realized that his own indifference had prevented him from forging a meaningful connection with his father. He questioned whether he could have done more, whether he could have given the compassion and forgiveness necessary to bridge the gap that separated them.

Alone in his grief, Kaviyan found himself standing before the remainings of his father's medication. The eight remaining pills in the bottle beckoned to him, their presence a haunting reminder of the relief they had once provided. In a moment of desperate longing for release, Kaviyan made the fateful decision to consume all the remaining pills in one reckless act.

As the pills coursed through his veins, their potency unleashed a torrent of consequences that were immediate and dire. Kaviyan's body gave up to the overwhelming overdose, and his consciousness slipped away, plunging him into a deep and treacherous sleep from which he would never awaken.

Days passed, and Kaviyan's existence unsteadily on the edge of oblivion. But against all odds, the fragile thread connecting him to life refused to sever completely. In the quiet corners of a sterile hospital room, his eyelids fluttered open, revealing eyes clouded with confusion and regret.

A doctor and nurse stood beside his bed, their faces a mix of relief and concern. The doctor explained that Kaviyan had been found unconscious, and the swift actions of the medical team had saved his life. Outside the room, police officers stood vigilantly, waiting to question Kaviyan about the circumstances leading up to his overdose.

More darker

In the aftermath of the hospital incident, Kaviyan found himself at a critical crossroads. The consequences of his actions weighed heavily upon him as he woke up in a sterile hospital room, surrounded by concerned medical professionals and law enforcement officers. The gravity of the situation began to sink in, and Kaviyan realized that he had reached a point of no return.

The police investigation revealed the extent of Kaviyan's involvement in drug use . He was faced with legal ramifications and was compelled to undergo therapy and rehabilitation as part of his healing journey. The road to recovery would be hard to climb, requiring immense strength and determination.

As Kaviyan embarked on his journey of healing, he found himself confronting the harsh reality of his addiction. Withdrawal symptoms gripped him with an iron fist, tormenting him both physically and emotionally. He experienced crippling cravings, sleepless nights, and a profound sense of emptiness without the drugs that had once provided a temporary escape from his pain.

In therapy, Kaviyan excavated deep into the root causes of his addiction. Together with his counselors, he explored the traumas and unresolved emotional wounds that had led him down this destructive path. The healing process was painful and challenging, as he had to confront his past head-on, unraveling the tangled threads of his pain and seeking healthier ways to cope.

Despite the progress he made in therapy, Kaviyan struggled to resist the acttraction of drugs. The grip of addiction proved formidable, tempting him with a false sense of relief and escape. Cunningly, he falsed his progress, cleverly concealing his cravings and desires. In secret, he devised a plan to obtain drugs from his classmates turned dealers.

One fateful day, Kaviyan found himself without the means to acquire the drugs he so desperately craved. As his classmates denied him, he submitted himself to desperation and resorted to stealing drugs from them. The betrayal of trust ignited a fierce confrontation, escalating into a violent fight. In the chaos, Kaviyan suffered severe injuries, leaving him blind and broken.

The consequences of his actions were immediate and profound. The police swiftly intervened, apprehending everyone involved and ensuring justice was served. Kaviyan, now physically and emotionally shattered, found himself once again confined to a hospital bed, facing the consequences of his choices.

In the hospital room, Kaviyan's senses became heightened as he adjusted to his new reality without sight. The beeping of machines, the hushed whispers of nurses, and the sterile scent of antiseptic filled his perception. He longed to see the concerned faces of his caretakers, to witness the expressions of empathy and support that he hoped were directed toward him.

Maya, the young nurse who had shown him unwavering kindness, became his guiding light in the darkness. Her soothing voice and gentle touch offered him comfort in the midst of his pain. She patiently explained the extent of his injuries and the journey that lay ahead. Maya's unwavering belief in his ability to overcome the challenges that lay before him sparked a glimmer of hope within Kaviyan.

As the days turned into weeks, Kaviyan's physical wounds began to heal. His body grew stronger, aided by the diligent care of the medical staff. Physical therapists worked with him tirelessly, guiding him through exercises to improve his mobility and adapt to a world without sight. With each small victory, Kaviyan felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination.

But the wounds that ran deepest were not the ones visible on the surface. The emotional scars from his past traumas and addiction remained raw and exposed. Recognizing the importance of holistic healing, Kaviyan engaged in intensive therapy sessions. He embarked on a journey of self-discovery, peeling back the layers of his pain and confronting the underlying roots of his addiction.

With the support of his therapists, Kaviyan explored various therapeutic facts, from cognitive-behavioral therapy to group counseling. He immersed himself in expressive arts therapy, finding solace in painting, writing, and music. Through these creative outlets, he unearthed buried emotions and discovered a newfound ability to express his innermost thoughts and feelings.

Alongside therapy, Kaviyan also attended support groups specifically tailored for individuals recovering from addiction. In these safe spaces, he encountered others who had walked similar paths, sharing their stories of resilience, relapse, and recovery. Through the collective strength of the group, Kaviyan felt a sense of acceptance, knowing he was not alone in his struggles.

But even with the progress he made in therapy, Kaviyan's journey was not without setbacks. The allure of drugs continued to tempt him, a lingering voice in the depths of his mind. His addiction whispered promises of temporary relief and escape, urging him to seek solace in familiar vices. The cravings were powerful, threatening to derail his progress and plunge him back into the depths of despair.

One day, while attending a support group session, Kaviyan shared his struggles with his newfound friends. Their unwavering support and encouragement ignited a newfound strength within him. Determined to overcome the pull of his addiction, he confided in his therapists and support network, developing a comprehensive relapse prevention plan. Together, they helped him build healthy coping mechanisms and strategies to resist the allure of drugs.

Over time, Kaviyan's dedication to his recovery and unwavering resilience began to yield results. However, it was not easy for him to forget everything. Memories flooded back like pouring water into a deep well, resurfacing when someone offered him a cup of milk, forcing him to relive the taste and smell, even though he could no longer see its white color. The trauma remained ingrained within him, creating another barrier between him and others. Now that he was blind, he believed that nobody would want a blind friend filled only with traumas and lacking joyful moments to share.

He worried about the future, wondering what he would do when he eventually ran out of money to attend those comforting therapies and gatherings. The uncertainty weighed heavily on his mind.

Yet, he knew that anything could change at any moment because life is unpredictable.

Am i blind?

Once upon a time in a quiet town, nestled amidst rolling hills and vibrant landscapes, there lived a young blind man named Kaviyan. At the age of 25, he possessed a remarkable spirit and resilience that radiated from within. His days were filled with warmth and laughter, as he shared a deep and loving connection with his wife, Sheela, who was 27 years old.

Their relationship was a testament to the power of unconditional love. Kaviyan and Sheela cared for each other deeply, supporting one another through the trials and tribulations of life. They took pleasure in the simple joys, savoring the sounds of nature, the touch of each other's hands, and the sweet melodies of their shared laughter.

However, beneath Kaviyan's radiant smile lay a hidden pain. He carried within him the scars of past traumas, etched into the deepest recesses of his soul. The weight of these experiences cast a shadow over his heart, filling him with fear and doubt. Though he longed to confide in Sheela, the fear of rejection and the dread of reliving the horrors of his past held him back.

One fateful day, the burdens that Kaviyan carried began to strain the threads of their relationship. In the midst of an ordinary evening, a seed of suspicion sprouted within Sheela's heart. Lingering doubts and the whispers of insecurity crept into her mind, fueling accusations of cheating against her beloved husband.

The words flew like arrows, piercing the air with their sharpness. Hurt and confusion filled the room, igniting a tempestuous storm between Kaviyan and Sheela. Their voices clashed and emotions flared, as they struggled to navigate the turbulence threatening to tear them apart.

Overwhelmed by the intensity of the argument, Kaviyan found himself unable to withstand the emotional onslaught. In a moment of desperation, he turned away and stormed out of their home, seeking solace in the refuge of solitude.

Sheela, her heart heavy with regret, pursued Kaviyan, determined to understand the truth that lay hidden beneath their pain. She confronted him with tear-filled eyes, her voice quivering with a mixture of sadness and longing. She demanded answers, yearning to know where Kaviyan disappeared to every day, leaving her alone in a sea of uncertainty.

In a vulnerable moment, Kaviyan found the courage to reveal the depths of his secret. He gently guided Sheela to a secret place near the street, a spot where he sought solace amidst the chaos of his emotions. There, shrouded in silence, he unveiled a small cement statue of a monkey, its tail broken—a symbol of imperfection and resilience.

Touched by the significance of the broken statue, Kaviyan's voice trembled as he shared the story behind his unique connection. In a flashback that unfolded like delicate petals, he recounted a day when he had found himself lost in the depths of his past trauma. Lost in his thoughts, hhe carelessly stepped upon the statue, shattering its tail.

Overwhelmed by remorse, Kaviyan fell to his knees, tears mingling with his apologies as he begged forgiveness from the inanimate figure. In the days that followed, he returned to the statue, pouring his heart out to it, unburdening his soul of the unspeakable horrors that had haunted him. The statue stood silent and steadfast, offering comfort and understanding without judgment. In its steadfastness, Kaviyan found solace and a semblance of healing.

As he revealed the depths of his vulnerability and love for the statue, Kaviyan's voice wavered with a fragile hope. But instead of understanding, Sheela's eyes filled with tears of confusion and concern. Sheela could not fathom the depth of Kaviyan's bond with an inanimate object, and the weight of her worries gave birth to a misunderstanding that sent tremors through their fragile connection.

Blinded by fear and uncertainty, Sheela questioned Kaviyan's sanity, unable to reconcile the love he professed for the statue with the reality of their relationship. The foundations of trust and understanding, which they had painstakingly built, now trembled beneath the weight of misinterpretation.

With a heavy heart, Sheela made the excruciating decision to leave their shared home, her mind clouded by the belief that Kaviyan had succumbed to madness. Her departure left a void within Kaviyan, a deep gap that echoed with his longing for reconciliation and understanding.

In the days that followed, Kaviyan found himself adrift in a sea of darkness and despair. The absence of Sheela's presence weighed upon him like an anchor, pulling him deeper into the depths of depression. The world around him lost its color, and the once-familiar sounds became distant echoes that failed to penetrate the depths of his sorrow.

Within the depths of Kaviyan's sorrow, the world seemed to mirror his internal anguish. As he embarked on his solitary visits to the broken statue, he found solace in the familiar sounds of the town. The soft rustling of leaves, the distant chirping of birds, and the gentle hum of life filled the air around him, providing a symphony of bittersweet melodies that both comforted and haunted him.

Each day, Kaviyan traced his fingers along the rough contours of the statue, memorizing every crack and crevice. He imagined the monkey's playful expression, its eyes filled with wisdom and resilience. The touch of the broken tail evoked a sense of fragility, a reminder of the imperfections that lay within every being.

As he stood there in the solitude of his secret place, Kaviyan poured out his heart to the statue. With a voice filled with raw emotion, he shared the depths of his pain and the haunting memories that had haunted him for years. He spoke of the darkness that once enveloped his world, the fear that gripped his soul, and the loneliness that consumed his being.

In the quiet moments that followed, Kaviyan imagined the statue listening attentively, its presence a balm to his wounded spirit. In the silence, he found solace, allowing his words to echo into the void, believing that somehow, the statue understood the depths of his despair.

But the world outside continued to turn, unaware of Kaviyan's silent battles. The townsfolk, consumed by their own lives and preoccupations, carried on with their daily routines, their eyes blinded to the pain etched upon Kaviyan's face. He became a shadow amidst the vibrant tapestry of life, an invisible presence adrift in a sea of bustling activity.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, but Kaviyan's love for the broken statue remained unwavering. Each visit became a ritual of introspection and catharsis, a sacred moment of connection with the only companion who seemed to truly understand his pain.