
Echoes of Light: Triumph over darkness

This tale follows a boy who gained valuable lessons from his errors. Despite facing numerous setbacks and doubts about his abilities, he always made decisions based on his moral compass. This mindset instilled in him a strong sense of self-assurance and unparalleled strength, all thanks to his unique perspective. Disclaimer:-This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locals, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental

Slayer_21 · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

First Brawl

i, Ronit and Anjali sat in the car and left for school. Ronit and Anjali were talking about the exam, but my mind was stuck on Old man whom I had meet. I don't know why, but I felt like I had heard his voice somewhere, but I couldn't remember where. I felt as if Ronit was shaking me.

Ronit - You bastard, I have been calling you for so long, I am sitting next to you, still you haven't heard me. Where are you lost??

Anjali- Yes Vicky. I also see that you have been thinking about something ever since we left the house.

Me- Oh nothing man, I was thinking about the paper.

Ronit- What did you say, you were thinking about the paper!!!! You bastard, your entire syllabus was completed right from the beginning of the session, you stay same every year, because of you, my father pushes me every day to look at Vicky, become like him. And you.

Me- Stop it my father!!. I made a mistake in thinking about the paper. Now even while writing the paper, I will write it without thinking. Just don't get angry.

Due to me speaking like this, both of us forgot the topic and all three of us started chatting. Although I never hid anything from either of them, I did not feel right to tell this. Now what can I say, I myself did not know anything. We didn't even realize when we reached school while exchanging light banter.

Driver- young master Vicky , we have come to school.

Our attention went outside due to driver uncle's words.

We were inside the school premises. Since it was our board exam, there was no assembly. We will give the paper directly. Ronit and I had the same section, Anjali was in another class. We wished her all the best and went towards our class. While walking, I looked at Ronit and I burst out laughing. His face looked as if he was about to have a heart attack.

Ronit: Brother, here I am fucked up and you are laughing.

But my laughter increased further.

Ronit- If you laugh anymore, I will break your teeth,

I controlled my laughter with great difficulty

Me- Okay , sorry. And don't worry, your paper will go well.

Ronit- I wish it was like this..

Our class also came while talking like this.

Ronit and i went and sat on our respective seats…

The exam is about to start with the ring of the bell and all of us students start getting ready. I once looked at Ronit who was remembering God with his eyes closed and his hands folded. I burst out laughing again. But then I remembered where I was sitting. I shook my head and started solving the paper.

You all know that I enjoyed reading, but it was not like that from the beginning. I used to remember everything taught in school but I did not do revision due to which, only average results were obtained. But once my mother scolded me and I started revising and the result was such that whatever I did, I practiced hard in it, and in this way champion.

Here in the examination hall, after 3 whole hours of cramming, our examination was finally over. I had completed my paper at 1.30 but I remained sitting. The final bell rang and there was a loud hooting from all sides. All these students who were making noise. Now you must know how it feels when the 10th final exam is over. I was also very happy. But when Ronit came out of the class, he was also very happy.

As soon as I came out, the guy jumped on me.

Me: fuck off, I am not into man.

Ronit- Keep quiet. And thank you man, the equations you told came. I was worried that I don't know what will happen but now I will be passed easily. Yahoouuuu...

The bastard shouted so loudly that everyone started looking at us. But to hell with them, nobody cares about them. Ronit and I again had fun and came out towards the cafeteria where Anjali was standing with some girls. She Look at us, say goodbye to them, Anjali has come to us.

Anjali: Why crybaby looks very happy.

Ronit- Whatever I have to say today is great day, today everything is forgiven, today I am very happy.

Anjali- Hmm..means he will pass.

Ronit- Absolutely. No matter how hard the checking is, this lord will pass.

Me- Wow, now you have become a true comedian. Come on then brother, give each of us a cold drink in this happiness.

Ronit- Only one, finish 10 cold drinks, you will pay the entire bill...

Anjali- ewww. what language are you talking in. I don't want to party with you people.

Ronit- What's that? Then you can take your leave.

Anjali- What did you say?

Me- Oh nothing my mother. Come on, let's go to the canteen.

Then all three of us moved towards the canteen.

Anjali- Man, this canteen is full.

Me- Anjali, Ronit, you both arrange seats, I will bring cold drinks.

Ronit- Come on Captain...

Anjali- Stop the drama and let's look for a seat.

Ronit- Yes, you just look, I will sit.

I also stopped watching their drama and hurriedly went to get cold drinks. There were a lot of them so it took me some time to get cold drinks. When I came back I saw that the cafeteria was empty. I felt a little shocked. When I looked around, I saw that all the students were standing surrounded at one place. I also started walking there. When I asked further while making space from the side, I was shocked to see the sight that came before me. My jaws clenched, eyes red.

Anjali was sitting there, she was also wet from the head and Ronit was lying down, his lips were chapped and a little blood was coming out. Anjali was sitting near him and crying. There were 5 boys standing behind them who were laughing and one was standing in front of all who was rotating the key in his fingers.

1 Boy- Now tell me, what were you saying? f****** yes…aaaaahhhhhhh and the boy fell down due to dizziness. His head was broken.

My patience had run out, before he could say anything further, my hand moved and the cold drink bottle hit him on his head and he was on the ground.There was a broken cold drink bottle in my hand. All the students standing there got scared. When Anjali saw me, she came and hugged me and started crying.

The five friends of that boy who were standing were also a little scared, but then one of them said,

Boy 2- Have you gone mad? I will beat you...

Chataakkhhh. One slap and the guy is on the ground, and unconscious. Of the remaining 3, I realized that I had hit one with a bottle and grabbed the neck of two others and lifted them up. Both Ronit and Anjali were shocked to see my strength. Well, everyone standing there was surprised. Ronit, who was sitting silently till now, was filled with enthusiasm...

Ronit- Beat that bastard V.J. fuck everyone.

The one whom I kicked went straight and hit a wall. His ribs cracked. Now he was not in a position to get up. The two whom I had picked up were also having problems in breathing. I threw both of them on the table, their condition got worse. Still I picked one up and slapped him. This was a slap of much less force than my power, if I had hit him harder he would have been dead.

Me: How dare you raise your hand on my friends. Yes son of a bitch, you will not go home today. Tell me why you beat my friend.

Ronit- I will tell. When we came here to look for a table, these people saw Anjali and made dirty comments on her. My mind went blank so i gave a slap under one's ear. But there were more of them, these guys caught hold of me and beat me.

Me- Anjali, why are you wet!!

Anjali- One of them slapped Ronit, when I went to hit him, he held my hand and poured water on me.

My mind wandered further.

Me- Why will you pour water on the girl? you bastard, today I will drown you. That boy was broken just like that. When I shook him, he got more scared.

Boy 3- Brother, I did not pour water.

Me-did this bastard lie.

Anjali- No Vicky, it was not him, nor any of them. Don't know where he went.

"I am here.."

Hearing the sound, we turned and saw a boy staring at us with his hand on his waist. There were some 7-8 other boys with him. That means he was their leader. The guy's personality was almost similar to mine, only he was a little taller than me in height.

Leader: When I go out to attend a call, a scene happened here.

Seeing the boy whom I was holding, he felt excited.

Boy 3- Yes brother, this guy is very arrogant...he has beaten all of us.

I picked up that boy and threw him towards leader. He went flying and fell on their leader's feet.

When their leader made some gesture, all the people following him pounced on me. But in just one minute all of them were on ground. Ronit and Anjali were seeing this form of mine for the first time. For them, it was as if they were looking at someone else. Same was the condition of other students also. Now my image in school was that of a simple boy, so it was a shock, wasn't it?

Their leader was also a little surprised but then a smile appeared on his face. He came walking and stood in front of me. Both of us were staring at each other. Suddenly he pushed me. He did this very fast. Apart from me, no one else could even see his hand. My body also moved back a little after carrying the load but did not fall. He was a little more shocked after seeing me not falling. I too was surprised because it was not easy to push me back. But due to this action of his, I started losing my mind. I went near him and with my high speed I pushed him he also lagged behind. We both were staring at each other. I clenched my fist and swung it with full force. This time he also did the same. Our fists collided. The onlookers did not notice it, but as soon as the punches collided, I felt a current running inside me. I squealed and fell away. My hand was hurting a lot, when I looked in front, that leader was also in the same condition. but by now I had recovered my composure. Whatever had happened till now, everyone standing there had seen it and everyone stood still. Both my friends too. For them I had become someone else instead of me. While I was still beating all those boys, a visible ball of fire started appearing on the hand of someone standing there, who threw it towards me. This feat was done by none other than their leader. That ball of fire quickly came towards me but as soon as it reached me, its effect ended. That leader has become more surprised again and again. Here I had also looked at everyone. Someone's hand was broken, someone's leg, someone was lying upside down. I looked around and saw their leader standing at a distance. I was about to go to him when a man came. This was the same invigilator who was in our class during our paper today.

Sir- What is happening here? Who broke this cafeteria? And who put the boys in this condition?

Everyone pointed towards me.

Sir- Do you consider yourself some thug? You come to school to commit hooliganism!

Ronit- One minute sir. How can you say anything without knowing the real thing. And you people,

Sir- I am not talking to you. Firstly, you have vandalized it here and on top of that you are arguing.

Anjali also got angry now. Both of them were like this. If someone said me something bad he would not get away with it.

Anjali- What are you speaking sir? And tell me one more thing, are you the teacher of our school? What do you have to do with this cafeteria. And you are telling about it without knowing anything.

Then Anjali told everything what is done. By now our principal sir has also come. He was there, and had also heard all the things. Principal Sir loved me very much. Why not, I have won so many trophies for the school...

Principal- invigilatore the name of the person you are calling a thug is Vijay raj Singh..remember something....!!!!

Principal- Yes, you understand right. He is the most brilliant student in the history of our school. Whose example the principal of your school also gives to your students. The one whom you are asking me to introduce is the same...

Examiner- Sorry sir, I misunderstood the whole situation. Vijay, I am truly sorry for my behaviour.

Me- No sir. Please don't say that. It doesn't matter whether you teach in our school or not. A teacher is a teacher, no matter what his level. Whether it is our fault or not, you have the right to scold us. Anjali, this is not the way to talk to a teacher. Say sorry.

Anjali- I am really sorry sir. I shouldn't have talked to you like that...

Examiner- No, no, it's okay. Anyway, whatever they did to you, they should have been punished.

Principal: Yes but this story was not correct. Vijay, this was not expected from you. You could have come and complained to me.

Vijay- Sorry sir. But what could I do, the situation here had become like this. Water was poured on Anjali, Ronit was slapped, I couldn't control myself.

Principal- I can understand Vijay. But always remember one thing, anger is a direct path to self-destruction. Any decision should be taken with a cool mind.

That leader was still standing there and silently listening to everything, but his eyes were fixed on me which had strange expressions on them.

Principal- Hey just a minute, all these students are not from the school. What are they doing here? Security call the police immediately.

" There is no need for that sir.."

This was the voice of the same leader who was walking towards us.

Ronit- Sir, this is their leader. He started everything.

Principal- Who are you? Who let you inside the school? And you come to our school and fight with our students.

Leader: Sir... I had heard a lot about the greenery of your school, so I came. And don't wonder how i came, because no one can stop Digvijay Singh.

I got very angry but remained silent because of my head.

Principal: In what tone are you talking? Where are your manners? Now I have to call the police.

Digvijay- There will be no benefit from that sir. You don't know my dad. Balbir Singh. You must have heard the name. He is the MP (politician) here. The police can't do any harm to us. Come on, I am leaving now. If you want, tell the police my and my dad's name. Let's see what happens. Then he turned towards me,

So Vikram, yes, you survived today, but this is not our last meeting. We will meet again. Just wait.

Me- i Will wait.

I Couldn't say much because of my sir.

He left...

Principal- Vijay. If possible, do not share this incident with your father otherwise he will take action. This will bring bad name to our school.

Me- Don't worry sir, I won't say anything to father.

Examiner- I must say Vijay, you have a golden heart. Just never lose your simplicity. This is what makes you different from the rest.

MAI- Sure sir, I will keep it in mind.

Principal- Okay friends, we have to go. You guys have studied throughout the year, now enjoy your holidays.

All three of us together - we will do it sir.

Then all three of us went outside, but Ronit was still upset.

Me- What happened to you now?

Ronit- Keep quiet. What was the need to say that uncle would not be told? That bastard Digvijay is very proud of his father, once uncle comes to know then his post will no longer be there.

Me- Oye, at least speak politely about his dad. He is elder to us and also holds a certain position. And as for not telling dad, he doesn't do it anyway. Leave it friend, do you want to escalate things. Now improve your mood. Let me give you both a good news.

Ronit- I don't want to hear your any news.

Me- Okay Anjali, you listen. Dad was saying that we should finalize a place to go during holidays.

Anjali- True.

Ronit- What have you said brother?

Me- you had no interest, right?

Ronit- Hey brother, you know how jokey I am.

Me: No, I just know what a big ass you are.

By now we had come outside where our car was parked

Ronit- Wait, let me tell you.

I ran and sat in the car and both of them followed me. Then, while having fun and planning where to go during the holidays, we set out for home. Now little did I know that mom and dad have kept some more surprise ready for me which will change my life...

On the other side...MONSLICKEL Planet

Asmodeus- Beelzebub...

There was a smoke and a devil stood before ASMODEUS with his head bowed. (BEELZEBUB, the most dangerous devil of ASMODEUS. He has the power of all kinds of black magic inside him. And along with this, his speed is also more than the speed of light. Most of his spells are deadly...)

Beelzebub- Hail the devil king.

ASMODEUS- I'm going to cross world to meditate for a while. Everything will be on your orders until I return.

Beelzebub- You considered me worthy of this, that's enough for me.

ASMODEUS disappeared after ordering BEELZEBUB.

On the other hand... world of warriors...

Lord Crusader was sitting on his throne. Now this Planet had only one king and he was Lord Crusader. At this time Lord Crusader was talking to his commander when suddenly a world door opened in the middle of his court and someone came out, seeing whom everyone was shocked...

Lord Crusader- YOUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To be continued...