
Dystopia: Reborn in the World without Peace

Kiera, A CEO of a world renowned Fashion and Cosmetics Company, Utopia. The word Glamorous defines her. Spoiled by her dad, she never gone through tough times which made her evil in the eyes of people. Until her birthday when she met an old man begging her for food but she refused and revolted which made the old man furious. With that he cursed her. "Go forth to the World of Dystopia. You shall not return to this world until Dystopia is at peace." She didn't listen. She thought he was crazy. She went home and fell asleep. The time she woke up, she found herself in an unfamiliar place. She looked around. Where the hell is she? And then she remembered. "Dystopia."

UMI · Kỳ huyễn
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23 Chs

"Mermaids' Melody"

Levin's team made it back to Old Tanju's ship immediately. Lily and Kiko ran to Levin and informed them about sirens.

"What about Hazeki?" Levin asked.

"They didn't saw the signal." Lily said.

"What?!" Levin asked furiously and told Old Tanju to navigate the ship.

"We can't afford to lose our team, let's go!" Levin ordered but as the ship moves, bunch of seaweeds prevents them from moving and mermaids came rushing in.


"They're everywhere..." Koko said nervously.

"How can we escape?" Kiera asked.

Hazeki keep on paddling and ignored the sirens but their way was blocked.

They all gasped as a siren appeared in front of them. The Siren stares at them and started singing, but Hazeki and the others don't seem to be hypnotize by her voice and saw Kiera's earrings glowing that it could be the reason why they are immune to the voices of sirens, so she swam away along with the other mermaids. Hazeki and the others breathe heavily and they continued to paddle.

"Why did they leave?" Koko asked.

"I don't know..." Kiera answered.

As they paddle back to the ship, a huge wave came for them and flips their boat but thankfully Hazeki and Koko manage to put it back. Kiera was flown by the waves and a gorgeous looking siren appeared in front of her along with three sirens. Kiera was scared but she saw the Jade on the Siren's necklace. She then stopped moving and the Siren spoke to her.

"I won't hurt you dear. I am the Queen of Jade Lake.." The Queen Siren said as she lifts Kiera up and touches her earrings.

"I think I know you dear. The powers you hold are different and I feel that we are the same." The Queen said.

"I know you are looking for this Jade." The Queen said but Kiera remained speechless.

"My daughter will help you light up the island but on one condition, don't hurt my people." The Queen said and called her daughter.

"Maria, show her the stack." As Maria moves closer to Kiera, Koko shot her gun at Maria and killed her.

Kiera was shocked and look back at where the attack came from and it was Koko who shot Maria.

"KOKO NO!!" Kiera shouted but the Queen's heart shattered seeing her daughter died in front of her and it made her furious to shove Kiera with huge waves.

The mermaid then started attacking them, even Old Tanju's ship were attacked.


"General!" Kiko threw kunai to the siren that is close to attack Levin.

"This is not good. We're being attack." Kijima said and pulls Levin beside her to gain her power.

They stand in their positions back to back to protect each other from sirens. The sirens started attacking like a flying fish above the ship, reaching the Ringleaders. Levin and the others used their own weapons to kill as much sirens as they can. Kijima on the other hand casts a spell to protect them from hypnotizing voices.


"Kiera! Kiera!" Hazeki wakes Kiera up while they are on the sea stacks.

"What is going on?!" Kiera asked.

"Are you okay Kiera? I'm covering us, that's a lot of mermaid." Koko said while shooting the incoming sirens.

"Koko..." Kiera cried. "You shouldn't have shot her..." Kiera said.

"What? She's going to kill you." Koko said.

"No....she was offering to help me, but on one condition." Kiera answered.

"What condition?" Hazeki asked.

"The Queen said not to hurt her people, and the one you shot Koko, was her daughter." Kiera explained and made Koko stunned.

The Siren Queen rushes through the sea creating huge waves and keeps on finding the culprit of her daughter's death...

"My Maria...My Daughter...How could you?!!" The Queen said furiously.

Hazeki realized there is no turning back now but to fight the sirens.

"Snap out of it! We can't turn back the time, they're our enemies now. You have to fight!" Hazeki said.

Koko and Kiera had no choice but to fight the sirens to survive.


On the other team, the sirens are mostly killed but Toshi's Pirate ship appeared.

"He's here again.." Levin said.

Kijima shakes out of nervousness but Levin held her hand to make her strong. Old Tanju starts cutting the seaweeds to help his ship move. Lily, Kiko and Moga on the other hand fights the pirates. Toshi walked up to meet Levin and Kijima but Levin hid Kijima behind him.

"Eyyyy General...I'm baaaaack..." Toshi laughs.

"What do you want?" Levin asked in a mean tone.

"I just want to take my girl back." Toshi said.

Levin held Kijima's hand.

"Ohhh, being protective.." Toshi noticed how Levin protects Kijima.

"Stop it already, she is not your girl." Levin said.

"Do you even know that this girl is a vaewitch?" Toshi said and Levin's eyes widen.

"That's right! She's one of them...one of the vampire-witch that destroys villages on different places." Toshi proudly said.

"Liar!" Kijima shouts.

"So?" Levin bluntly asked that made Toshi and Kijima shocked.

Toshi got mad and unsheathe his sword to attack Levin but Kijima blocked him.

"Stop it Toshi! I've had enough of you! You monster!" Kijima shouts at Toshi.

"Kijima..." Toshi was shocked at how furious Kijima is.

"You've..." Kijima cried in anger. "You've taken advantage of me...I don't know you anymore..." Kijima said and attacks Toshi by using her vampire strength.

Kijima pushed Toshi to the sea with her grasping his neck. When they fell at the sea, Toshi was just looking at Kijima's angry eyes thinking about what he did to her. Kijima then let go of Toshi once they got deeper and Levin followed her and helped her to get up.

"I'm...sorry about what happened to you..." Levin apologized on what he heard.

"It's fine.." Kijima said while drenched.

"General! The ship is ready to go!" Lily said as Old Tanju starts to navigate the ship.

A few minutes pass...The Ringleaders reunite with each other but what they saw on Hazeki's boat was traumatizing.

"Koko?" Kiko whispered.