
DxD : The Second Coming of Lust

A Man who was bored with his life decides to screw fate, he suddenly jumps in front of a truck to test his luck! This story is wish fulfillment of mine when I was young. I hope you enjoy it the same way I enjoyed it. First Parts will be Super Rushed and Looked forced as this was written months Ago, Its too tiring to edit, so if you don’t want a cardboard harem this is not for you. Though later in the chapters everything has been paced slightly okay compared to the first ones. MC image is the cover and if you’re the Artist please tell me and I will take it down Only small plot, will only focus on his life! This novel will introduce elements from The Second coming of Gluttony! as for their characters who knows! if you want then you can comment! Hello Authors name is Park Seol. I was inspired writing because Korean novels are getting translated! so before I start my original I want to train my english proficiency with fanfics first! Hope you like it!

QueenScathach · Tranh châm biếm
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71 Chs


"Ouch!" Ravel woke up in the infirmary as she remembered she got knocked out before she could cast a spell.

"Ravel-sama you're fine" A maid entered and tended to Ravel

"What happened?" Ravel asked

"Everyone is fine Ms Ravel well except for Yubelluna"

"What happened to her?" Ravel was confused as she knew that Yubelluna was one of the strongest devils in the peerage.

"To sum it all up, the Opponents Queen blasted the Area with Holy Magic, even before Grayfia-sama teleported out she was still hit by it, although she is no longer in danger and will soon recover shortly" Ravel sighed relief

"And My brother?"

"He's was under a coma but he was healed by Shin-san before it got worse"

"Does this mean I'm?" Ravel looked at the maid while she had tears slowly forming in her eyes.

"I'm afraid so Ravel-sama."


Shin was alone with Grayfia as they were discussing the matters of the congratulatory ball.

"So you're telling me the reason why we had to take one hour to prepare was for the Phenex family celebrating their victory?" Shin looked at Grayfia.

"Basically Yes"

"Doesn't matter anymore, but do tell me what are your plans for their celebration?"

"Currently they are discussing it but the plans are the Gremory household would now use it instead of the Phenex family, the latter will still attend as to give Ravel to you."

Shin thought of something but he remembered someone

"Will all the Younger Generation of Devils attend this party?"

"Yes" Grayfia looked at Shin and was wondering who he could be targeting next.

Shin thought slowly as He remembered some under appreciated beauty.

"Tell me Grayfia-san who are coming to this banquet?"

"Only the Major ones, Bael, Astaroth, and the Agares family"

"I guess that's good enough to also Advertise the product, say what's my reward Grayfia?" Shin then looked at Grayfia

"Reward? Isn't Rias and Ravel your reward"?

"I know, but I want a reward from you" Shin went forward to a now blushing Grayfia.

"Hmm, Reward eh? But If you want me Shin-san you have to work harder I'm not easy to get like Rias" Grayfia told Shin.

"I know, but I really want a reward just this once, I helped the Gremory Household after all"

"Just this once Shin-san I hope you don't mind an Old woman like me" Grayfia went near Shin and Kissed his cheeks.

"You're no old woman Grayfia" Shin took his chance and took her lips and put his arms around her waist.

Grayfia didn't mind and indulged the kiss and they played with their tongues, Grayfia then pulled back

"That's enough for now Shin-san they're all waiting outside" Grayfia then left Shin.

"Damn looks like I have to work harder this time" Shin put his hand on his chin and thought of every way he could do it.

Shin soon went out and enjoyed the party.


"Issei are you okay?" Kiba went near Issei and talked to him.

"Yeah, say Kiba you think I can beat 'Him' if i train enough?" Issei asked Kiba who was always honest to him

"To be honest with you? No, never, not in our entire life Issei, beat his peerage first then you can say that, but even then his peerage hasn't even unleashed their full power yet they are borderline ultimate class even If we train hard enough I don't think we can." Kiba told the truth as he even acknowledged that he couldn't beat one lest even hurt them.

"I am the Great Nero! I thank you all for watching my Great Performance earlier!" Nero was now shouting as she had drank too much this took Issei and Kiba out of their thoughts

"Scáthach, take Nero down please, we wouldn't want to Embarrass Shin-sama here" Scáthach nodded and took Nero out of the spotlight and soon left to heal Nero's drunk state.

"Scáthach let me go! Scáthach my people are waiting for meee!!!"

Artoria sighed and was waiting for Shin until

"Thank you for holding it down Artoria" Shin arrived and wore A white tuxedo complimenting Artoria's blue dress Shin then gave his arm to her, Artoria took it and went with Shin to greet the guests.

Zeoticus arrived and went closer to Shin to look on him

"You must be Shin" Zeoticus observed Shin's demeanor and attitude, he soon nodded

"Yes I'm Shin, you must be my future father-in-law?" Zeoticus laughed when he heard Shin.

"You've really got balls Kid, I'll give you that you have my thanks and Approval for marrying Rias and also I will give you a percentage of the money we get for selling the Senzu bean." Zeoticus soon left to discuss the matter of the Senzu bean with other families

As Shin and Artoria were talking they were interrupted once more.

"Shin" Shin turned around and a saw a Huge Muscular Man.

"I am Shin and you are?" Shin looked at him

"Sairaorg Bael" Sairaorg held out his hand in anticipation.

Shin took his hand "Nice to meet you"

The two exerted their strength as they were looked upon by the entire place how this boy would fare against the number one devil youth.

"As expected!" Sairaorg laughed out loud as he had finally met a match in terms of physical strength he soon let Shin's hand go.

'I could have broken your hand you know?' Shin thought as he smiled at the laughing Sairaorg.

"It's an honor to meet the number devil youth, may our peerages duel soon enough" Shin smiled.

"It is also an honor to meet another promising devil, I hope we get to battle soon my blood is boiling!" Sairaorg looked ready to battle at this moment.

"Sairaorg, manners." A pale-greenish blonde appeared to reprimand him.

'If I remember she's a mecha otaku? System connect me to DaVinci'

[ Ding! ]

[ Connecting to DaVinci! ]

[ Connected! ]

'What is it my Dear? Are you finally gonna impregnate me along with the rest of them? Fufu~'

'Soon, on another note let me borrow your owl I know your busy snooping around'

'Ara~ I'm sending it to you know, now excuse me as I have to record the data shown to me by Grayfia'


[ Disconnected! ]

Seekvaira was done talking to Sairaorg and she began to talk to Shin.

"My name is Seekvaira Agares, heiress of the Agares clan" Seekvaira said as she held out her hand to Shin.

"Shin, Akihiko Shin" as Shin shook her hand DaVinci's owl arrived on his shoulder.

Seekvaira was shocked as she continued to observe the strange owl she couldn't help but ask.

"Say is that a robot owl?"

"Him? Yes He's a mecha owl" Shin petted the owl who responded to his touch.

"Can I touch Him?" Seekvaira had already held out her hand, but before she could touch it the owl transferred onto her shoulder.

"Ah! It's heavier than I thought, what's his name?" Seekvaira said as she kept petting the owl.

"Leonardo?" Shin had to make one up as he forgot to ask DaVinci about it's name.

"What a nice name, Say Shin do you also like Mecha's?" Seekvaira blushed slightly as she was secretly a mech otaku.

"Wait a minute Ms.Agares, Artoria please go to Scáthach Nero's acting up again this time take Jeanne just in case" Artoria nodded and left to where Nero was and also knowing what Shin wanted when saw his smile.

"I'm sorry about that Ms. Agares my peerage likes to cause trouble, as for your question yes I do like it along with my other servant we're currently researching to make an exoskeleton then afterwards make a full on mecha enough to rival a high class devil if possible" Shin smiled warmly at her.

"It's fine Shin-san, may I see it first hand once you're finished with it? I also like Mecha's you see" Seekvaira told Shin one of her secrets as a fellow Mech Otaku.

"Sure, you can come visit me anytime I would love to be in your presence"

"Likewise" Seekvaira then turned around to hide her blushing face as this was the first time she felt this way.

"Oh this is new" Sairorg sounded, soon another Trio appeared.

"Shinnn!" Rias shouted as she jumped on Shin and he caught her in a princess carry once more.

"You really like doing this no?" Shin asked as he kissed Rias lips.

"Tehee Yes" Rias then let herself down, soon Akeno and Rin came out, Akeno wore a black dress while Rin wore a red dress same with Rias.

"Hmph!" Rin pouted as she also wanted a kiss but couldn't ask for it out, Shin then kissed Rin and Akeno.

"Ara~ Thanks for the early meal." Akeno giggled

"Seek-chan! Sairorg!" Rias greeted them and hugged them both.

"Congratulations cousin for getting out of your engagement I wish to battle your peerage soon." Sairorg said.

"Likewise I hope by the time then you're still strong as mine will be stronger"

"Then I will wait for that day" Sairorg nodded, Rias then looked at Seekvaira

"Seek-chan why are you so red? This is new the stoic and even more called than So-chan is acting this way who is it?" Rias looked at the surroundings.

"Oh its because of your fian-" Sairorg laughed as he got elbowed by Seekvaira while Shin got elbowed by Akeno and Rin.

"Ara~ this is what you've been doing huh? Another one?"

"Mou! You really are a beast!"

Seekvaira coughed as she heard their comments soon another girl appeared in a black dress.

"So-chan!" Rias hugged Sona

"Congratulations Rias for getting out of the engagement, and nice to meet you once again Shin" Sona blushed at the last part remembering why she hadn't been able to sleep for the past few days.

"So even Sona huh?" Akeno said

"You! How many are you hiding?" Rin elbowed Shin once more.

"I'm not hiding anyone! They're hiding from me" Shin laughed as he teased Rin more.

Sirzechs then Arrived and made a speech

"I thank you everyone for gathering here today as part of the Gremory household we thank you, firstly we would like to Announce the Engagement of my (cute little) Sister Rias Gremory and Shin Akihiko, both are young talented devils with the latter showing potential to become a Maou, I know some of you are curious but worry not his great grandfather were brothers for life with my great grandfather as such They agreed to betroth their future children should they be of same age"

Everyone clapped at Sirzechs speech except for one sad boy.

"Secondly, I'd like to announce a new product currently owned by the Gremory household it is called the 'Senzu bean' as for its power it is best to show you, Lastly Enjoy yourselves and thank you once again!" Sirzechs raised his cup and the others followed suit.

Jeanne then came to Shin along with Asia.

"Shin-sama there is a creep following us!" Jeanne said to Shin as She and Asia were talking about their faith for the past few hours.

"Oh? He's also here?" Shin looked at the surroundings and saw Diodora stalking Jeanne and Asia he also noticed the future Head of the Astaroth clan.

'She's a beauty all right but first'

'Mystic Eyes of Death Perception!'

Shin's eyes turned blue and he stared at Diodora when Diodora felt Shin's gaze and looked at him he suddenly pissed himself as he saw that if were to look at him he would surely die.

Diodora instantly ran away then Shin deactivated his eyes.

"Shin that was?" Rin noticed it

"Yes it was, don't tell the others about"

Rin nodded and she was suddenly kissed by Shin.


Soon the music began to play signifying the dance was about to begin some were already dancing as part of High-class etiquette.

"May I have this dance?" Shin asked Rias

"Mm!" Rias then dragged Shin to the center as the two danced under the chandelier.

As the two were dancing together Rias pressed herself against Shin and put her head on his chest feeling his heartbeat, she then looked at Shin.

"Thank you Shin, I love you".

Shin kissed her lips "I love you too Rias" everyone clapped at their declarations and shortly they left.

"It's my turn now fufu~" but before Akeno could drag Shin

"It's time once more for the Great Nero and Shin-san to grace the people with their presence!" Nero dragged Shin away and began to dance professionally.

Once they were done, Akeno was next

"Ara~ Nero sure is lively"

"Yes, Yes she is"

"You know I may not look like it but I certainly don't want to lose" Akeno then took Shin's lips and Shin responded.

"Thanks for the meal Akeno" Shin then took Rin to the center.

"So who is this?" Shin looked at Rin who had changed her Aura.

"It's me husband! Ereshkigal and Rin already had their time now it's my turn!" Ishtar manifested.

"I was hoping for you" Shin smiled , when Ishtar heard that he immediately took his lips

"He's living the life" Sirzechs said and Zeoticus laughed at his remark.

Shin then escorted Ishtar back then took Artoria.

"My Queen, I hope you're enjoying"

"Certainly" Artoria nodded as she smiled at Shin she was then dragged by Shin.

"Say Artoria, would you like to develop your body naturally once more?" Shin asked his queen, though he didn't mind her current form as she was still his favorite beauty he also didn't mind the Lancer Beauty of Artoria.

"If I may be selfish I would gladly accept it" Artoria hugged Shin as they danced together, Shin then took Scáthach.

"Parasite hunting next week?" Shin asked

"Sure, but I have to tell you there has been a surge of Devil, and Fallen angels in the vicinity as me and the Pleiades observed"

'Kokabiel' Shin thought

"Let Sebas, the Pleiades, Rias and Sona handle it I'm sure they're itching to stretch their bones"

"Mm" Scáthach nodded and soon their dance ended.

"And here I thought I'd get asked but" Sona sighed but Shin heard her.

"Then let's?"

"Shin!" Sona was flustered as she was dragged by Shin, She couldn't enjoy it fully because she was too busy.

"So that's the boy So-tan's aiming?" A magical girl said to Sirzechs

"More or less, I doubt sooner or later that boy will marry all the important heiress" Sirzechs sighed as he didn't doubt the possibility

"Even the Agares girl!?" Serafall commented as Shin took the cold Seekvaira who was known for refusing.

"Yes even the Agares girl" Sirzechs' laughed.

'I wonder if Mil-tan is enough to scare him?' Serafall thought

'He is cute perfect for the movie'

Soon the ball ended and everyone left.


A/N : Seekvaira anyone?