
Chapter 7: Unholy Confessions

Chapter 7: Unholy Confessions




Raynare ran over the hills until she was sure she was out of sight, only stopping once she heard a familiar voice.

"Raynare-sama!" Asia caught up to her, and Raynare didn't want to face her or anyone for that matter.

But she does. She looks at the blonde with conflict in her eyes.


"Remember Asia, 'And he that killeth a man shall be put to death.' Leviticus 24:17." Raynare chuckles bitterly. "Do you honestly believe that shit, Asia? I believe in God, as I am His creation, but the Bible is mostly man-made, a reflection of humanity's corruption. What if someone were to kill out of self-defense or to protect his or her people or nation in a war? Not that that's what I was doing, but those still fall under murder. Do they also deserve to be put to death?"

"Are you saying you should've died for attempting such a thing?"

They begin walking side by side.

"I honestly don't know."

"Issei-san isn't being nice to you."

"It wasn't nice of me to try to kill him, even if I was just following orders."

"You believe you deserve to be mistreated in return?"

"I do." A pained expression morphs onto Raynare's face as she grits her teeth when she remembers Issei's words. "Yet at the same time, I couldn't stand there and take it. It's ironic."

Asia frowns. "... The Bible teaches forgiveness. I think deep down, Issei wants to forgive and trust you, but he put up a prideful front because he's afraid of being hurt again. Anger and pride are Satanic traits, so I hope he doesn't let them take over his life."

As they got home in low spirits, Mrs. Hyoudou asked where Issei is, and they responded that he won't be coming back soon.

"I hope he doesn't," Raynare glares at her own feet.

Miki sighs. "Seriously, what am I to do with that boy? Well, whatever happened between you three, just know that I'm always here if you want to talk."






As this is happening, Issei spends a couple days aimlessly wandering around the downtown area of Kuoh before he masks his aura and flies towards his destination, the coordinates that Azazel gave him.

Kumamoto city, Kyushu Island, Japan. It may not look like it from the outside, but this city has a population of more than 700,000, so Issei can only hope that the place is away from unnecessary attention.

As he got closer and closer to his destination, he's relieved to see that the mysterious person he's meeting is at the edge of the city limits by a mountain range.

It's a three story Japanese castle, and inside it, he senses someone with massive levels of power, putting the young dragon on edge.

He lands and stares at the entrance to the old building for a bit. 'Ddraig, who is that? That power feels like a dying star about to go supernova. It's so potent yet so well controlled.'

['I'm not sure, but stay vigilant.']

Slowly opening the door to the shrine, he nervously calls out, "Hello?"

Checking his corners, he freezes as he realizes that looking to the side could be a mistake. 

The source of the power he feels is right in the middle of the room. A man dressed almost fully in samurai military armor is sitting in the middle of the room, his helmet next to him and his katana in front of him on the floor. He has his eyes closed as he meditates.

Issei studies the man's appearance. He has a samurai goatee and mustache, long hair tied into a man bun, a chiseled jawline, and an extremely well-built physique even under his armor as it struggles to contain the dangerous beast within.

The man is meditating. A part of the dragon wants to interrupt him, but he knows it would be unwise to disturb his concentration given how no one has that kind of power and dresses like that, clearly meaning business. 

Several minutes pass before the man opens his eyes and stoically looks at Issei.

"What business do you have here, Sekiryuutei?" His voice is deep yet graceful, threatening yet peaceful, intimidating yet serene, as if to say that violence will be his last resort but he isn't afraid to use it.

"Azazel sent me."

"Be seated," The man politely commands him with gesture, forcing the dragon to sit down facing him.

Then, the man resumes meditation, mildly annoying Issei.

After another minute, Issei can't take it anymore. "Well?"

"Well, what?"

"You already know who I am. Aren't you going to introduce yourself?"

"You have an idea what I'm capable of, but if you knew who I am, you'd either attack me and die in the process or you'd leave. Dragons hate my kind. I choose to not tell you what I am since I am curious why you're here."

"I already have an idea what you are. If you're a god, you don't have to say what you're a god of. Please just give me your name so we can get down to business."

"... My name is Hachiman." The man stares him down, trying to judge what his reaction will be.

Issei gulps nervously. 'Hachiman, the Japanese God of War. What the fuck did you get me into, Azazel?'

"I see..."

"So you know who I am and you don't attack me nor do you run away in the face of danger? This is interesting. Why did Azazel send you to me? Doesn't that crow know that dragons and gods don't get along?"

"What about dragon gods?" Issei asks half-jokingly, earning an eyebrow raise. 

"You'd have to ask Great Red or Bahamut for their opinions. Not that you'll find them. No one can." Hachiman sighs. "Anyway, it's obvious that training with you would be pointless."

"Why is that?"

"Only dragons as powerful as you or more powerful can help you get stronger the quickest. I'm a lesser known Shinto deity, but among my pantheon, I am known as one of the more experienced gods, so I assume Azazel wants me to teach you something that isn't to train you, but to impart wisdom. So, tell me what it is that troubles you."

Issei looks down with a troubled expression as he recalls what he last said to Raynare.

"Well, you see, there's this girl-"

"Wait a second, Azazel sent you here so that I can teach you about love?"

"It's not like tha-"

"LOVE? Me, the Shinto kami of conflict that results in bloodshed?" Hachiman facepalms as he chuckles, his laughter slowly devolving into amused cackles. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Has that fallen angel governor gone senile?! Hehehehehehehe!"

Issei glares at him as he wipes away tears of joy. 'I might just strangle Azazel the next time I see him.'

"Sorry, sorry. Continue." Hachiman returns to stoic expression as he stares at the dragon.

"I was saying that it's not love, but it almost was." Issei elaborates, sounding unsure of himself.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Another sigh escapes Issei. "This fallen angel girl disguised herself as human and asked me out, but she was only after something. At the end of our one and only date, she tried to kill me. She failed, but someone else succeeded, the queen of the Gremory devil. It didn't last long as I found a way out of her peerage. It turns out the fallen was ordered to take me out, so I forced the fallen angel that attacked me to serve me. After that, I thought things were going relatively well, but I was still angry about the way she manipulated me, so I insulted her. I called her a bitch, she ran away, and then I ended up here."

"Hm... Sounds like you bottled up your emotions before letting them out in the worst kind of way possible at the time."

Issei nods and looks down. "I do feel ashamed. Even though I'm no longer a human nor a devil anymore, the human part of me will always remain, the bit of my conscience that tells me that what I did was wrong, and yet I pushed her away because..."

"You have trust issues, I take it. Trust issues both with girls and with devils. Your very first experience with either of them was too much, and you're now afraid of opening yourself up to another person again save for other men."

"I guess," Issei shrugs and shifts uncomfortably.

"Let me tell you something. I was once married to a mortal woman. Her name was Fuyuko. Her name means 'Winter Child', and she lived up to her name. I fell in love with her and wanted her badly. She was as cold as ice at first, but I was eventually able to woo her. We had our fair share of issues, but we worked through them. She grew old and died. I don't remember when I last saw her, but it must be thousands of years by now."

"Don't you miss her?"

"Of course I do, but I carry on believing that there's reincarnation. Everything dies and is reborn, and through rebirth shall I be reunited with the woman I love. My point is that as a dragon, you will live a very long time barring any acts of god or foolishness on your part, and since you were born human, you should do your best to let go of those you love, but not this fallen girl."

"My parents... How could I ever distance myself from them, especially the woman who gave me life?"

"Danger will always come your way, Red Dragon, for many will act against you out of envy, fear, or other irrational reasons. In the crossfire, those you care about could get hurt or even killed. If you don't want that to happen, the best way to protect them is by dissociating yourself from them."

Hearing this, Ddraig's eyes widen, now realizing that the reason so many of his past hosts would perish in battle is because they were either too weak or they'd jump in without thinking to protect those they love. He doesn't want that for Issei. Not only does Issei have the most potential out of any host he's ever had, but he is someone Ddraig cares deeply for more than he has anyone. 

Unlike most Boosted Gear wielders, Issei doesn't treat Ddraig like a tool to make him powerful. The boy sees him as a person and respects him, and for that, he loves Issei like a brother. It certainly makes it easier to care for the boy seeing how kind he can be yet how emotionally damaged he is because of Raynare and Rias.

He can forgive the fallen since she failed to strike down Issei and because there's a spark of potential romance between them, but the greedy red bitch and her brother are a whole 'nother shit storm.

When Issei was born, Ddraig placed three seals on his magical power to contain what was untamable so that other factions wouldn't discover him. Soon, he'll have to remove one of these seals since he mastered his aura long ago and can conceal himself. 

Issei struggles with what Hachiman said. The idea of rarely or never seeing his parents was tough enough, but he had long since accepted that he was born into a cruel, uncaring world.

"Okay, but what should I do about the fallen I insulted? She may have tried to kill me, but she didn't deserve to be insulted, I think."

"Most people deserve a second chance, even some would-be murderers. Every person has tests in life, and one of yours is reconciliation. If you can't reconcile at least enough to become allies, if not lovers, then you may stand alone throughout much of your battles."

"I'm still afraid of being betrayed in the future again though."

"You seem very priggish. Weren't you happier with this girl in more recent times before you made a mistake by letting your emotions get the best of you? Would you rather live the rest of your life frozen in fear and indecision? Or would you rather take a chance and try to get closer to her? She could be your happiness, just like Fuyuko was mine. Don't be so arrogant as to constantly feel the need to repudiate her and look down on her as if she's evil and you're impervious. You are both the same. Don't be so quick to point out her every flaw. Instead, look in the mirror, improve as a person, and remember all the good times you spent together with her."

Issei was shocked, but he knows he appreciates the brutal truth over any sugarcoated sweet lies spoon-fed to him.

He remembers the way he and Raynare would tease each other in more recent memory, how their bond was beginning to greatly strengthen before he ruined it.

Now, he just hopes it's not to late for things to go back to the way they were before.

"Before you go, Issei, there's something I'd like to do. It involves putting this blindfold on you." Hachiman puts a blindfold on the Red Dragon Emperor's eyes, making him uneasy. 

"What's this about?"

"Just an experiment someone close to me will run while I sit here and observe."

The entrance to the shrine swings open, and Issei's ears twitch as he feels another extremely powerful presence approaching from behind. This one literally feels hot, as if his skin could melt if the person responsible wished, but they're holding their power back greatly.

He tenses up when the mysterious newcomer is but a foot away, sensing them sit down right behind.

Then, he feels a pair of hands cover his already blindfolded vision. The limbs touching him feel soft, and he smells something pleasant, the scent of the ocean, rain, and flowers wafting through his nostrils.

This person is clearly female, and being this close to one, especially a stranger, sets him on edge.

"You can't see in there, can you, Ise-kun?" He hears a woman's voice. 

"N-No. Who are you?"

"I shall reveal myself soon, but just know that I'm someone that sees you as if you're my own child."


"I know that you've been through a lot. Your heart aches. However, I must warn you that if you continue fighting your enemies, you must do so for the right reasons. Don't do it because you hate what's in front of you, but continue struggling because you love those behind you that you should protect, such as your friend Asia Argento and your beloved fallen angel Raynare."

His heart slows down, easing itself, taking heed to her wise words.

['Partner... I think this woman's magic is hypnotizing me, but not in a bad way. She's making sure I, as well as souls that previously used the Boosted Gear, don't fight back by making you go berserk.']

Before Issei can respond to Ddraig, his blindfold comes undone by the hands of the woman, and his head whips towards her.

The woman that he sensed to be very attractive proved to be such. She has long light brown hair tied into a ponytail, ruby red eyes, a perfectly sculpted face that would make Aphrodite jealous, a black choker with a necklace of a blue star, a black blouse, a long silver skirt, and large breasts identical in size to Raynare's. Her ponytail is adorbed by a red ribbon.

She smiles at him warmly. "Feeling better?"

"Y-Yeah... Normally, I'm not this calm around the opposite gender. What did you do to me?"

"I used my magic to channel a feeling of motherly love towards you to remove any animosity you hold."

"You still haven't told me your name."

"I'm Amaterasu, the Japanese Goddess of the Sun."

Hachiman grins. "Amaterasu is my little sister. Sorry to ambush you like that, but we were trying to help. Are you sure you feel better?"

Issei thought about it. Not a single depressed or angry thought came his way.

Instead, he felt a little sadness, regret, and worry for Raynare considering his last interaction with her.

Almost panicking, he stands up and bows to them quickly. "Thank you so much for your help, but I need to be going home now."

He turns around and begins running, but he stops when he remembers something he wanted to ask. "What role will you and the Shinto faction play? Another conflict may be brewing on the horizon, this time between the devils and myself."

Amaterasu answers, "The devils? They've infiltrated many parts of elite human society that effects Japan as a whole, and as a result, our home has become desecrated with violence. Right now, we aren't at war, but if push comes to shove and we really get backed into a corner, the Shinto faction will come to your aid. Just remember that we prefer isolationism, but we also won't hesitate to fight when necessary."

Issei nods. "Again, thank you."

As he's leaving, the kind goddess waves at him and cheerfully says, "We'll meet again someday, Ise-kun!"




When he made it home and entered his house, he quietly rushes up the stairs and to his room, stopping right outside.

Even though it's his own room, he decides to knock, knowing the person he wishes to see might not wish to see him.

"Raynare? It's me. I'm coming in, okay?"

Opening the door, he finds the fallen angel alone laying on his bed, staring up at the ceiling.

She looks over at him and sighs. "What do you need?"

"Where's Asia?"

"She went with your parents on an outing. Something about spoiling her with ice cream and amusement park rides. They offered me to go, but I wasn't feeling it and politely declined."

"I see. Can we talk?"

"You can talk, I'll listen. I can't promise I'll respond," Her voice is ice-cold, closing her eyes, although this doesn't effect Issei as he now feels far more confident than ever before due to Amaterasu healing him with her magic.

"Fine. You lay there. You don't have to say anything." 

He pulls up his computer chair next to the bed and stares at the girl that's almost pouting, stifling a chuckle at her cute expression.

"My talk with Azazel made me realize somethings, and that's that I really don't know how fallen angels work in regards to the correlation between your life span and your mental and emotional maturity. As someone who was raised as a human and has lived as one for most of my life, I was prepared to live and die a much shorter life than the one I have now, but I was dealt a different hand and can only place those cards where I think is for the best.

"Someday, I want to get married and have kids of my own, but if I do that I cannot continue to be negative. I must be a positive influence on any potential offspring."

Raynare opens her eyes and stares up at him with a somewhat sad look. "T-Then I hope whoever you end up with can make you very happy. You deserve at least that much."

"Why are you talking about yourself?"

"Huh?" She's confused.

"You're saying such things as if I would want to be with anyone but you." 

"Issei...?" She says softly, her voice slightly hopeful. 

"I'm sorry for taking my anger out on you. I promise I won't do it again." He smiles at her. "By the way, we never officially broke up, but this time, let's not pretend to date while having our relationship masked under a pretense of closeness. Let us pursue the genuine thing."

He takes her hand and gently kisses the back of it. 

"I really like you, Raynare." He sends her one last loving smile before getting up and walking out.

But not before he hears her say something to herself.

"Idiot Issei. You could've said that sooner..." She sobs bittersweetly. "I like you too."

"I know." He says while leaning up against the wall outside their room, making her gasp.

"Y-You heard that?" She blushes.

"I did. You know, for someone with Stockholm Syndrome, even you developed feelings for me quite fast."

The color vanishes from her face, replaced by a furious expression as she gets up, wipes her tears, and charges after him with a light spear surrounded by a freezing aura. 

"That's not true! Get back here, bastard!"

"Anime tsunderes get old real fast, you know, and maybe quite literally since you could end up becoming a crazy cat lady," He teases.

Her light spear vanishes. "Fine! I won't kill you, just let me beat you with this pillow!"

Raynare grabs a pillow off the couch and bashes his head with it repeatedly as he cackles maniacally with Ddraig watching like a proud father.

For the first time, things are finally looking up between them.




To Be Continued

Sorry that it took me a while to update. I got really, really busy with college, so this is my first chapter I'm publishing during this college semester.

I'm making things move along between Issei and Raynare since I want him to mature. I already made him so smart, so it would be very pointless to have him holding a grudge for a long time.

I'm also cementing the Shinto faction as Issei's closest allies. Yes, that probably includes Tsukuyomi and Susanoo, although I'm not sure how I'll fit them into the story, so if anyone has any ideas what I should with them, let me know.

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