
Chapter 10: Time Bomb

Aside from sleeping and being hand-fed by a maid as well as having her adult diapers changed, the only other activity Rias Gremory would participate in is her daily routine of staring blankly at her lap, occupied by her own inactivity and thoughts.

'Kiba... Koneko... Akeno...'

What happened to her? All she knows is that her servants are dead.

'Kiba... Koneko... Akeno...'

A flash of red and green as some dark beast in the form of a lizard-like silhouette hisses at her, its mental image threatening to destroy her once again, and she whimpers and closes her eyes.

'Kiba... Koneko... Akeno...'

It's been a couple months since the incident as vague memories either keep her awake at night or haunt her nightmares through 12+ hour sleep cycles, and now, she is beginning to enter the final stage of grief - acceptance. 

They're gone, and there is nothing she can do to bring them back. 

'But what good is laying in bed all day, everyday, going to do? The least I can do is try to recollect what happened, to search for clues that will bring my memories back.'

The atrophy and fatigue retreats from her body, and newfound strength enters her. Removing the blanket, she exits her bed.

'Still... Why do I get the feeling that I'm responsible for their deaths?' She shudders.





Song- "Hate Me" by Children of Bodom (album version)


It is night, and Issei is seen zooming up the outside of a massive medieval, Luciferian-esque tower using his wings, and in front of him stands all his enemies. His eyes turn green, his roar shaking the Earth.

Bats fly out of trees and in front of the camera, obscuring the viewer's vision, the Grim Reaper and his scythe come into view, illuminated by the deathly moonlight and followed by the title of the story:

DxD: Retribution

Issei is seen walking home as Rias watches from the second story of the ORC. On the way, he meets Raynare and Asia, who flank him and follow his lead.

A phoenix climbs in altitude revealing Riser standing on a rooftop, looking smug as ever.

Sirzechs stands next to his sister, who lays in bed in a fugue state, staring at her with worry at her condition, walking away with determination and anger in his gaze.

A brief cameo flashes for Grayfia and Serafall.

Azazel pops a cigarette into his mouth and has a goofy smirk on his face that turns serious as the sun goes down. Michael gets on a knee before the Tree of Life.

A mysterious man in a samurai's armor (Hachiman) thrusts his sword, practicing his swings as his sister, Amaterasu, watches from the side.

Asia and Diodora are glaring at each other. The devil charges at her and attacks, but she defends herself furiously, parrying and countering his moves with impressive speed.

Raynare, dressed as a maid, is seen conversing seemingly happily with high-ranking devils including Grayfia at a party. She exits the building and quickly sheds her disguise, her fake smile disappearing as she becomes stoic. She looks over to a hooded-figure, Issei, hiding in the shadows, and sends him a nod.

A short cameo flashes of Crom Cruach, and then Vali, smirking as his balance breaker covers him.

Raynare walks alone under the kiss of the waning sunlight. A breeze causes her to stop and tuck her long hair out of her face as it obscures her view. She gazes up at the sky with a longing look. The weather is beautiful and would uplift the spirits of most, but she feels sad. Tears stream down her cheeks as she runs away, not looking where she's going as she crashes into Issei's chest with him hugging her and whispering her name. Her eyes widen in shock.

It rains hard as a battered Issei walks through the streets, punching a wall in frustration, his eyes melancholy. He's startled when a hand is placed on his shoulder, so he turns to fight, but he's greeted by Sona giving him a reassuring grin, her peerage behind her.

The scene changes, and suddenly, a mountain-side explodes, and Issei is seen emerging from the flames in his balance breaker, his sword covered in the blood of those that crossed him.

It's night again, and while flying up the Luciferian tower, his sword clashes with a winged figure. The moon turns blood-red as Kokabiel cackles while observing, not noticing Raynare swing her weapon at him from behind, murder in her eyes.

Beings of several factions join the fray and fight each other, causing the tower to slowly crumble.

Issei falls off the tower as the hooded Grim Reaper swoops passed. Raynare panics and reaches out, her hand tightly clasps Issei's.




Chapter 10: Time Bomb




"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" Baraqiel roars.

"C-Calm down, Barry!" Azazel pleads. 


"According to the boy, she killed him first on the orders of the Gremory."


"No, you will not," Azazel's playful demeanor disappears. He went from nervous about breaking the news that Akeno is dead, to defensive, and finally, serious. 

"My daughter would never!"

"Do you even know your own daughter? She never wanted to see you. I bet you have no idea what she was like at all."

"I-I know what her favorite food is... She loved Carolina Reapers. She would eat that insanely spicy plant like it was nothing. She'd even eat it with ice cream and popcorn."

"No wonder she was a sadomasochist. Like mother, like daughter."

Baraqiel glares at his boss, making him sweat. "Don't talk about my dead family like that. They're gone. I have nothing to live for. I want you to start counting my tear drops."

"What? Why?"

A river of tears streams down the cadre's face. "Because that's how many years the Sekiryuutei will spend in the Cocytus before I kill him with the same number of lightning zaps."

"For the last fucking time, Issei is off limits. He could potentially be our greatest ally, but you could also make him our worst enemy. If you cannot think about the greater good for our race, then you are of no use to me. As a matter of fact, crossing Issei will earn you the hostility of the Shinto, or at least of Hachiman and Amaterasu."

"At this point, anything you say are just platitudes and barren words. You have never truly cared about fallen angels. If you did, you, the oh-so-great and intelligent Azazel that happens to be a scientist, would've found a way to not just preserve our numbers, but increase them. If the devils and angels can with their Evil Pieces and Brave Saints, why can't we? We're the most technologically advanced out of all three factions, yet you've done nothing to help us."

Azazel opens his mouth to retort, but he finds he can't, not just because his subordinate's words ring true, but because he tenses up when he finds the source of his consternation appear behind the cadre.

A hand places onto Baraqiel's shoulder. 

"Sup pops!" Issei tilts his head up in greeting as Raynare peaks over his shoulder.

Vali also appears with them, scratches on his face, earning an eyebrow raise from Azazel.

"I hear you want to kill me," Issei gets to the core of the issue immediately.

"Red Dragon..." Baraqiel growls.

"Look, I'm gonna be frank with you. After Akeno killed me, I hated her guts. She stabbed me, so I gutted her. What confuses me is why you're upset. If you claim to have cared about Akeno but never were around, do you ever wonder why she grew up to be such a fucked up person that thinks it's okay to use others like tools before disposing of them?"

"I did care about her..." The widowed man snarls.

"Did you really?"

"Yes! She never wanted to see me because she blamed her mother's death on me! I wasn't strong enough to protect both of them..."

"You're a shit excuse for a father. If I had a daughter of my own and if she hated me, I'd still force my way into her life if it means she has someone to instill a moral compass into her so that she grows up to be a good person. Instead, Akeno grew up openly displaying unemployed behavior. Gee, I wonder why?"

Baraqiel stumbles back in shock at truth bomb while Issei stares at him in disgust and Raynare looks on with unease. 

"Issei..." Raynare sighs. "Was all that really necessary? I mean, you're not wrong, but you're also badmouthing the dead, and not only that, it's a person you killed. Sure, it was out of revenge, but I'm not sure if that makes it okay."

His heart skips. "Awwww, my sweet~" He swoops her off her feet with a hug.

"Uwah! I-Idiot, put me down!" She struggles against his tight grip.

"You're too good for me~ Rub Rub Rub~" He rubs his cheek on her head affectionately.

"Mou! Stop, please." His girlfriend pouts.

Vali laughs. "Damn, this whole having a girlfriend thing seems fun. I hope I can catch one!"

"Females aren't Pokémon's..." Issei sweat drops at his friend's wording. 

"Bad Vali," Raynare scolds, her voice muffled into Issei's chest, so he puts her down as she smacks his chest.

She steps towards Baraqiel. "Lord Baraqiel, I can't even imagine the pain you're feeling, but-"

"The boy is right," Baraqiel interrupts, closing his eyes. "I'm disappointed in myself. My daughter's failure is my own. Red Dragon, while I still hold immense anger and hatred towards you, I promise I'll do everything it takes to benefit fallen angels, even if it means tolerating your presence or even working alongside you."

"That was fast!"

"You and Raynare remind me of my wife and I, although the roles are reversed. Raynare is the fallen angel in love with a human like I was with Shuri. I'd feel bad trying to tear you two apart."

A comfortable silence descends upon the five occupants of the room.

Suddenly, Azazel farts, earning eyebrow raises and a glare from Raynare.

"Ahhh, that was those chicken and spice curl fries I got from Los Pollos Hermanos." He looks towards the camera. "This chapter is not sponsored by Breaking Bad." He turns back to Issei. "Anyway, what did you three need?"

Vali smirks. "I made a new friend-"

"VALI, I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!" Azazel cries hysterically, rips his shirt off for some reason, and begins chasing Vali in circles while trying to hug him until he finally catches his adopted son in a tight embrace.



Issei and Raynare laugh at the scene.

As much as he doesn't want to admit it, despite his lack of trust towards Azazel, the possibility of becoming allies with him is becoming more and more likely.




Rias gazes towards her side, strolling around the Gremory mansion at a slow pace, still getting used to being back on her feet. 

Her legs stop as her eyes are captivated by the view of the backyard of the Gremory mansion. The house sits atop a small mountain valley. Low clouds blend in with her view of a waterfall. Snow-covered hills remind her of the fact that it is summer in most places, but not all as the solidified form of water hasn't melted yet. However, down below are beautiful pine trees, vibrant green grass swaying in the wind, and pretty flowers. High above, it appears as though it could rain at any moment as dark clouds gradually swirl around the estate, as if encapsulating the essence of what she's feeling.

She takes in the sight, blinks, and then moves on. Her feet carry her until she absentmindedly comes to a room at the end of a hall where she hears loud voices.

"-not understand?" Came the serious voice of Serafall midsentence. "A dragon attacked her! A dragon destroyed Rias' life as we knew it!"

Rias freezes. 'I shouldn't be eavesdropping, but...' She puts her ear to the door. 

"We cannot risk going to war and stake everything we fought hard for just for one person!" The voice of a devil Councilor shouts. 

Other voices shout in agreement.

However, some disagree.

"You can't be serious?! Three of our slaves were killed, and one of our high-class kin, the little sister of the Satan, was spared in mocking fashion! Do you really think we should let such an insult go without retaliation?!"

Falbium silences them. "And what would you have us do? While it hurts our pride, we cannot just rush into battle without first gathering intelligence."

Ajuka nods in agreement. "We must know our enemy. If our suspicions are correct and it turns out to be a dangerous Evil Dragon or possibly one of the Heavenly Dragons, maybe both, would you be willing to risk reigniting the Great War? Need I remind you that the White One is Azazel's prodigy?" 

Sirzechs stands up. "I love my sister and will do anything to find the one who besmirched her, however, our relationship with the fallen angels is vital, as well. The last time we went to war with them, they killed just as many of us as we did them. The only reason more of them died is because they fought more battles against heaven than we did, being caught in the middle of it. We at least had Earth and the Underworld separating us from the might of the angels. Next time, if there is a next time, Satan forbid, we might not be so lucky as I'm sure they know just about every entrance into our abode."

He clinches his fist. "My sister... My poor sister... The first step we need to take is to find a way to get her back on her feet, snap her out of her coma. I'll wait for however long it takes after that, weeks, months even, so that she's comfortable enough to then try to remember what happened to her and who put her in such a terrible state."

Hearing this, Rias couldn't take it anymore. She bursts into the room, startling everyone inside, especially the guards by the door.

"Big brother..."

"Rias?!" He's shocked to see her standing on her own two feet.

"I'm so sorry for worrying you."

He, alongside his parents, rushes over and hugs her, kissing both her cheeks. "Dear sister, I'm so happy to see you're awake, but are you sure you should be up and about?"

"I'm fine. I want to help. I want to remember, but I only see bits and pieces. It's all such a blur."

Rias clutches her head as her head throbs in pain briefly. 

"Rias?" Venelana looks concerned. 

"What is it?" Zeoticus pushes for information. "If there's anything at all, even the slightest thing you may deem insignificant, it could help us find the culprit."

"I... All I saw was a m-monster..." She trembles in fear. "It was huge... Red... Green... Fast... Strong! Really strong."

"Red and green? Could it be the Red Dragon Emperor?" Serafall narrows her eyes.

Sirzechs remains silent for a moment. "... Perhaps, but the other possible suspect is Crom Cruach, whose armored appearance and attacks are said to be green in color."

Rias opens her teary eyes. "W-Where would we find them?"

"Hm... I don't know, but what I do know is that the best possible way to lure at least one of them out is to reunite our race with all the original demons."

Zekram turns pale. "Lord Lucifer, you don't mean-?!"

"I do. Demons, vampires, and maybe even the Original Satans." 

Grayfia's face hardens at the mention of those she was once fiercely loyal too.

"You mean we fought the Devil Civil War for nothing?!"

The whole room erupted in chaotic yet peaceful debates and arguments. 

Sirzechs sighs. "Serafall, I'm leaving you and Falbium to make sure they keep the peace here. Ajuka, Grayfia, and I will seek out these dark beings. Mom, dad, take care of Rias. She's a ticking time bomb. It's not a matter of if, but when she remembers everything, that I am sure of."

Little does he know how truly strong the memory altering spell Issei put on Rias really is.

The three leave the room, following the red-haired king.

"... The Original Satans? Are you sure about this?" Grayfia voices her doubts softly.

"I'm planning for every possible contingency. The worst case case scenario would be that the Great War does reignite because the one that attacked Rias could be an ally of the angels or fallen, as unlikely as that may be given how dragons are known for operating autonomously, or at least the dragons as powerful as this one."

"Where do we start?" Ajuka asks.

Sirzechs gulps nervously. "We must resurrect the Morningstar. It turns out that he was not as insane as we were led to believe."

To Be Continued

Chapter length- 2,885 words