

Tall with long blood-red hair and light blue eyes, Sirzechs Lucifer was handsome enough to make women wet their panties by just being in their presence. That's if they don't fall unconscious due to his tremendous demonic power. He was considered the strongest Devil in existence for a reason and was also the de facto leader of the Four Great Satans of the Underworld.

Casually strolling through the Gremory's manor, his old home, Sirzechs greeted every servant he met with a friendly smile. His family was known to treat everyone with respect, and he had inherited that from them. That was mostly due to his father's teachings.

Zeoticus Gremory just had a way with words. He knew what he had to say at any moment to convince the other party of his opinion. Zeoticus was under the impression that absolutely everyone had their uses, and it was always better to bring more people to their side. It did help that his father had full control over the Gremory Clan Trait, Precognition.

While Sirzechs and his little sister had inherited that power, they couldn't control it. They might get a vision that lasts for no more than a few seconds, but that's about it. Zeoticus, on the other hand, could forcefully use Precognition to see glimpses of the future. His father and the Power of Destruction he had inherited from his mother were the main reason he had reached his current standing.

Sirzechs hadn't been too happy when he learned that Zeoticus had manipulated him, but he understood that his father had done it with good intentions. He had survived two wars and was currently one of the four leaders of Devilkind, doing his best to make sure their race doesn't destroy itself. He was in charge of the Domestic Affairs of the Underworld, which was a troublesome and time-consuming job, but it was all for the Devils' future. That had happened all due to his father's manipulations.

Knowing that Zeoticus was trying to manipulate events for the best of his family and his race, Sirzechs didn't mind that he was currently doing the same for his little sister. Every single member from her peerage was carefully picked by his father, even if Rias wasn't aware of it. She might not have many members right now, but they all had an incredible amount of potential.

Due to how much he trusted Zeoticus, Sirzechs had allowed him to arrange a marriage for his sister. He didn't like Riser Phenex one bit and didn't think of him as a good match for Rias, but his father had assured him the marriage will never go through.

Sirzechs finally reached his father's office and stepped inside. The older Devil, who looked almost identical to him except for the small red stubble, was waiting for him inside. Seeing the sweat dripping from his father's forehead, Sirzechs realized he had been heavily using his family trait.

Another thing he noticed was how serious Zeoticus looked. Immediately, he understood that his father had seen something monumental, the reason he had been called over.

"There's a change in the future," Zeoticus said gravely, confirming his suspicion. Future events were difficult to change; his father had learned that early on in his life, so that's why he only tried to use what he knew to the best of his advantage.

"What happened?" Sirzechs asked. He wasn't that worried, but it was best to be prepared.

"The Red Dragon has changed owners."

Sirzechs' heart sank at those words. His body trembled involuntarily as a dark purple aura enveloped him, slowly disintegrating his surroundings. The Red Dragon, the Boosted Gear, that was the reason why both of them had been sure Rias' marriage was never going to actually happen. Now, that didn't seem to be the case anymore.

"Explain!" Sirzechs angrily demanded. His Power of Destruction still crackled around him, promising death to all his enemies. He loved all of his family, but the one he cared about the most was Rias. Killing his father was not something he was willing to do, but...

"The Boosted Gear had switched owners," Zeoticus said with a tired sigh.

"How?! Who killed the boy? What happened?" Sirzechs needed to know. He was not going to let Rias marry Riser no matter what. He would prevent the marriage, even if he had to destroy the entire Phenex clan. That's how much he cared for her. His reputation would take a massive hit, but to him, it would be worth it.

"No one had killed the boy. The Boosted Gear simply switched owners," Zeoticus explained even though he didn't understand it himself.

"That's not possible! You can't take someone's Sacred Gear without killing the host!" Each Sacred Gear was tied to its owner's soul. Removing it meant the death of the host.

"The boy is alive and well, but I don't know for how much longer. However, he no longer has the Boosted Gear," Zeoticus replied.

"Who is the new owner?" Sirzechs asked, calming down a bit. Getting angry right now wouldn't help him in any way. It was best to see how they can salvage this situation.

"Someone in Kuoh... I think. I don't know for sure," Zeoticus said with one hand rubbing his tired temples.

"What do you mean you don't know for sure? Haven't you been using your Precognition?" Sirzechs bellowed in anger.

"I HAVE! For the past week, I have been non-stop using my ability! My head feels like it's about to burst open from overusing Precognition! Do you think I care that little for Rias that I wouldn't do everything in my abilities to help her?!" Zeoticus roared back.

Both stayed silent for a moment, calming down a bit, and his father continued.

"I've tried everything. The only thing I found is that the owner is still in Kuoh. Nothing else. It seems like something is preventing me from seeing his future."

Sirzechs thought for a moment before making a decision, "I'm taking a two-day break from my job," and with that, he was gone. He didn't have any time to waste; his sister's future was at stake.

After informing his fellow Satans that he will be taking a two-day vacation, Sirzechs teleported to the human world without giving them an in-depth explanation. He appeared high in the air above Kuoh. The Red Dragon was a mighty being, and he wasn't sure if it wouldn't sense him and inform his host. So, he tried to stay a good distance away from the town.

What Sirzechs didn't know was that Ddraig had sensed him the moment he appeared. But did he inform his host? Of course, not. Why would he? This would be more entertaining for him, after all.

Sirzechs spread his senses around Kuoh and started searching for his target. He found the Devils in the town, both Rias' and Sona's peerages. The two heiresses were spending time with their fellow Devils, but those weren't the ones he was searching for.

The next one he found was Issei, the previous owner of the Boosted Gear. The boy seemed to have slightly more life force than a regular human, but he didn't care about him at all. Sirzechs found another human boy with even more life force, and for a moment, he thought that was his target.

However, shortly after, Sirzechs sensed another human with even greater life force, though it seemed somewhat unstable as if something was wrong with it. The boy also had an... exotic and unusual look. His hair was unique even among all the supernaturals he knew of.

It was early in the morning, and Sirzechs caught his target as he just left his home to begin working out. He thought the boy's training was inefficient, but it was still better than nothing.

Sirzechs continued observing the boy as he then made his way over to a karate dojo in town. He was obviously holding back, as he was naturally stronger than a regular human, but his technique was sloppy. The boy had probably started training in the past few days, no more than a week.

When all the other students at the dojo left, the boy stayed behind and continued practicing. The teacher didn't seem to mind and even gave the boy extra lessons due to how enthusiastic his target was. He stayed at the dojo for a few more hours, but he was forced to leave when the teacher left as well.

The boy then returned to his home and prepared something for himself to eat. Afterward, he stuffed some clothes in a backpack and left his apartment once more. His next destination seemed to be a clearing in the local park. The boy looked around, trying to see if there was anyone nearby before he rushed to the middle and disappeared. One moment he was there, the next he was gone.

"What?!" Sirzechs exclaimed in surprise. Had he been found out? But how did the boy even escape? He hadn't seen any magical circles, he hadn't sensed any magic being used, the boy just disappeared from his senses just like that.

Sirzechs spread his senses around Kuoh again, trying to see if the boy was somewhere in town. He wasn't. He had just disappeared out of thin air, which frankly, made no sense.

Sirzechs was absolutely sure there had been no magic involved. He might not be the best magical user in the Underworld, that title went to Ajuka as much as Serafall wanted it, but he was up there right behind his friends.

Now, Sirzechs started panicking. He may have driven away the boy whose help he required, whose help his sister needed. Sirzechs could always abuse his power as a Satan and dissolve the marriage, even destroy the Phenex clan if they pushed too much. However, that would only give a reason for the Old-Satan faction to emerge again. He could see how they would rally the Devils against him and his fellow Satans, resulting in another civil war. That was something he wished to avoid no matter what.

This was bad, this was bad, this was bad. Sirzechs was wondering what to do and how to possibly find the boy again. The Satan was rallying his brain when about ten minutes later, the boy appeared in the clearing. He wasn't in the same place he had disappeared, and his clothes were torn. The boy seemed to have fresh blood on him, but he didn't see any visible wounds on him.

However, the most significant change was how much more life force he had. Sirzechs wasn't sure if he was sensing it correctly, but there seemed to something slightly different about the boy. The only way Sirzechs could explain it was that the boy looked to be... less human? He wasn't sure.

If Sirzechs was surprised how the boy had acquired so much life force, then he was absolutely astonished a moment later. His target had stumbled over to the trees in the park before he sat down on the ground and summoned two Sacred Gears! Not only did he have the Boosted Gear, but he had Absorption Line as well.

As incredible as that was, it was just as much worrisome. For a Devil to reincarnate and add someone to his peerage, they had to meet specific requirements. Looking at the human with two Sacred Gears, Sirzechs realized that Rias would not be able to turn him into a Devil.

This was bad, this was bad, this was bad. Why had this situation turned so troublesome!? But maybe there was something that could be done about this, so Sirzechs continued observing the boy. His target seemed to be using both of his Sacred Gears to distribute the excess amount of life force across his body and strengthen it in the process. This was an intriguing way of using a Sacred Gear, but it wasn't what he was after.

A few hours later, the boy stood up and took the clothes from his backpack. He changed into an all-black outfit that included a mask and headgear that hid his unique hair.

His target then started patrolling the streets of Kuoh until he found a bunch of thugs. Without hesitation, the boy jumped and quickly beat them up. They stood no chance as they were nothing but regular humans. The boy then went through their pockets and grabbed any money he found before grabbing one of the thugs.

"You're gonna tell me where your boss lives, or I'm gonna pop your head like a balloon!" The boy threatened him with one of his hands squeezing the thug's head. The gang member didn't hesitate even for a second to snitch on his boss.

Without hesitation, the boy made his way to an expensive-looking house, which he burst into and decimated everyone inside. Those people were regular humans, and he used his Boosted Gear, so they really stood no chance. He pocketed whatever money or valuables he found before running away, using Absorption Line to swing from building to building.

Sirzechs understood a little bit about his target from that. The boy obviously had money issues, judging by the small apartment he lived in and his nightly actions. Sirzechs could work with that as he had so much money, he didn't even know how to spend it.

However, his target wasn't done surprising him. He was absolutely astonished once more when the boy returned to his apartment and summoned a blue-skinned woman. Was that another Sacred Gear? How many abilities did he have? No matter how Sirzechs looked at it, Rias had absolutely no chance of adding him to her peerage with how many powers he had.

The woman didn't hesitate even for a second to drop her robes and pulled him in for a passionate kiss. His clothes were gone in an instant, and the two began fucking like rabbits.

Okay, the boy had money issues and quite the carnal desire, but that was normal for someone his age. Sirzechs could work with that. The only problem was, how was he supposed to get the boy to help his sister. There must be something he could do, right?

Sirzechs didn't bother watching the two have sex and returned to the Underworld. His father could have some ideas on how to handle this after he shares what he found out about the boy.


Yami wasn't really a morning person, but waking up to a beautiful elf giving him a blowjob would jump-start anyone's day. After sending his load down her throat, he petted her head before standing up.

The bathroom was his first destination of the day. After quickly cleaning himself, Yami stared at the reflection in his mirror. That had become a habit of his to look at himself each morning. He knew how vain that was, but he liked his current appearance.

However, if it wasn't for that habit, Yami wouldn't have found out the changes his body was going through. And no, he wasn't thinking about his muscles or nice abs that were now visible. His facial features had become more... gentle and delicate. It was almost unnoticeable, but it was the truth. And the most notable change was his ears. Again, it was hard to notice, but they were slightly pointed, almost like an elf's.

"When you said you were going to become something more than a human, I wasn't expecting that," Ddraig boomed in his head, laughing loudly.

Yami came to the conclusion that his change was due to Absorption Line. His desire to become something more than a human had pushed itself onto his Sacred Gear. He wasn't absorbing only the life force and magical energy from his enemies, but also their very being.

The Boosted Gear was the one that would allow him to multiply his strength, giving him the power to face off enemies he wouldn't stand a chance. However, Absorption Line was absolutely essential for him to even reach that point. He couldn't describe how glad he was that he managed to snag both for himself.

"You are going to have to find some stronger beings to absorb if you want to survive. Those weak elves won't be enough."

Ddraig was right. He would need to find stronger beings, but this was a world with Fallen Angels, Devils, and Angels. He just needed to find ones that no one would even notice if they disappeared. As long he succeeds and doesn't get an entire faction on his ass, everything will be okay. Simple, right?

Happy Holidays! I keep forgetting to mention that.

Anyway, if you have any ideas for cards that Yami could use, I will be glad to add them. My small brain could come up with only so much, so your help will be appreciated.

Allgodcreators' thoughts
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