
Let's have s!#?

Outside our protagonist's house within the spacious dojo a portal vomited out our shivering crimson haired shinigami.

"I swear that's probobly going to be in the top 5 for most creepiest requests I've ever done." Said the grounded Shinigami as he just got back from his second request

[System believes Host to be exaggerating] commented the eternally ever-present robotic sounding voice

"It wasn't even the request that creeped me out." He said as he remembered the insane priest with his ever present blank face saying 'Yorokobe Shounen' sending a shiver up his spine.

[System believed his request to be tame] commented the system

"I think we just got lucky all he actually wanted was some mapo tofu. Seriously just being in his presence made me feel like prey being stalked by it's predator" as he remembered feeling unsafe as the priest was eating his meal

[Host has recieved the skills 'Mana Crystal Creation' from the RWBYverse and 'Servant add-on status' from the Nasuverse]

"Add-on? Like I finally get a better idea of where I stand as far combat abilities go?" asked Shiro as he always thought the status was disappointing to look at

[Host is correct, would Host like to see the changes?] The system asked as it confirmed his thoughts

"Yah let's see where I stand in the world" He said a bit excited to see his stats

[Name: Shiro Aversis] [Age:17]

[Race: Human, Shinigami] [Soul: Indestructable]

[Soul Bound Items:

Ryuujin Jakka (Bankai unlocked) / Mythical Parasol Tree / Familiar Skasa the heavenly Ice Dragon]

[Body: Eternal Ancient Imperishable body]

[Reiryoku: ∞] [Mana: : ∞]


Strength: B- Endurance: EX Agility: A

Mana: EX Luck: E+ N.P: ???


Hado Arts 1-88 / Bakudo Arts 1-81

Ice Craft / Winter's Embrace / Grand Shatter / Ice age

Weak hypnotic suggestion

Mana Crystal Creation]


Blood Sea(level 10)

Shunpo(intermediate) / Zanjutsu techniques(expert) / Hakuda techniques(Master)

Reiatsu control(expert) / Immense spiritual pressure

Poison resistance]

System Review: Third True Magician specialized in ice magic, Kido Master, Captain level Shinigami, Cat Savior.

Should you face god level beings such as Great Red or Ophis you will demote back to punching bag.

"System... Why is my luck stat so low?" Shiro asked as he was wondering if there was a way to bring it up

[Host was killed by a greater being for a bet and then dropped into a monster infested world alone for 2 years until Host met the head captain. Host should be happy that Host's luck is higher than a certain Hero of Justice] responded the disembodied voice

".... Fair enough, I guess I'll just think of raising it in the future if possible" he conceded as he trudged towards his house

"Anyway I'm gonna go take a nap until the next request" he said as he got into the house and plopped down on the couch instead of heading to his room

Feeling a tug on his shirt he didn't open his eyes but spoke groggily "Ophis... I already stocked up the fridge... I'm tired right now so play later" he finished as he began heading back to slumber

The tugging of his shirt came again except this time the monotone voice of the dragon god came "Shiro... let's have sex?" It took the crimson haired shinigami a moment to process those words

Slowly turning his head towards the source of the voice he opened his eyes and calmly asked his roommate "Where did you learn what sex is?" he asked completely serious

The goth loli didn't hesitate in her words as it brought more questions to our silver eyed protagonist "Kuroka taught me" she said with complete honesty

Shiro's thoughts raced for the where and how but he just settled for asking "And when was this?"

"Today" Was her immediate response

"But... then where is she?" This time the dragon didn't respond as she simply turned her gaze towards something next to him. As he slowly followed her gaze he was greeted by the site of the aforementioned nekoshou straddled on his waste on the couch as she looked down on him with a seductive smile.

The first thing that came to his mind was how he didn't feel her weight but opted to just ask the catgirl "How did you find my house?" He was honestly confused since he knew Issei wouldn't talk. But then again his student pretty much runs on lust so he may have put too much trust on his student not being persuaded.

"I let the dragon boy touch me nya~" She said as she lowered her body closer, her eyes never leaving his 'Godamnit Issei' He thought as he began to think of a suitable punishment for selling out his teacher to feel up some tits! His thoughts were cut short when the black haired nekoshou forced her tongue down his mouth.

She was forced to stop when she felt the tug on her obi.

"Me first" said the gothic lolita

"Oh sorry, but i've been waiting for this for a long time" responded the sly catgirl as she didn't move from the red head.

Shiro was still light headed as he didn't have any experience with any of this in both lives 'Is this how I'm gonna graduate from my v-card?' was his thought as he absentmindedly looked at his aggressive soon to be lover.

[Summoning detected, transporting host now] Came the system's voice

'Wait system hold on a minute!' Shiro panicked but before he could do anything he was pulled into the portal

Within the depths of space inside an intimidating freight ship. A group of soldiers could be found standing in attention led by a bulky figure with what looks to be multiple modifications done to him.

As the flyer continued to emit red light, a magic circle took it's place. A certain irritated shinigami could be seen slowly rising up from the portal as he sat on the ground cursing his E+ rank Luck.


It took our silver eyed protagonist all his will-power not to slaughter everyone here

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