
DxD: Gamer in ttl would

Everyone had boring life and will be there are no exception in this if someone is telling you a story then it all started with a shifty previous life just as mine. I had a pretty shitty life and now I am in a world of dxd where if you turn your head you will see a girl with big tits and exposing thighs and where you get those lucky encounter like in anime. but there is a twist I am not just simply here I am here with a gamer system and I am gonna make the most of this life enjoying this world. so I am Vincent lane and this is my story.

Fanfiction_fan · Tranh châm biếm
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56 Chs

Chapter 52 : "Misha got me fan girls."

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Reaching the club I knocked on the door, then hugged the wall.

Thankfully the door opened and Koneko peered out, noticing me in an instant, "What are you doing?" She asked.

"Misha got me fan girls." I deadpanned.

Koneko blinked before grabbing my arm, "In." she said pulling me inside the building and shutting the door, "Why are you here?"

I smiled, I honestly love Koneko's blunt approach to conversation, I get the most smiles out of it. "Think you could tell Rias that I'm not going to join her peerage just yet? I want to adjust to school life first before I start having to mix in all my devil work." I said.

"Sure." Koneko said nodding.

"Also." I said reaching into my inventory and pulling out the Cestus and Bastard sword, "For you and Kiba."

"Great." Koneko taking the Cestus and putting them on, "Great fit." She added before taking the Bastard Sword, "Lighter than I thought."

"That's a bastard sword for you." I said chuckling, "You're friend wanted me to tell you she's gonna be out of town for a few days so you won't be spending time with her for a while."

And thus I saw Koneko's sad face, which looked like that of a kicked kitten, "Thanks for letting me know." She said before opening the door and peeking out, "It's clear."

"Thanks but…" I said opening the nearest window, "I'm not taking chances." And with that I preformed an unnessicarily epic dive out the window and into a bush.

I lost 10 HP getting jabbed by all the branches.


"Hey!" I heard a mans voice from behind me as I entered my next class, thus I turned around to see the nerdy looking Motohama and the bald headed Matsuda.

"You're two the perverted Trio right? Issei's friends?" I asked, getting a surprising blink from the two.

"Yeah." Matsuda asked.

"Where's my neighbor anyway?" I asked, just wanna call it now, nurses office.

"He's on the can." Motohama said before getting in my face, "But what the hell is up with you!? You show up out of nowhere, already got a girl living with you that you ain't related to, and now you've got as big a following as that jerk Kiba!"

I'm gonna be honest, I looked out the window and toward the ground. We're on the second floor right now, and someone has ever so conveniently racked up some leaves just out the window.

They can survive this right?

I opened the window and stepped aside, "I hear you can get a clear view of the tennis court from here." I said.

"WHAT!? Motohama and Matsuda shouted, knowing full well that means a new spying spot for their perverted antics so long as they bring a pair of binoculars… If I wasn't lying out my ass.

The girls all looked at me confused before I grinned as the two boys leaned out the window, I got behind them and lifted my foot.

"Idiots." I said before shoving the two out the window, checking on them to make sure they were alive (Which they were.) and then shutting the window, then I sat back down in my seat, "There we go, the air is much cleaner now."

Gotta admit, the applause was kind of enjoyable, and it cut off when Issei entered the room.

"Hey Vincent, where are Motohama and Matsuda?" He asked me.

"Took a trip?" I asked with a shrug, getting a few snickers from the rest of the class.


The day ended without much more incident… Well, there was the army of fan girls waiting by the front gate. Maybe booting out a pair of perverts was not something that would help my reputation in a way that would not keep me from being swarmed.

"Waiting for the fan girls to leave?" Kiba asked me as he stepped next to me.

I shook me head, "Nah, I've the the perfect way to move them." I said clearing my throat. "Hey, I heard the Perverted Trio was by the Kendo Club again." I said rather loudly, and just like I predicted, the group swarmed away, picking up sticks or pulling out books, ready to beat perverts to submission.

"That was… Easier than I thought it was." I admitted.

"Most girls here would like nothing more that to beat those three into oblivion." Kiba said, "Still, it was nice meeting you again without that… Thing around. Glad it's dead though."

"Doubt it." I said as we stepped out of the school gates, "Things don't just regenerate and mutate only to die off second later with a smirk on its face."

"I think those were just the teeth." Kiba reminded me.

"Whatever." I said, "Point is, keep an eye out for this thing. Find anything on the name Alice yet in the Supernatural?"

"Not really." Kiba said, "Alice is a fairly common name among devil families. The most notable is the presumed dead Alice Naberius."

'It is about her.' I thought, then I notice Kiba and I were about to go in different directions, "I guess this is where we go our separate ways for today."

"I guess so." Kiba said smiling, "See you tomorrow."

"Later!" I called as I walked off.

Reaching my house I was actually surpised.

For starters, Misha was not in the house, and Kuroka was still doing something for Vali, but Yasaka sure was, and Kunou was there too. The latter playing Parasite Eve.

Dammit Square, why can't you make games like this anymore? Final Fantasy 15 didn't even feel like a Final Fantasy game dammit it felt like a Kingdom Hearts game.

"Hello Vincent~" Yasaka purred before pulling me into a hug.


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