
DxD: Gamer in ttl would

Everyone had boring life and will be there are no exception in this if someone is telling you a story then it all started with a shifty previous life just as mine. I had a pretty shitty life and now I am in a world of dxd where if you turn your head you will see a girl with big tits and exposing thighs and where you get those lucky encounter like in anime. but there is a twist I am not just simply here I am here with a gamer system and I am gonna make the most of this life enjoying this world. so I am Vincent lane and this is my story.

Fanfiction_fan · Tranh châm biếm
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56 Chs

Chapter 48 : another damage

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Creature, dealing another 419 damage, followed by Katase jumping in and stabbing it in the knee for 122 damage, Murayama jumping in with a stab to it's calf for 89 damage.

"Here we go!" I shouted jumping up and stabbing my sword into it's upper heel, dealing 200 damage, then began my climb again, once I reached it's back I had dealt a total of 4682 damage, with Murayama and Katase dealing another 3574 damage during that time, leaving Legion with only 566 HP left.

"Adios ya big ugly bastard!" I shouted letting gravity pull my back down with the sword cutting through it again.

When Legion's HP hit zero it lurched back sharply, throwing me off it's back and to the ground, where I was caught by my Spectre, didn't notice I had released him.

"Thanks." I said with a smirk as it set me down.

[OST End]

[You've reached Lvl 26]

[You've reached Lvl 27]

[You've reached Lvl 28]

[You've reached Lvl 29]

[You've reached Lvl 30]

Legion roared out in agony as it leaned backwards, resulting in all of us running out of it's crashing zone.

As it's back reached it's furthest arch the monster began to fall apart as the zombies dissolved mid fall, half of Legion never hit the ground as the Loot Orb appeared in the empty space.

"We did it?" Katase asked as she fell to her knee's, he holy weapons vanishing as she did.

"We did." I said picking up the Loot Orb.

[Loot Orb Opened, you received-]

[40,000 Yen]

[100 Zombie Flesh]

[1 Legion's Heart]

[20 Zombie Spirits]

[Bracer of Legion]

[5 Element Shards (Darkness)

I ignored what the Bracer of Legion did and ran over to Katase and lifted her onto my shoulder, Murayama didn't look any better and I immediately pulled the two back into my Sanctuary after my Spirits were dismissed.


Murayama and Katase were currently resting on a bed in one of the guest rooms as I sat on a chair in the corner.

"Are you two sure you don't need anything?" I asked concerned for the two.

"We sure." Katase said with a huff, "Just… A little rest."

I hung my head low "I'm sorry, I really shouldn't have brought you into this." I said, "Instead of protecting you I may have just put you in more danger."

"Our Sacred Gears." Murayama said with sigh, "Now we're on the watch list of Devils and who knows what else the moment we step out of here."

"Personally I'm amazed it slipped by so…" I muttered before I realized something, "Unless… Heh, Issei actually saved you two."

"What!?" Murayama and Katase shouted, lurching out of their beds so fast I was almost fooled into thinking they had recovered.

"How in the name of god did that PERVERTED BEAST save us!?" Katase shouted.

"Issei's on a Devil's watch list because he apparently has a powerful Sacred Gear." I started, "And because he's trying to peep on you so often and you're beating him down so often, whenever a Devil is near you, Issei is near you and his Sacred Gear's aura is overpowering yours, hiding them."

Murayama and Katase looked at each other.

"I am not thanking him." Katase said.

"I won't directly thank him." Murayama said, "But I will go a slight bit easier on him next time they peep."

I sighed and discreetly equipped a cup, "Right now however both your Sword Birth and Blade Blacksmith are awakened, one might cover the other but I doubt Issei's gear will cover either of them, but I do have a solution that will cover them so long as you wear it." I said before holding up my hands, "Promise me you'll hear me out before doing anything. Please."

Murayama and Katase looked at each other before looking back at me, "What is it?" Murayama asked.

"I'm… Gonna need to borrow your panties." I said holding up my hands, noticing the rage building in their eyes I quickly continued, "I'm step out of the room. you slide your panties under the door, and I will use the Shade Cloth I have to create some panties for you two that will conceal your Sacred Gears."

"Why our panties then!?" Katase shouted.

"It's the simplest thing I could think of that you could hide underneath your uniforms." I said, "Plus I need to make a lot of it and you two need to make it home before dark before suspicion rises."

Katase and Murayama glared at me before sighing.

"Fine… Out of the room." Katase said, "You'd better not sniff them."

"OI!" I shouted making for the door, "I'm not a pervert! I may be an asshole when I want to, and I may have some moments of insanity, and I may have teenage male hormones running through me- But I'm not a pervert that sniffs panties! I'd put inching power in them and laugh at the discomfort the wearer is having as I relish in revenge. Relax I won't do that to you though."

With that I shut the door and began waiting… While also checking out my new Bracer of Legion

[Bracer of Legion]

[Effect: Increase Attack Power and Defense for every ally within range that is NOT a Spirit.]

"Dang… This is actually pretty nice." I said with a grin, granted Rias's peerage may be small, but all my allies could easily make this Bracer really powerful.

Then a pink pair and a white pair of panties slid under the door.

"Time to get to work." I said picking up the pairs and holding them away from me as a I went toward my workshop, "Hopefully I can get a weeks worth done quickly."


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