
A Little Miracle

-Italy, Countryside-

In a lush green village more specifically a two storey house in the fields a beautiful pale blonde woman with blue eyes that seemed to be in her late 20's or early 30's wearing nun robes was standing outside the door of the house a little nervously.

Griselda: (No need to be afraid Griselda....you are just visiting an old friend....Gods! the guilt is killing me!)

Griselda steeled herself before knocking on the door.


In a few moments the door opened to reveal a beautiful woman in her early 20's she had black luscious hair that reached her back along with red ruby eyes that looked like they housed fire.

Maria: Griselda?

Griselda: Mary how you've been?

Griselda said in a cheery voice but she only got a Deadpan from Maria.

Maria:...I hope seeing that you are wearing that outfit doesn't mean you are here on any Church business right? otherwise you can kindly leave.

Griselda flinched hearing the cold tone but quickly placated.

Griselda: Nononono! I'm not here for that! I swear I had business near the area and after finishing it i decided to pay you a visit as a friend.

Maria actually smiled this time but also her tone softened.

Maria: Then what are you waiting for here, come inside I haven't seen you for almost 2 years.

Griselda sighed in relief before entering the house and taking a seat in one of the living room couches.

Maria: Wait for a bit, I'll get some refreshments.

Griselda smiled while relaxing her body as she looked around the room, The house had a homely feel to it but when she was looking her gaze eventually went downward where she saw something she had missed or specifically "someone".

In the corner of the living room was a space that was filled with toys like building blocks, plushies even a music box playing with the music box was a little boy no more than a year old looking curiously at her.

Said boy was wearing dark blue pants and a white T-shirt he had midnight black hair and blue eyes that reminded her of the ocean and Griselda had to restrain herself from cooing seeing how he was staring with those big blue eyes.

Griselda: Awwww aren't you just a little ball of cuteness.

Griselda got up and picked the little boy up to take a closer look at him but was instead suprised at the aura the boy was subconsciously releasing, an Aura which was only distinguishable to those that are magically intuned.

The Aura wasn't overbearing or even malicious on the contrary it was very pure and seem to give the feeling of serenity and protection.

Griselda: (How can a baby have such a unique and pure Aura!...unless he's a Holy Child!!)

In that time Maria had come back with snacks and refreshments along with an extra "guest"

Maria: Ah! I see you've met Haru.

Griselda was about to ask Maria about the boy's aura when she looked at the guest in suprise.

Griselda: Lady Gabriel!? what are you doing here!

Standing beside Maria was an extremely beautiful woman with curly bright blonde hair innocent blue eyes and voluptuous figure that wasn't hidden even though she was wearing white robes.

Gabriel: Hi! Griselda! I was done with my business so I was going sight seeing but when I was flying around a mean old pigeon pecked me in the head and I fell on the front yard and the spot still hurts.

Gabriel was talking very cheerfully at the start but at the end her tone became of a child complaining to her big sister as she touched the spot she was hurt teary eyed.

Griselda was about to refute to the absolutely ridiculous tale as no more than a lie but she soon closed her mouth...

Oh--who was she kidding! this was Gabriel for crying out loud! How many 12 winged Angels were out in Heaven who were airheaded enough to get "Attached" by a pigeon and fall.

Maria: I saw from the kitchen window how she was lying in the yard while massaging her head so I invited her in.

Gabriel(pouty): I was lucky that this was Mary's house----Oooooh! who's this!

Griselda/Maria: (Annnnnnnnd she changed the subject.....not to mention how fast she changed her mood) (Wryly)

Maria was about to say something when someone finally decided to say something.

Haruto: Ma.....ma...

Maria closed her mouth and smiled warmly at the baby.

Maria: Does Haru want to come to mommy....what's the matter Griselda?

As Maria was taking her son from gently Griselda's arms, Gabriel was looking at Maria in suprise but Griselda was staring at her in abject shock.

Griselda: The boy.....IS YOUR SON!

Gabriel: Congratulations!

Maria smiled at Gabriel before looking at Griselda with a Deadpan.

Maria: Do you see any other person in this house who could be his parent?

True. But this was Mary she was talking about who honestly wasn't the most patient person she remembers in the Vatican but rather one of the most Violent ones albeit a good violent.

Griselda: Okay...but before we get in to anymore debates.....Mary. Is your son a [Holy Child]

Griselda was now extremely serious even Gabriel was shocked as she looked at the baby and gasped when she saw his aura and even used her vision to peek at his soul and gasped again seeing like his Aura it was pure and welcoming.

Maria:...No Griselda...he's not a [Holy Child].

Gabriel had a rare serious expression on her face she used only in situations with importance.

Gabriel: Maria I have to agree with Griselda, children are pure but even when they are born they have a slight amount of Darkness which even though might be unnoticeable, is there but your son doesn't have that so the only thing that could mean is that he is a Child loved by God hence a [Holy Child]

Maria only sighed as she lifted Haruto's shirt and turned his back to them causing them an even greater shock.

On the baby's back were some pitch black feathers that were growing out but where overall unnoticeable in the clothing.

Gabriel:...How...is this...How?

Griselda: ....A Fallen Angel....with the aura of an [Holy child]....it's impossible...

Maria: That was my reaction too when I found Haruto on my doorstep a year ago, it took some time but I accepted the most likely outcome.

Maria put Haruto's shirt back on and cradled him on her forearms as he slowly went to sleep.

Griselda: What outcome? (Still slightly shocked)

Maria looked at down at her son with a warm smile but still answered.

Maria: He's a Miracle.....My Little Miracle.

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