
DXD: A Demon Lord's Hero

Fanfic is called "A Demon Lord's Hero" by the author Fahad09 . You can find him on Fanfiction.net or Ao3, or simply just search his name on google. "A Demon Lord's Hero" has 26 chapter and has over 400k words. Last updated on May 12, 2020. It is a crossover between Fate/Stay Night and Highschool DxD with a pairing of Shirou EmiyaXSerefall Leviathan. === Summary: When I sold my soul to the Devil, I thought I was prepared for anything. I wasn't. I didn't expect him to be a her. Or dressed up as a magical girl carrying a pink wand tipped with a cheerful yellow star. Her being a prankster however didn't come as much of a surprise. You know, the Bible would have been a whole lot more interesting if they included stuff like this. Complete AU ===

Babel_Tower · Tranh châm biếm
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21 Chs

The Devil's guidebook


A Demon Lord's Hero isn't mine, it's written by the author Fahad09 and can be found in FF or Ao3. I'm mainly doing this to spread the word that the author Aerle is not the author of Dxd: A New Hero. Do not subscribe to his patreon to read chapters behind a paywall when you can read it for free from the real author on FF net or Ao3.

I'm doing this cuz I thought it looked familiar and realized it was just plagiarism, I went to ff net to see and in one of the comments another use was also stating that Aerle was copying and trying to get people to sub to his P@treon. Looks like it's not his first time doing this too, since that commenter said he also plagiarized a Naruto fic called "With the Eyes of God," by the author cloud9stories

Since in Webnovel Aerle can delete comments and bad reviews, it's quite easy for the dude to scam people and get away with it. 

I'm extremely petty and I liked the original fanfics so Ima just post most of the chapter to fuck this guy over lmao. Also if you see a Patreon link with the title of "Aerle" at the end, it's most likely a scam lol.

======= [Info Dump Chapter]==========

Authors notes: This chapter will explain the rules of the world and how it works. While it is not strictly necessary, a lot of the magic and history of the world I plan to make will make a lot more sense if you read it.(Still under revision)

The Devil's guidebook

For the newly reincarnated

Class: King/Queen/Rook/Knight/Bishop/Pawn


Official Rank:

(Note, an official rank may not reflect on the actual combat ability. There have been several cases where a low-ranked devil have defeated a high-ranked one. This is however more common occurrence with pure-blooded devils who were granted a high rank at birth rather than low-born devils who earned their ranks by rising up the ranks.)


Strength: N/A

Endurance: N/A

Agility: N/A

Mana: N/A

Luck: N/A

Scared Gear/ Ability/ Weapon: N/A


There are five main Rankings E, D, C, B & A

Note that the gaps between ranks are large. So much so that it is more than possible for a competent fighter to defeat several opponents that are only a single rank beneath him.

E = The base value and it is estimated to be 10 times more powerful than an average human.

D = high class devils

C = Ultimate Class / 8-10 winged angle

B = Maou Class / 12 winged angle / Lower gods

A = Super Devil / higher Gods / Evil Dragons

Ex = The 'Ex' rank is applied when the power cannot be classified in the normal system and is in a league of its own. While it can be applied to extremely powerful creatures such as the Great Red, it also includes abilities that are simple too unique to be proper measure such as 'Time Travel' or an ability that grants you the power to always be slightly stronger than the opponent you are currently facing.

'+' = The plus sign indicates that under certain circumstances, the Stat may exceed the designated rank by up to, but no higher than one rank.

For example, a devil bishop's speed can increase from an E Rank to a D Rank when flying in the air if the devil is a highly skilled flyer. In such a case, a rank of E+ would be awarded.

'++' indicates that the Stat may increase by two ranks, while '+++' by three.

'-' = The minus sign indicates that the Stat doesn't completely qualify for its rank either due to it being too weak for the rank but too strong to justify a lower ranking, or has a flaw or weakness that prevents it from completely qualifying for the Rank.

For example, a devil knight may have a C rank in endurance, but due to the inherited weakness of the legs for knight classes, the devil's legs may only qualify for a D rank in endurance. In such a case, a rank of C- would be awarded.

The gaps in power between Ranks also increase as they get higher. For example the difference in strength between E and D rank is many times smaller than the difference between B and A.

Racial Traits:

Devil's Luck: All devils are blessed (or cursed) with a luck of the devil.

A devil's luck is influenced heavily by how powerful the devil in question is. An extremely powerful devil will result in luck that can rival a Dragon's. It will attract other powerful beings to him as well as potential mates of the opposite genders and will often allow the devil to stumble upon the most unusual situations.

There has been documented cases in the past where powerful devils have either stumbled on a damsel in distress on the way home for work or even have found themselves accidently walking into the middle of a Cthulhu summoning ritual that involved the sacrifice of virgins by randomly wandering through the streets at night (each of the four current Maou have reported experiencing both of these events).

Whether such luck can be considered a blessing or a curse depends on the devil's personality. Those who seek battle or adventure will see it as a blessing. While those who wish for peaceful lives will look upon it as a curse.

It is rumored that the Maou Falbuim Asmodeus has the potential to one day become a super devil with enough training but refuses to do so in fear of what would become of his life if he gains the luck of a super devil. Such is his fear of receiving such luck that it is believed to be one of the attributing factor to his famed laziness.

While the Super Devil Sirzechs Lucifer, who is considered to be the strongest devil alive, is band from every casino in the underworld due to his absurdly monstrous luck that has resulted in him having several consecutive winning streaks when it comes to games of pure chance.

An extremely weak devil's luck however will have no notable difference in comparison to that of an ordinary human.


All Devils are cable of flight.

Though Devils reincarnated from species without wings tend to be less skilled flyers than their natural born counterparts as they lack the innate instincts of flying, all devils can eventually become skilled flyers given enough time and practice.

Weakness to holy and light elements:

Due to being classified as 'Dark' beings; all devils have an inherited weakness to 'light'. Holy magic on the other is not naturally harmful for devils but artificially made to be so.

Before the original Satan was cast out from heaven for defying God, he bore none of the weakness Devils currently have towards Holy magic and was even able wield holy magic himself. But that all ended with his fall.

The Holy element is an artificially created element. Unlike the other natural elements such as light and fire that existed since the creation of the earth, Holy was brought to existence in the world through the will of God and is thus is considered to be a reflection of God's will. As God has rejected all Devils, due to his anger at Satan's betrayal, so has the Holy element rejected devils in turn.

While light and holy magic are often incorrectly considered to be the same, there is a significant difference between the two despite their resemblance. It is why crosses and holy water are harmful to devils despite not containing any light element within them.

Please note, that attacks that are made up of both Holy and Lights elements are extremely dangerous to devils. Light spears of angels for example contain both Holy and Light elements while the light spears of fallen angels only contain light element. It is for this reason why Heaven is still considered a dangerous threat to Hell, despite the existence of two super devils and the substantial increase in the number of devils thanks to the creation of the evil piece system.

Silver tongue:

All Devils are blessed with a Silver Tongue.

This ability allows them to understand all spoken languages, even ones that are not human based. As long in can be spoke through a human's through, it can be understood. Though this only works with face-to-face communication. The magic behind this ability require both parties to be physically present to work.

When communicating over the over long distances by non-magical means such as through the telephone, this ability will have no effect. However, the 'Silver Tongue' will allow devils to learn the language they are speaking in at a prodigal rate, enabling devils to achieve near native proficiency in under a year when immersed in an environment where they are continually forced to speak said language. Which is the reason why many older devils are able to naturally communicate in dozens of different languages.

There are however two flaws with this ability. Written language are not translated and thus must be learned naturally. Expressions and idioms that don't have an exact match in a language that the devil naturally knows will fail to translate, or worse, are translated incorrectly.

Take heed of the second flaw as it has been known to lead to disaster.

A well-known example of this occurred approximately three thousand years ago, during the reign of King Solomon the wise. A high class devil of the now extinct Naberius Clan named Alcaeus was able to successfully establish a contract with the King, who was considered the most influential human of the time. While the precise details of the contract was lost to time and war, what records remain showed that the family profited heavily from it.

Unfortunately, the entire thing ended in disaster after a translation error. Alcaeus despite thoroughly researching the king's culture in order negotiate properly, never bothered to take the time to learn to speak the language naturally.

At the time, it was customary to talk about your personal life before talking about business, apparently to show that you cared about your business partner wellbeing instead of just their money, and a common conversation topic was one's family.

During this particular conversation, King Solomon's mother was brought up and Alcaeus naturally tried to pay the King's mother a complement. Now while the exact words he meant to say were lost to time, but according to witnesses and the King himself, Alcaeus ended up calling his mother a 'hot piece of ass'. While historians believe that this was likely a result of a translation error of the spell, it didn't matter in the end for poor Alcaeus.

The King was understandably so enraged by what he perceived as a devil trying to seduce his mother that he promptly chopped his head off.

Let this be a lesson to all you new Devils. Be careful when using a language you're not familiar with. You never know when you may end up making a pass on someone's mother. You may end up losing your head when you least expect it.

Creatures of the Night:

Devils are nocturnal creatures.

They have more energy and strength during the night, while daylight leaves them drained and lethargic. Devils, like most nocturnal creatures, are also gifted with excellent night visions allowing them to see even in the darkest of nights.

Devil Magic:

All Devils are capable of casting and using a form of magic only available to Devils. Unlike human magicians who utilize their knowledge of equations and runes to cast spells, Devils can cast spells through the power of their imagination alone.

In the most basic sense, all a Devil has to do to cast a spell is to will their magic into the form they desire. For example, if a Devil wished to cast a ball of fire all he needed to do was pour out their magic and will it into the form of a flame. While it is a little more complicated than that and will require practice to master, magic has always come instinctively to all Devils even reincarnated ones.

There have been many documented cases where recently Reincarnated Devils were successfully able to use magic on their first attempt.

Shape Shifting:

Devils are born with the ability to shape shift their form to a limited extent. While it cannot be used for any extreme changes, such a growing a third arm, it can be used to alter one's appearance.

Most notably Devils are cable of adjusting their age to make them appear either younger or older than their actual age. This is why Devils thousands of years old may still appear to be in their mid-twenties.

While changing the colour of one's hair and skin is not possible, Devils are capable of removing or shifting the fat in their body. Finding an obese Devil is rare thanks to this ability because a Devil needs to eat an obscene amount of food daily in order to gain enough fat to negate their ability to remove it.

A recent trend among younger Devils is to shape their fat into muscles or curves to improve their appearances. Due note however that even if you shape your fat to look like a muscle, you will not gain any actual strength.

Reinforced body:

Devils, like all magical beings, gain their physical strength from their magic. All devils, both born and reincarnated, have an almost instinctive ability to automatically reinforce their body with magic to harden and strengthen it. This is the source of a Rooks strength and the Knights speed.

Yet why does the Bishop, the piece with the highest magical ability, does not enjoy these benefits. The reason is due the amount of Mana their body can handle.

Fortunately devils, unlike human mages, have nothing to fear from infusing their body with too much Mana as their minds are able to instinctively tell when they have reached their limit and block out any additionally Mana. Some devils in the past have attempted to overcome this limit by shutting down the mind's ability to block the flow of Mana. They theorized that the body does not in fact reinforce itself to its maximum potential and that by removing the block Devils would be able to reach unprecedented levels of strength.

All Devils involved in these experiments have died with rather predictable and messy results.

There are many creatures in the world with high magical ability, but lack the body to completely utilize their magic reserves. Almost every species would fall under this category, which is considered a good thing as anyone with a body that is capable handling their complete reserves would drain their body of Mana almost instantly. Although there are exceptions to this rule.

The most notable of these are the Nekoshou. They are a rare sub-species of Nekomata (humanoid Cat Yokai) that despite having above average magical reserves, are blessed with bodies that are capable of wielding massive amounts of Mana. So much so, that if an Average Nekomata tried using their body to their maximum capacity they would drain their entire magic supply in less than two seconds.

Fortunately, Nekoshous have found a way around this problem that would allow them to utilize their bodies to the limit. Nekoshous are different from other Nekomata breeds in that they are capable of wielding Senjutsu. Senjutsu allows them to absorb the life energy, more commonly known as chakra, from the world around them into their bodies. Using Chakra in place of Mana they are then capable of using their bodies to its maximum potential.

Unfortunately due to recent events, Nekoshous have become a rare and mostly unwelcome species in the Devil community (for more information please look up the information in the chapter on Yokai Races).

Some newly reincarnated devils with high magical reserves have occasion been found to have trouble controlling their new found strength and end up crushing anything they hold. Fortunately this period rarely ever last long as the devils will soon naturally adapt to their new found strength given time.

It is however advised that these Devils be isolated from normal human and refrain from handling fragile valuables until they have learned to restrain their power as it an unfortunately common occurrence for these newly incarnated Devils to end up hurting the people around them.

Curse of the 7 sins:

Devils, due to their very existence being the embodiment of sin, are especially suitable to the seven 'deadly' sins from the bible.

These are:








Most, if not all, devils embody at least one of these sins. Some represent several.

However, if it was simply a matter of being 'sinful', the 7 sins would not be known as a curse. The problem is the devils have the tendency of losing control of themselves when indulging in these scene.

There have been cases when a Devil who embodied Gluttony spent every waking moment eating whatever food he could get his hands on, not sparing the time to do anything, else not even bathing. While a Devil who embodied Wrath would attack anyone over the slightest insult, even just walking into such a Devil can set him off.

In an effort to limit the effect of these sins, pure-blooded devils (who are especially suitable to the 7 sins) tend to pick one of the 7 sin and deliberate indulge in it in a controlled manner.

For example, a Devil who chooses to indulge Lust would often create a harem of women (or men for female) in their peerage and act out their lust on their peerage but only on their peerage. By conditioning themselves to limit their desires on their peerage/harem they eventual train themselves to only indulge in their lust with their peerage/harem, thus preventing their weakness for Lust from acting out in other unpleasant manner.

It also the reasons why harems are such a common thing in the Devil community.

Please note, that due to the low birthrates in the Devil community, homosexuality is highly fronded upon and is considered to be a betrayal from ones duty as a Devil, especially so in the pure-blood community which is has been dying out in recent years. Bisexually however is a completely accepted and even encouraged practice as long as it an act of lust not love.

Another example of using a peerage to limit a deadly sin is Greed. Some Devils after choosing a particular person to join their peerage tend to go to extreme lengths to get their hearts desire. Lying and deceiving a potential peerage member is common occurrence, and even arranging their death by a third party then 'saving' them by reincarnating them to ensure their loyalty is not an unheard of practice. Their Greed for the member tends to cloud the minds of even the most ethical of Devils.

But ironically these same greedy Devils tend to make the best masters, as they never want to let any of their peerage members go, they would go to great lengths to make them happy so that their peerage members would willingly stay with them. The Gremory Clan is especially renowned for their Greed when it come to their Peerages as it has been said that they are willing to go as far as treating their peerage them as family to keep them happy enough to never leave.

The Maou Sirzechs Lucifer, when he was still a Gremory, is said to have desired his now Queen and wife, Grayfia Lucifuge, so badly that not only did he romance and court her during the civil war despite her being a member of the old faction and him the leader of the new one, but he also ended up leading a charge deep into enemy territory for the sole purpose of retrieving her when her family locked her away to prevent the two from rendezvousing.

While reincarnated devils tend to no show so any particular disposition to any one of these sins at first, given time, they will eventual succumb to one of them as they age. The effects of the 7 sins tend to grow as the individual's devil abilities develop. The stronger the Devil, the more easily they would fall to temptation.

While devils as whole embrace these sins, partially because they enjoy it and partially because it tends to infuriate their angel counterpart so much, it is considered a sign of weakness for devils succumb to one of these sins. Devils are expected to be in control of their sins, not allow it to control them.

That is why the Maou are expected to only have a single wife and not a harem. As leaders of all Devils, they are expected to set an example on how devils, even ones as powerful as them thus more susceptible, can resist the most common temptations, lust.

The three most common Sins among Devils are Lust, Greed and Pride.


Please note that the following information is the based on the base parameter of a newly reincarnated devil with a regular King as a master.

Stats can vary greatly depending on the strength and skill of the reincarnated devil, the amount of evil pieces used in the reincarnation process and the pure magical ability and raw strength of the King.

Stats can also change over time with training.

Class: Knight (Base)


Official Rank:


Strength: E

Endurance: E-

Agility: D

Mana: E-

Luck: E

Scared Gear/ Ability/ Weapon: N/A

Class: Rook (Base)


Official Rank:


Strength: D

Endurance: D

Agility: E-

Mana: E

Luck: E+

Scared Gear/ Ability/ Weapon: N/A

Class: Bishop (Base)


Official Rank:


Strength: E-

Endurance: E-

Agility: E

Mana: D

Luck: E

Scared Gear/ Ability/ Weapon: N/A

Class: Pawn (Base) - single pawn piece


Official Rank:


Strength: E-

Endurance: E

Agility: E-

Mana: E-

Luck: E-

Scared Gear/ Ability/ Weapon: N/A

Class: Queen (Base) –


Official Rank:


Strength: D-

Endurance: D-

Agility: D-

Mana: D-

Luck: D-

Scared Gear/ Ability/ Weapon: N/A

For newly initiated devils, these ranks may appear to be rather low but that is only because they fail to comprehend the true meaning behind the ranks.

Even a Devil with an E Rank in Strength will have enough grip strength to crush a human's skull with their bare hands and bench press several times their weight. And while a Devil with D rank in Magic may have enough power to destroy a building, one with a B rank in Magic will have enough power to destroy a small country several times over.

The gaps in Ranks are huge so never underestimate an opponent, even one with a 'mere' E rank in Strength. You may end up getting your hand crushed if you're not careful.

Do not be discouraged however if you find yourself with an unusually low rank (Pawns I'm looking at you here), Devils are creatures that can live for hundreds of years and as long as they train their strength will never stop growing. Unlike humans, Devils have practically no uppers limits to their power. As long as you continue to train you will continue to grow.

There is a reason why the strongest Devils in the underworld are centuries old. No matter how talented you are, nothing can replace the strength gained through years of training an experience. Even the Maou themselves were once considered weak.

As the Strongest living Devil Sirzechs Lucifer said:

"Power earned will always surpass power given."

Personal Skills:-

Every individual have certain skills that can benefit them either inside or outside of combat. Personal skills should not be mistaken with Racial Traits, which are available to everyone from that particular species, or Inherited Power, which is magic, passed down through blood such the power of destruction.

Examples of Personal Skills are Swordsmanship (One's skill in wielding the sword) and Charisma (The natural talent to lead and inspire either individuals or groups)

While most Personal Skills are positive in nature there do exists negative skills, such as the 'Natural Berserker' Skill (where one losing himself in the heat of battle and becomes incapable of higher thought).

Personal Skills are just as important if not more that an individual's Stats. Stats can be considered a measure of physical capability, then Personal skills can be considered as the talents that can effectively make use of your physical capabilities.

Sacred Gears:-

Also known as God's Artifacts are items bestowed upon humans by God.

They are powerful objects that grant humanity supernatural abilities that would have been otherwise impossible for them to gain. There are thousands of types of Sacred Gears around the world, each with a variety of effects. Some are supportive in nature, such as healing scared gears. Others are more combated oriented and grant their wielder the strength to fight supernatural beings head on.

There even exist Sacred Gears that are able to kill gods.

These are the Longinus, the tools that destroy god, named after the spear that slayed the Son of God and thirteen of them were gifted upon mankind. Be advised that if you ever find yourself facing a Longinus wielder in battle, run. Just turn around and run, nothing short of an ultimate class can take down even the weakest trained Longinus wielder.

(And for those of you foolish enough to disregard my sound advice and attempt to try fight a Longinus user in battle anyway. Keep in mind that when you die, and you will die, your soul will not end up in heaven as by being reincarnated as devil you are no longer eligible to enter there. You are going to end up in a far darker place. So do your forsaken soul a favor and just run.)

God gifted humanity these Sacred Gears to protect them. He heard the suffering of his children, how died by the millions at the hand of the supernatural, and moved by their plight he acted. That is why he forged the scared gears, to grant humanity the power to fight back against the monster of the world.

For they are his divine gifts, a holy blessing which he intended to bestowed upon mankind and only mankind.

Naturally as devils we try to fuck up God's plans whenever we can.

Devils would often go to great length to recruit Sacred Gears wielders into their peerage, both to the fact that they tend to make exceptionally powerful devils, and because there is nothing funnier for us devils to see one of God's well-crafted get shafted, as the very weapons he created to hinders us, make us a stronger instead.

Rumor has it that Michael almost had a heart attack when the first sacred gear user was reincarnated as a devil.

There is one more important thing to note about Sacred Gears.

At one point in the past it was widely believed that Sacred Gear users were randomly selected. It was theorized that once the host of a Sacred Gear dies, the Sacred Gear will instantly transfer to a newly conceived human and latch onto its soul.

The theory however was disproven after Sacred Gears researcher have found that gears can take up to ten years before finding a host and is born back into the world (due to their existence multiple version of the same Scared Gears and the time it took for their wielders to awaken them, it took centuries of research to discover this).

It is now acknowledged that Scared Gears are paired up with the souls of individuals that match them the most. Healing Scared Gears for example would never end up with a soul that enjoys violence and combat despite that such a Scared Gear would be extremely useful for any warrior. They would often be pair up with people with kind and gentle natures that would desire nothing more than to help others (many of these people would have eventually become doctors or healers even if they never awoken their Scared Gear).

This is most evident with dragon based Scared Gears, where every wielder of such gears in record history all shared similar characteristic to that of a dragon. They were all proud individuals with confidence in their strength, if not outright arrogance, and an insatiable lust for battle.

The current wielder of the Divine Dividing Scared Gears, Vali Lucifer, is a prime example of this.