5 Chapter [ 5 ]




[ ( System ) ]

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''Did any of you invite anyone else to this meeting?'' Griffith said as he looked at each of them.

Some of them didn't seem to understand what he meant, but the stronger ones knew that there was something strange going on out there.

Above the building they occupied, a large magic circle appeared, followed by two smaller magic circles just above the large one.

As soon as the magic circle disappeared, time stopped inside the building.

Those affected were only a few inside the room, Sona Sitri, Tsubaki Shinra, Akeno and Asia.

The two holders of the [ Longinus ] were fine, Xenovia, Irina, Gabriel, Griselda, and the Leaders of each Faction.

"What is this? .... time has been frozen?"'' Said Issei Issei looking around.

"So it seems." said Xenovia.

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[ POV - Griffith ]

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Bored with all this tantrum that was going on outside, even the monsters I have to fight inside the dungeon are stronger than they are.

Resting my head on my hand, while watching the protagonist, Irina and Xenovia.

Okay, I'll let it go, that wasn't so important to know right now.

After a quick plan they made, Azazel handed them something that could help them save the girl who had been taken hostage. Wait, was it a girl who was being taken hostage?

Or was it a boy? Man, I should have watched more carefully instead of just looking at the boobs that were thrown in my face.

But that's what the anime did well, unnecessary ecchi.

When it is brought here I will know.


At that very moment, Azazel sent Vali to fight the mages who were attacking the building outside.

Since I had nothing better to do, I started using telepathy to talk to the beautiful lady next to me. {So beautiful, any news in your research? }

She replied, {I was able to create another Sacred Gear, as well as being able to replicate the power of the Bael house, now I am just reading more about Azazel's research, they end up helping a lot in creating another Sacred Gear. }

I didn't expect that to happen. She recreated another Sacred Equipment in such a short time, plus she was able to recreate the power of house Bael, really, this woman was a great genius, who was Ajuka next to my Merlin?

{You are really amazing. Which one were you able to recreate? Have you found someone who can use it?? Do you want some kind of reward? } I asked.

Since his back was turned to Merlin, he did not notice the healthy blush she had on her cheeks.

Pulling herself together quickly, she said slowly: {I used the same mold as for the Birth of the Sword, only this time there were some problems in the creation and it turned out to be a bow with the same concept as the Birth of the Sword. The arrows can switch with the will of the bearer to a sacred or demonic arrow. We already know who the bearer will be, right? }

I already knew who that bearer would be, himself.

She considered me a perfect guinea pig to perform her tests.


She said "Bow" and not "Sword"?

Did she just create a new specimen of [ Sacred Equipment ] ?

Keeping my surprise to myself, I heard her voice resound in my mind: {There is something I want. }

{ What would that be? Just say it, I don't care how hard it is, I'll do it. } Griffith.

[ I want a date, just the two of us on it, a night to myself, I want to be the queen of the night. } Merlin.

Keeping my poker face, I didn't expect her to ask me that. But who am I to deny her, I'm going to give her the best night of her life.

{Very well my queen, how about tonight? } Griffith.

{I look forward to it, my dear. } Merlin.

By going out of her way to want my facade, this woman can certainly get to me.

{ So- }

Unfortunately for both of us, we were interrupted by a magic circle that appeared inside the building where they were standing.

''Sirzechs-Sama.'' Grayfia warned.

''That magic circle...'' Sirzechs said.

Inside the magic circle came a tanned woman.

She was a tall, bespectacled woman with a voluptuous figure. She had tanned skin with long brown hair tied up in a bun with a headset and had purple eyes.

She wore a dress that was extremely low-cut and had a high slit that exposed much of her breasts.

She was Katerea Leviathan, the descendant of the original Leviathan.

"A Good Night, Current Devil Queen, Serafall-Dono," Katerea said.

"Katerea? How did you get in here," Serafall said with a surprised look.

Not answering Serafall's question, Katerea said raising the staff in her hand, "I have come to bring destruction to the world."

Looking at the staff that glowed brightly, I made a barrier around Merlin, leaving us protected from the explosion.

I was not the only one to notice the great boom that was coming.

Azazel made a barrier around her and the others protecting them.


Without any kind of surprise, everyone was protected against the explosion.

Katerea was in the sky flying with her wings spread, looking down at them.

Lowering the barrier to the ground, I undid it with a simple thought.

"A barrier with the power capable of resisting the power of the third generation ... how magnificent" Katerea laughed.

"You are weak, that's all". I said treating her like an insect.

As soon as I said that, she looked at me with hatred. As soon as she looked at me, for some reason, a frightened expression covered her face.

Am I that ugly to her?

Impossible... what the Shadow Monarch is doing here...'' Katerea was muttering. ''Our information was wrong?

[ Pov Change - Third Person ]

"Shadow Monarch ... how about joining us, we can offer you everything these fakes offer you," Katerea said. Her hands went to her breasts as she swung them around trying to seduce the Leader of the Humans.

Griffith paused for a moment to think about his proposal.

The two Maous saw that as a bad sign.

"'Griffith-do you not really plan to join her?' said Sirzechs.

"'Be quiet... I'm thinking." Griffith said.

Katerea had a winning smile on her face, "You see Serafall? When he accepts my offer, destruction will await this world.''

"Even he knows that I am Leviathan by right, not you Serafall," Katerea said.

"I never denied that the original descendants were the wrong ones. The only thing that has changed in the underworld are the four Maou, the devils are still doing everything they have ever done.'' Griffith said.

What is your answer, Monarch?" asked Katerea.

'I refuse.' He said, causing us Maous relief.

"'Merlin, please create a barrier.'

As soon as he said that, Merlin immediately put a new barrier around them.

''So you will stand by these fakes?'' Katerea asked once again.

"'Did you come here to talk or to fight? Make up your mind soon.'' Griffith said.

This seemed to strike a vein for her, as she said nothing more and just prepared herself for the impending fight.

Seeing that her opponent was ready, Griffith thought about flexing some of her power.

Then the shadows below his feet engulfed him, enveloping him in a black cocoon like endless darkness.

Everyone was shocked at what had happened so suddenly, and no one was understanding what was happening.

"Merlin! What is it?'' Azazel said in a rush. she had never seen him use that kind of power before.

Gabriel was also looking in Merlin's direction, wanting to know what it was.

''I don't know, but we'd better stay away from him... the mana inside him is in complete chaos, it would be dangerous for us to get too close,'' she replied.

Everyone nodded at what she said and stepped back just waiting to see what was going on.

The only one who didn't move was Katerea who was standing still as she shivered, her nether region was stained with an orange liquid as it dripped down her legs.

No more than three seconds passed before the black cocoon like darkness exploded, leaving the once red sky now a color like endless darkness.

Out of that cocoon came a huge, muscular shadow with bright purple hair, bright purple eyes, two curved black horns and sharp claws. He also wore black armor and a long, smoky black cape.

"That is not human...not impossible, what are you?" Katerea said with great difficulty in speaking.

"I am death, I am eternal rest, and I am also terror.

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