
Chapter 51

When William IV came to this world, seven years passed in a blink of an eye.

It is a pity for the decline of the Netherlands in those years. With his intentional promotion over the years, after changing the development model of the route, especially after many exchanges with his father William III, the two began to have a close relationship." Cooperation".

Yes, just like the father William III abdicated the throne, it was the result of a secret discussion between the two.

The purpose is to make the surrounding countries take off their guard.

It is very dangerous for Luxembourg to be far away from the mainland of the Netherlands, and there is a danger of following the footsteps of Belgium at any time. Therefore, William III left a complete framework and went to Luxembourg to expand his territory alone, which can be said to be the most appropriate.

This is the secret of the two fathers, and even his younger brother Frederick does not know.

With William III's arrival in Luxembourg, the true principality of the Netherlands, which is a thousand castles in Central Europe, is much safer.

The members of the Privy Council who arrived today are:

Dutch Prime Minister Johann Rudolf Tolbeck, Interior Minister Jonrell, Foreign Minister Heisbet Von, and Finance Minister Jane Von Capellolo. Industry Minister Wem Cotter, Education Minister Rude Bells Bill Charlie, Director of the Royal Netherlands Intelligence Service, and Mackay Sean, Director of the Netherlands International Intelligence Service.

In addition to this, there are three other people, they are the Governor of East India, Jane Simscock, the former Prime Ministers, Sheerto von Hemstra, and Jane Jacob Rokusen.

In addition to them, Chief of the General Staff of the Marine and Land Armies, Mark Rudd, Minister of the Navy Jan Peter, Minister of the Army Pete de Jong, Chief of the Naval Staff Joseph, Karls, Chief of the Army Staff Jopp Il, etc. The whole cabinet was called.

"Your Majesty, the education system in the Netherlands is now fully on track. We are ahead of most European countries in education, even in proportion to the British Empire and the French Empire, which have always been known for their education. Especially our last year The promulgation of the "Law on Completion of Primary Education for All - Nine-Year Compulsory Education" caused a sensation in Europe last year.

It is said that for this reason, Queen Victoria and Napoleon III were very dissatisfied, and both issued orders to the cabinets of the two countries to follow in the footsteps of the Netherlands as soon as possible.

According to my report from The Financial Times, the second largest media in Europe, the British Empire is now discussing this bill in the House of Commons. After all, this involves the interests of many nobles and capitalists in the House of Lords.

However, France is said to be very sure that it will become part of the constitution this year, and it will be implemented next year, which is quite impressive. "

The speaker was the Dutch Minister of Education Rude Beers, 32 years old this year, who graduated from the oldest Leiden University in the Netherlands in 1853. Speaking of which, William IV had to be very satisfied with the educational achievements of this era in the Netherlands.

Especially the results he made in the past seven years.

In other developed industrial countries in Europe, the Netherlands now only stays in six-year compulsory education, which is the primary education in later generations. Last year, the Netherlands implemented nine-year compulsory education, which can be regarded as a world leader.

"Our primary and secondary schools in the Netherlands are mainly composed of private schools and public schools.

There are currently 2,000 schools of various types in the Netherlands, with a total of more than 2 million local students.

The current annual expenditure on education is 2%, about 120 million guilders (about 4.8 million pounds).

There are 1.1 million students in primary schools, accounting for about 55%; secondary education accounts for 30%, or 600,000; colleges and universities account for 15%, with a population of about 300,000.

At present, there are a total of 4 comprehensive universities in the Netherlands. These 4 universities are well-known universities in Europe and the world. There are also 2 polytechnic universities and 4 specialized universities. These 6 universities are based on His Majesty's recent years plan established.

It has absorbed the surplus resources of middle school students in the Netherlands, and it is also the birthplace of the top local talents in the Netherlands. .

Among them, the comprehensive universities include Leiden University, which was established in 1575. Among European universities, natural sciences, medicine, social behavioral sciences, law, art and literature are all leading programs in Europe, economics, political science, language, etc. Learning, etc., also belong to the first-class level.

Its three universities in the same ranking as the Four Musketeers of the Dutch University Alliance are not too different, and they have taken up the role of the top talent training pool in the Netherlands.

Recognized by various countries, the "European Times", which is headquartered in Luxembourg and published in European countries every six years ago, publishes the global university rankings in January every year, and this year is no exception.

The specific rankings are:

1 University of Oxford (England, founded in 1096, the same below), 2 University of Cambridge (Eng, 1209), 3 University of Paris (French, 1150) and 4 Humboldt University of Berlin (Public, 1810), 5 Vienna University (Austria, 1365);

6 University of St. Petersburg (Russia, 1724), 7 University of Leiden (Netherlands, 1575), 8 University of London (England, 1836), 9 University of Amsterdam (Netherlands, 1857), 10 University of Brussels (Beijing, 1834) ;

11 Moscow State University (Russia, 1755), 12 Austrian University (Austria, 1220), 13 Munich University (Bavaria, 1472), 14 Bonn University (Public, 1786), 15 Lisbon University (Portuguese, 1288) ;

16 Uppsala University (Sweden, 1477), 17 Lyon University (French, 1456), 18 Copenhagen University (Dan, 1479), 19 Edinburgh University (England, 1583), 20 St Andrews University (England) , 1441);

21 University of Groningen (Netherlands), 22 Harvard University (M, 1636), 23 First University of Grenoble (French, 1339), 24 First University of Strasbourg (French, 1538), 25 University of Utrecht (Holland, 1636);

26 Rowland University (Hungary, 1635), 27 Yale University (M, 1636), 28 Szeged University (Hungary, 1581), 29 Manchester University (England, 1824), 30 Madrid University (West, 1499) )"

Lu De Bells sighed: "We have calculated specifically, by country, the British Empire occupies 1, 2, 8, 19, 20, and 29 of all 30 universities, and the British Empire has a total of 6 universities. .

It is especially worth noting that the top ten not only occupied the first and second place, but also won the 8th place. Can be the most powerful, worthy of being the most powerful country in Europe.

France also occupies a considerable position. It is worthy of being the oldest university-founding country in Europe, ranking 3, 17, 23, and 24;

The Netherlands has been investing continuously for hundreds of years, especially the University of Amsterdam, which was built by His Majesty in 1857, which directly won the ninth place. In just five years, it is terrifying, ranking 7th and 9th. , 21, 25..

Tsarist Russia is also very powerful, and it is indeed a country with abundant resources, 6, 11;

The remaining German Pau not only have the same military and comprehensive strength, but even education is tit-for-tat, Hungary is also good, and won two seats." …

Prussia: 4, 14;

Austria: 5, 12;

Hungary: 26, 28;

United States: 22, 27

Belgium: 10;

Bavaria: 13

Sweden: 16;

Portugal: 15;

Denmark: 18;

Spain: 30;

Following Rude Bells' academic analysis one by one, he spent a full 20 minutes to analyze the shortcomings and advantages of education in different countries, so as to improve the relative weaknesses of the Netherlands and enhance its own educational strength. The whole process In the middle, William didn't say a word, but listened quietly. From time to time, the unique secretary made an action, indicating that the key points that need to be circled are just one action.

After he finished speaking and everyone digested the information he brought, William straightened his body and affirmed: "Yes, everyone has seen the efforts of the Ministry of Education over the years. In fact, I want to say that all Among the departments that need everyone's attention the most, not the Ministry of Finance."

"Hahaha" Everyone smiled kindly and looked at the Chancellor of the Exchequer Capeluo, because he likes to get stuck in the finances and send money, so he is the person most departments like to find, and everyone is saying that he is stingy. But this is just complaining. They understand that if they want to do it, they may not be more generous than him, or even better.

The latter Kalope shrugged, expressing helplessness, and the stinky face of debt made everyone laugh at him again.

"Of course, Kalope naturally has a share in the people we need the most connections, but Bells is the source of your talent pool. This year, in addition to the Leiden University, Amsterdam University, Utrecht University, Groningen University mentioned just now, University and other comprehensive universities.

Four professional universities such as The Hague University, Hann University, Amsterdam Free University, Wageningen Agricultural University;

Delft University of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology, etc."

William IV suddenly stood up~www.mtlnovel.com~ stared at everyone present and said: "Don't underestimate them, our soldiers come to work with us only after learning from them. Without them, we'd be nothing more than a bunch of dirt generals.

Therefore, education must be valued. Bells, whether it is a junior college or a science and engineering class, must follow up and provide the best conditions. I have a hunch that the future changes in the world will most likely find the key from them to unlock the world progress"

Everyone's face changed greatly,

Tolbeck stood up, bowed behind and said, "What does your majesty mean, technological progress will advance in the model of school development?"

"No, I didn't say that." William IV vetoed. Seeing a few people wondering, he followed up, "Why does the school have to move forward and explore and develop on its own? "

"Can we cooperate with companies and schools to study a project, companies invest and materials, schools form projects, and students are the largest human resources and the cheapest human resources, so they complement each other, and both parties benefit."

"Both parties benefit, how does the school benefit from the law?"

It was the Chancellor of the Exchequer Capello who was speaking. It was related to the school's finances, that is to say, it was related to the size of his appropriation. He was very concerned about it.

This time, no one laughed at him again.

Because everyone was interested, and couldn't help but think of a horrifying question: If schools can do the same with companies, then the problem is coming.

What about the army?

There are other departments, can they also get a share of the pie?

Is it also like painting a scoop like a gourd...