
During the Dark ages: First Holy War

This is the prequel of my novel, During the Dark ages. It will show how the Demon Kings came into existence while also showing how the first holy war started and ended.

shadowlord4318 · Kỳ huyễn
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24 Chs

Chapter 20 Exploration(2)

Cerbrox dashed forward, turning into a blur and kicked Mammon, sending her crashing into a tree and causing her to almost lose consciousness.

"My lady!!!" Her subordinates screamed, but they had other things to worry about. Cerbrox dashed towards one of her subordinates and slashed his claws at her head, but luckily for her, Galvin was able to stop the hellhound claws with his axe. Cerbrox grinned when he saw this and a wave of hellfire was released from his claws, engulfing both Galvin and the vampire subordinate.

Another subordinate came rushing in with his sword, but the swift hellhound was able to dodge. Suddenly, the hellhound was sent flying, crashing into a tree and it groggily looked up to see what was able to hit it like that. Looking up, it saw two humanoid wolves, werewolves, staring it down with their glowing blue eyes.

"Hellhounds? No, you are just poor immitations. I'll kill you where you stand." Cerbrox said with disgust written on his face. He turned into a blur and appeared infront of the werewolves and plunged his hand into the chest of the first one. The werewolf was engulfed in hellfire and died quickly after, the other werewolf swung it's claws towards Cerbrox but he caught it, biting into the werewolf's wrist. Cerbrox suddenly felt it's body being restricted and it could feel thin strands of thread wrapping tightly around it's body. Annoyed, Cerbrox was about to engulf himself in hellfire to burn away the threads, but he suddenly coughed up blood, subsequently releasing the werewolf.

Looking down, he could see an earth spike sticking out of his chest. Just as he was about to pull it out, more attacks of different affinities rained down onto Cerbrox, ripping off chunks of flesh. Missing an arm and several other body parts, Cerbrox knew he was going to die and so he prepared for one final attack. He drew all his demonic energy into his body, concentrating it into his heart, causing it to accelerate at an unprecedented speed.

"Hell Fire Affinity: Suicide Bo-" Cerbrox said, but someone was faster.

"Gem Affinity: Crystal Maiden." Mammon said and Cerbrox's entire body was engulfed in a thick yellow gem, shaped like an iron maiden. And just like an iron maiden, spikes impaled Cerbrox from all directions, killing him instantly. The energy built up in his body expanded outward, and a few seconds later, exploded, destroying the crystal maiden.

[You have slain a level 5 Hellhound. You have gained 3060 exp. ]

[You have gained 2 levels. You are now level 3/15.]

[You have received a Cursed Regalia for your efforts.]

A rune appeared above Mammons hand and out came a small ring. Looking at the ring, then at the carnage wrought by Cerbrox, Mammon's eyes became bloodshot and the veins on the side of her head bulged.

"Fuck you Mephisto." She growled out.


In another part of Zone 3


Five werewolves were sent flying as they were smashed by a large club, wielded by five meters tall grey giant. After entering Zone 3, Amon had used his army of five hundred strong to advance into the forest, and that was his mistake. He was instantly attacked by all kinds of demons, including hellhounds, the most fearsome of which were a group of three, five meters tall, grey skinned giants called trolls. They were strong, using large trees as makeshift clubs to smash their enemies. Their were also small, blue skinned demons with sharp fangs, black scleras and glowing red eyes called gnomes who wreaked havoc on the battlefield with their speed and precise attacks. By this point, the battlefield looked like a scene from hell, which was quite fitting since they were in the underworld. Their were scorched, impaled, decapitated, torn apart, half eaten corpses all over the battlefield and their were all kinds of alterations done to the battlefields as all kinds of affinities were used in the battle. Amon has lost atleast a hundred of his subordinates and was losing more by the second, and what's worse, more demons were pouring out of the forest by the second.

"What is this place?" Amon said with horror on his face