

he I was I was completely blind I couldn't see anything only feel the the stone around me I'm definitely no longer human but what am I maybe this is a story I imagine a Status but nothing came I feel something weird around me it feels like electricity but more comfortable this is everywhere around me I try to eat some it worked I ate more but it was small like absorbing I had an image in mind former older stories I used this energy to try to destroy the Rock next to me it is got completely destroyed nothing was left of this rock continued absorbing energy destroyed more stuff until the moment I felt something a worm come close to me I tried injecting some of that energy into him he now completely listens to me it is like brainwashing a i continued absorbing more energy until i felt satisfied radiated of light i got smarter everything the whole package is this what they call evolving it doesn't matter this place is still shit but what can I do I continued absorbing energy destroy and more stuff it got boring very quickly until I saw the light finally i have a entrance satisfied by the didn't last long because of animals they were all going to my direction at highspeed i didn't have it choice i will list all of my energy into this animals and control them I had something to protect myself I didn't have much more of this energy continue absorbing some a bit

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