
Dungeon MultiUniverses

Mark, a young high school student, found himself trapped in a hellish dungeon that brings together all the universes. Characters who are immature but will evolve over time

Wakinooo · Khoa huyễn
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2 Chs

First Floor

[days 1 first floor]

Mark was running, surprisingly fast with sweat all over his face.

Why would you tell me?

Because a rat the size of a huge dog was behind him.

"Why the hell is the first floor so difficult to climb?!"

[you're wrong citizen Mark, the difficulty is very easy it's just that your species is too weak]

"you're not helping me at all, how do I get rid of him?"

[it's simple, you have to fight ....]

"with what??!!"

[did you get gloves I'm wrong?]


Mark took a deep breath and turned around, put himself in a fighting position and looked at the beast coming towards him.

Mark ran towards his target and threw his fist as hard as he could and reached the skull.

The big rat flew 2 meters and reached the ground.

[[congratulations you killed a big rat]]

Mark looked at the hand and it was surprisingly easy.

"uhh... that's it? nothing else? not even a reward"

[yes no reward, mission rewards are when you walk into the rest room where we were before]

Mark noticed the surrounding area was like a forest, he hadn't noticed it because he hadn't had the time, everything went so fast for him.

Mark looked around and saw another big rat and decided to go and hunt them as the mission asked him to, but for the secondary mission he left it aside for the time being.


after a short period of hunting he had noticed that the rats were no longer chasing him but the opposite he had become the hunter and they the prey.


[[congratulations you killed a big rat]]

[main mission: kill the big rats 9/10]

'more than one'

Mark ran through the woods and reached a meadow, sweat was running down his face.

he could no longer move, paralyzed by fear.

A hundred rats were in this meadow with a huge rat the size of an elephant.

[update of the secondary mission: kill the leader of the big rats (big reward) kill as many rats as possible (very big reward) ]

when he read the notification he couldn't believe his eyes, he raised his head and discovered that the rats were around him the leader was further away.

[Good luck, citizen]

Mark decided that today was the day he would hate this new life.


A few hours later Mark was unrecognizable, he was stained red from head to toe with the blood of rats mixed with his own blood, in front of him was the leader spitting blood, around them were countless dead rats.

Mark started to run towards the leader and inflicted the last blow.

"Fucking rats, I'm going to slaughter you all!"


an hour after he decided to kill them all he collapsed.

[[want to leave the second floor]]

He had been spreading this message ever since he had killed a rat in the great battle.

Mark says weakly

"...yes, get me out of this hell..."

[[welcome to the rest area]]


Mark felt a warm current go through him and take away all his fatigue and injury.

[[Reward for the main mission]]

[+1 has all the stats]

Mark already standing full of energy felt a feeling of improvement of everything is being very pleasant, he felt that before he was really weak before this improvement.

[[secondary mission reward]]

[killing the leader of the big rats: Rank A]

[Kill as many rats as possible: Rank SS]

[kill the leader of the big rats: 100 credits in the store]

[kill as many rats as possible: 20 free points physical status / 10 free points mental status / 300 credits in the store].

Mark couldn't believe it, the physical and mental status points were much too much of a simple human like him, he had noticed that he was so cruelly lacking in agility and perception the rest was not a problem.

He was in a hurry to put this status point on, he wasn't like some geek who thought he had to keep it for emergencies, he didn't have the luxury of waiting for an emergency situation and then a lightning bolt came to his brain.

"uh...system how should I call you?"

[as you wish, citizen]

"uhhh.... jo?.... no..xi?.... neither"

"sin is good?

[Fits me, citizen]

"great, if I had a question if I die in the D.M.U., would I die for real?"

[the answer is yes]

mark trembled as he thought back on the event that had just occurred and also on the future event.


[Mark's status]

[Species: Earth humanoid]

[Age: 17]

[Good physical and mental condition]

[[physical stats:]]

[strength: 15]

[Agility: 20]

[Constitutions: 15]

[Charm: 3]

[[mental stats]]

[Intelligence: 12]

[Perception: 10]

[Chance: 7]


Mark had a big smile on his face when he fixed his status.

he felt a very great warmth in all his senses, he had not improved his charm because he did not need it to survive even though he wanted to.

"sin store please"





[miscellaneous item]



[coming soon]


Mark was intrigued by the (coming soon) and the (bloodline)

he looked into the (bloodline) and decided to come out a few seconds later, his heart was beating very fast.

The cost of the first bloodline is 10,000,000 credits.

'I need one! '

The bloodlines were much too cheated but after taking one you no longer belonged to the species before.

It didn't bother Mark, the human species was doomed to disappear with all the bloodlines.

sorry for my English, I'm French and I'm very bad in English so thank you for your understanding.

Wakinooocreators' thoughts