
Dungeon Master With Demon Maids 中断

A poor mercenary called Sitri was trapped in the middle of a battle between; celestials, humanity, and demons. His life changed forever when he swallowed a cursed flask, discovering his demonic lineage. Two strange but beautiful demon maids helped him adapt to his new life within the dungeon. Through corruption, seduction and massacre, becoming known later as, "Demon Lord Sitri." Eventually earning himself the title, "Lord of Endless Carnage and Debauchery." Tainting; spirits, lamia, demi humans, and many more female races, building his wondrous dungeon maid harem. ________________ The artwork isn't my own. If requested, I can remove it at any time.

Lord_Asmodea · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Son Of The Demon Empress

Sitri felt wrapped in a warming sensation, like a mother's womb. He felt secure. After hours, the cocoon slowly split apart in the centre, a thick sticky black ooze draining from the bottom like tar.

His body was still wrapped in a light pink fleshy wrap, which began stretching with his body movements. The two maids were currently standing in the same spot, now surrounded by the corpses of all the mercenary members and merchants, using corpse dust to destroy the evidence.


The dark elf maid, with her excitement, began breathing rapidly, her hand crushing the cavern's walls into powder like they were made of foam. Her panting annoyed the gargoyle maid as she planted a heavy boot onto the hybrid's rear.

"Hilda, once again, I know you're a slut, but please don't lust after the freshly born young master."

Hilda stumbled forwards, almost falling into the collection of melted corpses, pivoting her hips and throwing a donkey kick into the gargoyle's chest, barely causing her breasts to wobble slightly, inflicting zero damage.


"It's no surprise no man ever wanted you; you're tougher than an erect cock!"

Hilda momentarily shuddered, taking a defensive pose after seeing Merida's seriously narrowed eyes. This appeared to be a painful reality for the female gargoyle.

"Behave, Hilda; don't destroy what little dignity you might have left; the young master is about to awaken."

She was a very stoic woman. Her expression rarely changed because of her race. However, since being chosen as one of the two maids assigned to the Demon Empress's only son, she felt the excitement in life. Other demon males, including other gargoyles, weren't interested in her nearly solid body.

But maybe the only son of Succubus Empress Lilith might find pity on her after devoted service. Inside her stone exterior was a very girlish mind, which hoped for a romance with her stern boss like in the novels the humans sometimes released.

"Yes, yes, I'll behave, but it'd be really embarrassing if he could hear us right now."

Merida gave a concise nod, agreeing with her. However unlucky for them, Sitri could hear them from the very beginning. It was just like a strange dream.

Finally, after waiting a few more moments, the pink flesh split apart completely, revealing an extremely handsome male demon with long black hair stretching to the ground, two long ears like an elf, his eyes became similar to a leopard with small circles in the centre of a large golden iris, tucked under his hair were two beautiful black gryphon wings, and there was a club like weapon dangling between his legs.

His eyes fixated on the two enchanting maids, and whilst they too were taken back at how strong his innate charm was, both were forced to use their mana to defend their minds. Otherwise, they'd be kneeling before him naked, spreading their orchards for him to use like toys.

Sitri seemed calm on the outside, but within his mind, if he was capable of panic, he'd currently be panicking. 'The liquid changed my thoughts somehow. I should be petrified of these two unhuman creatures, but I only feel the desire to make them my own.'

Ignoring the situation of several decomposing corpses melting into powder and goo, Sitri gave the girls a wave, smiling to reveal his sparkling white fangs.

"Might I ask why you two haven't attacked me yet?"

It took a few moments for the pair of maids to register his words, but the voice carried a beautiful and melodic charm, giving pleasure to their ears. Merida was the first to recover, giving a polite bow toward Sitri.

"Greetings, young master. Your mother sent us here to watch over your growth. Today's events, from the chase to you drinking the awakening nectar, were all according to your mother's plans. "


Sitri placed a hand on his chin with a light nod. He could not display extreme negative emotions, being instantly cleansed, or maybe even negated. The pink nectar is most likely to blame.

"May I ask your name, beautiful grey maiden?"

The gargoyle maid had thick white horns and black hair with pale grey skin, and several stone-like scales appeared around her body, protecting critical areas. Her bright blue eyes fixated on his face. Unlike the dark elf, who wore a bikini-like maid outfit.

Once again, it seemed even his basic speech would change slightly, only intending to ask the grey-skinned maid her name. It changed to a flirtatious intent.

"M-Merida, young master!"

The Gargoyle maid seemed rather embarrassed and taken aback by his compliment as her mind entered a special place filled with her own delusions. Hilda had finally recovered, only to get jealous of Merida getting the new master's attention first.

Honestly, from the bits of conversation between the two girls, Sitri found Merida to be more to his taste. Not to say Hilda wasn't adorable, but the icy frigid woman likely had a boiling interior, and after his change, his tastes seemed to have become more extreme.

'I wonder if she feels like stone inside.' Sitri thought.

Although he was speaking with the two women, he was currently testing his new body. Its strength felt considerably stronger. Finally, after a life without mana, he felt a burning ball of heat forming within his abdomen, which the books he read at the orphanage stated was the first stage of creating his mana engine.

"It's nice to meet you. My name is Sitri. I hope we can have a long acquaintance."

Because both of the girls were supposed to be his new maids, Sitri leant his head towards the slightly shorter dark elf, with curved black horns and snow white hair, with her fierce golden eyes hidden each time her eyes flickered. Her being called a hybrid likely meant she was at least part dark elf. Her sexy, light brown skin caused his eyes to be glued to her.

"Hey master, it's me, Hilda, your number one maid! Morning, noon, and especially at night, I am at your disposal. "

Merida slapped her on the back of the head, facepalming slightly, and said, "She had one job."

"Hmmm, so the sexy dark elf is called Hilda." His head nodded whilst continuing to ogle her body before asking, "Can either of you fill me in on the current situation?"

Sitri desperately wanted to scream out for somebody to explain the situation, but the correction from the strange transformation made his sentences sound extremely calm and collected. At least I'm not leaving a pathetic impression on these two, though.

Merida didn't speak but stepped forward, handing him a small black orb.

"What's this?"

When Sitri stretched his hand, touching the ball, it was instantly sucked into his body, causing intense pain as it travelled toward his abdomen and fused with his mana engine.

[Demon Lord System Accepted]


[Beginning Fusion]




A feminine voice sounded in his ears after the burning pain that felt like he'd eaten extremely old fried chicken. Once again, I cannot complain, only able to endure this insane situation in silence.

[Welcome to the Demon Lord System]

[Message from the Succubus Empress Lilith]

A portrait of an extremely charming woman lay on a lounge chair, her pink hair covering her naked body as she lazily started talking.

"Is it on yet? Okay,"

"Good to meet you, Sitri; I'm your mother."

"You probably have many questions, but let's save them for when we meet in the future, 'kay?"

"I sent two of my youngest maids to support you in building your dungeon. Remember, if your dungeon is destroyed, you'll die. So be careful!"

"After you get started, I'll send your sisters to check on you from time to time."

"Try not to sleep with them all; you'll be drained to death! But mommy is okay anytime!"

"I wish I had more time, little Sitri."

"I'm sure you've become a super handsome guy, so mommy awaits you in the demon empire!"

"Talk soon, mwah!"

[End of Message, Replay Y/N?]

Sitri felt he was having some kind of brain aneurism, and this was his dying hallucination. Spending 18 years as an orphan, suddenly his mother is the demon empress. Then he's suddenly tasked with building his own dungeon.



All three people were shocked by his violent language that echoed around the cavern. Sitri was confused about his genuine emotions, wishing to understand why. The female voice sounded once more.

[The hosts' feelings were temporarily suppressed because of the demonic awakening].

[The system turned down the suppression by one level. Now, if the host wishes hard enough, he can say what's on his mind freely, while your stupid thoughts about women will stay hidden.]

"Thanks, that's actually really helpful."

"Are you similar to the guild system that helps you select a job and class when registering?"

[I am a superior system, not a mass-produced system serving a plethora of men; I serve one.]

Sitri felt that his system seemed to have a more human personality than some of his former companions.

With a sigh, he turned his vision towards the two women. Getting a slight understanding of the situation, basically his "mother" had thrown these poor women halfway across the world, just to take care of her son. On the premise, he can become a demon Lord.

"Ahem, I take it both of you were explained why you became my maids and not just regarding nightly services."

He cut off the perverted dark elf maid, hoping that Merida could control the conversation.

"I hope you can give me an explanation and also provide me with the ideal area to create my dungeon. In the meantime, I'd like to find some clothes. It's distracting to have you both looking at my manhood when speaking and not at my eyes. "

His refreshing voice and body language made causing the maids to reveal their inconsiderate nature.

Hilda handed a dark purple sleeveless robe to Merida, who elegantly paced to Sitri in less than a second. She'd already fully clothed him. Unaware, she saved every angle of his bare body, storing it on her maiden drive.