1 goose

John: man I can't wait for Halo Infinite I wonder if it will be good or....


we're is that honking coming from. oh there the truck that looks oddly familiar.... holy shit is that the Truck~Kun the master of isekai...


I must jump in front of Truck~Kun so I can reincarnate. too an infinity and beyond.

???: AHHHHH Someone call and a ambulance someone has been run over by a truck.

???. John wake up boi.

John's mind: oh no I recognize that voice it's my uncle. quick wake up you dumbass.

John: we're am I uncle last thing I remember was the truck and the pain.

uncle: you are in a hospital boi you had some serious injury's most of you're bones in you're body were broken. now come get up you have slept long enough.

John: how long uncle how long have I slept

unlce: 4 years you are now 24 years old John.

John: 24 yea...





"DING" welcome to the dimensional chat group John.

unlce can you leave me alone for a minute.

uncle: sure thing boi call out if you need anything.

John: thanks uncle.. system?

" hello there John"

omg I have a system. so system what can you do.

" I am the multiversal group chat would you like me to invite the members that are chosen?"


{ inviting useless but thicc}

{inviting small red}

{inviting the planet}

{inviting monke}


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