
Dudley Slytherin - Chapter 8

Harry was a happy bunny as he leafed through his new collection of books. So many things he hadn't considered, never even thought possible until the written word changed his mind.


Dudley was the same, he too buried in the books they'd bought, his cousin practically slept with them.

It was quite a sight.

It had been a few weeks since they'd visited Diagon Alley, a few weeks of screeching owls and letters from the ministry.

Well, one letter. Dudley had insisted on trying his wand, since he'd had little chance between hurrying back and being sick upon arrival to use it.

Underage Magic, who knew.

Dudley was determined to turn it off though, whatever it was that was 'watching them.'

He could be a little paranoid sometimes, though perhaps with good reason, considering where he had stowed the key to Slytherin's house.

Harry shook the thought away, turning a page as he remembered Aunt Petunia's panic at a vomiting Dudley, him too to a lesser degree.

He'd been watching Antiques Roadshow in the sitting room, Vernon's favourite.

Harry had tried to help, but had been shooed off by the pale Professor; Harry was in the way, he'd said.

Not the nicest man, he reasoned. He'd had little chance to speak to the Potions Professor during their trip, what with leading the way with Dumbledore.

It had been a great day.

Well, not to start with.

During their wait for the Nightbus, Dumbledore had cast a spell, which even now Harry hardly believed had happened.

He'd stopped time, paused them as everything outside slowed to a snail's pace.

The words he'd said next had been even harder to believe.

But it was true, even now as he glanced towards his book shelf. Seeing the spine of 'The Rise and fall of Dark Lords'.

He was famous.

While his parents lay dead, murdered by a man that only seemed to have died.

It was a wonder he'd managed to step onto that crazy bus.

There was something else too, or rather, a collection of things that bothered Harry. Things like Gryffindor being Dumbledore's old house and how Slytherin looked down on people.

People like Dudley, who'd understood immediately, explaining rather angrily that Dumbledore was a manipulative old coot; which was a bird.

Somehow Dudley had known that one as a noise disturbed the quiet Harry had enjoyed, sitting as he was on the bed with his book. The dark of the room obscured nothing as he watched Dudley yawn.

It was early morning, Harry had been dreaming again.

"Harry?" hissed Dudley, squinting towards his general direction.

"Yeah Dud?"

Harry smirked as a bleary-eyed Dudley struggled to rise, groaning as his feet swung towards the carpet.

Dudley looked again, frowning at his cousin's face. "What time is it?"

Glancing at their clock, Harry smiling apologetically. "06:08."


Harry tried not to laugh as Dudley rubbed his head. "No worries," he said, nodding resolutely. "Today's the day, after all."

His body rose with a stretch, his eyes finding Harry's and their cold yellow.

"An owl?"

Harry nodded, closing the book with a snap as his eyes shifted back. "Yep, my very own."

Dudley chuckled ruefully, heading for the door. "Wicked."

Harry chuckled. He loved his cousin.


They met for breakfast within the hour, shovelling food like the apocalypse was near; and perhaps it was, as Petunia poured her boys their orange juice.

Today they'd be gone, at that school that had taken Lily from her.

She swore she wouldn't cry, at least until they'd truly gone as she emptied the jug, hearing Dudley call her name. "Mum, is Dad coming too?"

It was a week day, Vernon had taken the day off. He wouldn't miss this. "Of course, Dudley," she said, neatly arranging their cups. "I'm not driving to London."

Dudley knew she hated driving – let alone in London.

Dirty place, she'd once called it. And he agreed, especially wizarding London.

"Will everything fit?" said Harry from the table. "In the car?"

Good question, thought Dudley. Maybe he could shrink some things. "Maybe I could-"


He slumped, his Mother was being stubborn. "I won't use my wand, just a fe-"

"No Dudley, I don't want you getting into trouble."

She refused to see that floating envelope again.

Harry snickered, receiving a look from Dudley which only made it grow.

They were interrupted by a bustling Vernon as he stormed into the kitchen. "Morning!" he said cheerfully. "Big day today, eh boys?"

They grinned, more than enough for Vernon as he smiled back, joining them at the table.

The food was gone in record time, so much so that Vernon had just left to pack the car.

They got ready too, ambling as they pulled their coats on.

"Okay, has everyone got everything?" called Vernon from the car, stuffing another odd-looking box in the boot. "Dudley? All set?"

He sounded like a tour guide, his son nodding by the front door as they carried their owls.

"Yep!" said Harry.

Petunia lingered behind, turning as she locked the door.

Vernon shut the boot. "And we're off!"

She sighed, he was being ridiculous as she arrived by the car, glancing behind as she strapped in.

It was all fine, the car piled high with boxes and bags, cauldrons and clothes while the boys sat with a happy smile.

Amazing, it had all just managed to fit as Petunia glanced at Dudley, who cradled the cage between his legs.

He grinned.


The car pulled to a stop, the engine sputtering as Vernon removed the key. It had taken them hours, yet here they were in the busy car park.

"Okay, off we go!"

Petunia ignored Vernon, glancing back at the boys instead. "Don't run off, stay with us until you're on the train."

They nodded.

"We'll take our time," said Harry, undoing his seatbelt. Hedwig squawked a little. "Sorry Hedwig."

"Hedwig?" laughed Dudley.

That was new, he still hadn't named his owl.

Harry turned, as did the owl. "Yeah, it suits her."

Who could argue.

"Come on then, let's get going."

Vernon hopped out the car, heading to the boot as they all followed.

"We'll need a trolley," said Dudley. Glancing at Harry as they shared a look.

They settled the cages down, quickly running off in search of trolleys.


Petunia huffed, turning to Vernon as he stared at the boot.


He looked confused, making a face at all the items as Petunia circled beside him.

"Dudley," she said, seeing the strangely small items stuffed in the boot. "He shrank some of it. I told him not too…"

Vernon turned to her, blinking wondrously. "He can do that?"

She nodded.

"Since when?"

She didn't know, probably a long time. "Who knows, you know how they are."

Vernon grumbled, accepting the truth as he palmed one of the trunks. "It's amazing," he said, proud. "He'll do well at Hogwarts."

He lifted the heavy trunk. "Harry too, they'll be the best."

Petunia agreed, and that's what worried her.

What if they didn't want to come back?

"Found them!"

Harry appeared behind them, with Dudley at his heel as they pushed their trolleys. Where they'd found them was anyone's guess.

"Great," said Vernon. "I'll get it all out, then we'll arrange the boxes."

The work was soon done, the group heading off at a careful pace.

Petunia walked with Dudley, helping him push as they entered the station. It was packed as usual, with moody men on their way to work.

Vernon felt right at home.

It didn't take long for them to find the entrance, not with Dudley telling them where. "It's this way," he said, leading them on as the crowd seemed to thin. Harry didn't doubt it, following eagerly.

Vernon wanted to ask for directions, even if Petunia had said not to.

"Packed with muggles! Come on, this way to Platform and 9 ¾."


Dudley looked ahead.

It was a family, all with red hair.

He felt Petunia slow beside him, she didn't want to interact with them as he slowed with her.

Harry, bless his soul, didn't quite follow suit as he steamed past.

"Harry!" hastened Petunia, but it was too late.

They watched helplessly as he arrived beside a boy, who seemed to be queuing, waiting as the other redheads ran through a wall.

Vernon squinted. "What the?"

The woman overseeing the event turned back, about to usher the last boy through.

"Hi!" said Harry, smiling as the red-head turned in bafflement. "Is that how we get through?"

He gestured to the wall. "Platform 9 ¾, right?"

The other boy smiled, nodding brightly.

"Yeah! You've got to run straight at it!"

Things were getting out of hand as the women stepped towards them. "Hello there!" she said, almost cooing at Harry. "You're off to Hogwarts then?"

Harry nodded, turning to Dudley, only to blink at his absence. "Huh, Dudley?"

"Dudley? Who's that?" said the other boy, looking around.


Harry was beginning to deflate, yet was saved at the sound of turning wheels.

Dudley appeared at his side, his parents just behind.

He grinned charmingly. "You left us behind, Harry."

"Oh, sorry Dud!"

The boys laughed. "Yes," said Dudley, looking to the woman who regarded him with a hint of confusion. "We're to attend Hogwarts this year. Is this the way through?"

The woman appeared to collect herself, looking quickly between the boys. "Oh! Yes! It's Ron's first time too."

Ron nodded, shuffling his trolley a little. "Yeah! We run through the wall," he said again, pointing behind him.


"I know right, you should get a ru-"

Dudley ignored them, instead leaning back. "Mum, Dad," he said. "Do you want to come through? Or say goodbye here?"

Petunia glanced at the wall, she'd been through before. Once.

Vernon frowned, as if looking afar. "We'll come through," he smiled. "I want to see this train."

They laughed lightly, the atmosphere around beginning to calm as people avoided the area.

"Hello! I am Molly Weasley," she'd edged into their space, yet not intrusively. "It's nice to see some new faces."

They smiled, giving in to pleasantries as Vernon introduced them all. Dudley remained quiet, letting the adults chat as he felt the surrounding magic.

It was a new sensation, something he'd not felt before as he stared at the wall. It was like a pocket, filled with vast magic; and it was just there.

Just through that wall.

Dudley could have sworn it was blue, the magic that seeped from it. How anyone could miss it, was beyond him. He'd felt it miles off, knowing as they sat in traffic that this was their destination.

He smiled, eager to go through.

Mrs Weasley turned to him. "That's a lovely owl you've got! What's his name?"


Dudley looked at it, seeing its eyes wait for him. "Uhm…"

She glanced at the owl, then back at him with a curious look.


She blinked.

"His name is Bob. He's an Eagle Owl."

The women laughed. "Oh, splendid!"

"Come on Mum!"

She turned away. "Don't shout Ronald!"

He felt Petunia shift behind him, Vernon too.

"Well," she said, turning back to them. "We best be off. It was lovely meeting you!"


"Yes, goodbye."

They watched her go, walking through the wall with Ron.

"They disappeared!" exclaimed Vernon.

Ah, he couldn't see it. Yet, Petunia could.

"Come on! We don't want to miss it!"

It was Harry this time, squirming to go as he readied his trolley.

Dudley sighed, nodding as they moved towards him.

Harry couldn't wait, running through with a gleeful cheer while Dudley paused instead.

"Hold on to me."

They did, each clutching a shoulder as they walked through.


The first thing Dudley realised was the smell, the smell of steam as they appeared on the busy platform.


Harry was ahead, itching again as he waited impatiently. He's apparently forgotten Petunia's request, as they began following slowly, taking in the strange new sights the platform offered. It was different from King's Cross, smaller and with a greater variety of people; a difficult task within London.

Dudley spotted those like them, well-dressed muggles with a middle-class air to them. Whilst others, perhaps half, were dressed like Severus.


So many robes, thought Dudley.

"Shall we head up front?" asked Harry, joining Dudley as they walked along the platform.

"Yeah, sounds good."

Dudley wanted to avoid the busy areas, knowing his mother was stressed enough as they wove a route through all the people lumbering luggage, hugging children and generally making things difficult.

They finally slowed towards the front of the train, a few carriages back which seemed the quietest.

Harry approached a door.

"Harry," said Dudley. "Wait a sec."

He did, turning quickly back.

Dudley wasn't sure what to make of it, seeing this side of Harry. Dudley was usually the one leading them on, doing this and that.

Now it was Harry upfront.

Perhaps a change would be a good thing as Harry settled near him, the pair turning to face their parents.

"Mum," said Dudley. "Dad."

This was goodbye then.

Petunia began to sniffle, leaning down towards them.

She smiled weakly. "Now," she said. "I want you both to behave when you're away," she fixed Dudley's collar, a simple polo he'd picked for the day.

Harry tried to dodge, but couldn't as Petunia meticulously corrected his scruffy appearance.


Petunia looked at the boy she'd come to love, her sister's son whom she had once wanted nothing to do with.

He smiled at her, such a sweat boy. "Your Mother would be proud of you," she said, his wide-eyed look making her smile weakly. "She loved you very much."

She knew her sister, knew how she loved with a fierce heart.

If only things had been different.

Harry was at a loss; his Aunt rarely speaking about his Mother.

Dudley placed a hand on his shoulder. "I am proud of you too," he said, grinning at his embarrassed cousin. "If only you weren't so small."

Harry rolled his eyes, butting Dudley's side playfully. "It's not me who's small Dud."

They chuckled, their parents watching warmly.

Vernon said his goodbyes next, keeping it brief as men often do.

He loved them, his sons.

Moving their things onto the train was rather simple, now that they were officially in the magical world.

Harry had but to open the carriage door, anticipating his cousin's plan as Dudley raised his hand, spreading his fingers as he turned his palm.

The items began to rise, floating from the trolleys in an ordered queue. He'd been practising, ruthlessly.

Vernon's breath hitched, looking at Dudley and then Petunia with a stunned look.

Petunia responded with a 'I told you so'.

"Bye Mum! Bye Dad!" waved Dudley with his other hand, following Harry who'd already climbed inside.

They waved back, wafting the engine's steam as it hung around them.

Petunia let her tears flow, curling into Vernon's arm as he squeezed her softly. The boys were gone, the last of their things having followed through the door.

It closed with a snap, no one nearby.

They decided to wait a few minutes, in-case they needed anything. The train would set off soon, it was almost 11:00.

"They'll be fine Petunia," soothed Vernon as the tears kept on coming. "You know how they are, I'd be more worried about everyone else."

It was true, at least in Vernon's mind.

Dudley's display had shocked him, well and truly. He knew his son could move things, small things like the TV remote or a tricky clock part.

But this?

Those trunks alone were at least 20kg, times two along with all the other equipment.

Who knew how much that owl weighed, but the enormous creature was surely heavier than it looked.

Dudley had carried it to the car.

Vernon chuckled, knowing they'd have a great time as the train edged away, feeling glad.

The world he lived in, the muggle maze; it just wasn't enough for them, they needed this.

"Come on Petunia, let's head home."

He felt her nod, turning with him as they headed back towards the wall.

There were signs, legible and surely meant for muggles as they followed the crowd, missing from afar as a woman of regal charm apparated away.

She had a letter to write.


Harry strode ahead, intent on finding an empty compartment for him and Dudley. It was harder than it seemed, as they continued to pass occupied compartments. They must have come early.

He huffed aloud.

Dudley trailed behind, unconcerned as he glanced about in interest. The train was fascinating, it had all kinds of magic inside it; different shapes and colours, interwoven as he thought of Gorble. He liked art, the passion he so lovingly conveyed having settled upon Dudley.

There were many works of art stored at Slytherin's Manor, most having remained unmarred by the passage of time.

It was said that Hogwarts held unique and captivating pieces, some of which, yet to be found.

Dudley added a search task to his list of activities, knowing Harry would be thoroughly unenthused when it came to the subject. His cousin simply had no interest in it, preferring his books on creatures and muggle TV.

Harry was growing impatient ahead, thought Dudley as his feet grew to a stomp, moving with huff as they continued on. Dudley had said he didn't mind sharing, yet Harry was adamant.

"Keep going," said Dudley, knowing the few ahead had people in. "There's an empty section further on."

Dudley had worked on his magical sensing, honing it to the point where he could sense the barest traces of magic. Gorble had been a massive help, thinking of ways to refine this 6th sense of Dudley's.

It, as Dudley was beginning to realise, was yet another rare gift. Which came to those of both great age or great talent, the latter being something Harry and Dudley shared.

"That one, the last in this carriage."

Harry sped up, adopting Dudley's now favourite method of transport. He was a big fan of power walking as he followed behind, being careful not to bump or lose any of their things floating behind.

Harry slid the door open.

"Yes!" he cheered. "Dibs this side!"

Dudley raised a brow as Harry lunged towards the forward-facing bench, a fair acquisition as Dudley stepped aside.

A trunk, a cage, a trunk, another cage with a scowling owl, along with all number of miscellaneous items neither could remember.


Dudley closed the door, smiling as Harry looked around. The items were storing neatly in the overhead shelves, whilst the owls hopped from their cages.

Bob barked a greeting, yet not at Dudley as Hedwig edged away from him.

Harry's eye twitched.

"He likes her."


Bob turned his attention to Dudley, hopping along the seat towards. "Hey Bob, how do you like your name?"

Dudley patted his head, smiling as Bob barked happily.


Harry couldn't stay still.

"How long will the journey take? Was it 9 hours? Or 6?"

Was that the flight time across the Jetstream?

Dudley looked ruefully at Harry.

"9 hours," said Dudley. "Good thing we brought lunch."

Dudley summoned his rucksack, the small pack flicking from the racks above. "It's almost lunch time."

Hmm, thought Harry. Seeing his cousin begin to eat.

It wasn't long before they were sharing sandwiches, and biscuits as even Bob seemed to enjoy them.

Bob was a strange owl, perhaps Dudley's doing as Harry watched his cousin feed him.

Custard Creams.

Harry shook his head.

Once lunch was done, the boys settled down for a bit of reading. Dudley had already read and understood all his Hogwarts books, so had brought along a few books from 'home'.

This one was about wizarding combat, with a focus on widescale conflict seen frequently in the East.

Fascinating stuff, it even mentioned some of the spells in Arabic and what they could do.

Dudley imagined them, getting a feel for how he could cast them. Whilst Harry's choice of book remained with his primary interests, a book about Herbology; some of the plants that grew were wonderous, and the animals that ate them.

Breathing underwater?

It made Harry wonder if he could perform a similar transformation as: "Gillyweed."

Dudley hummed, having heard of it.

"It lets you breathe underwater."

"Yeah, an hour or so."

The two discussed it for a while, wondering if it differed between fresh and salt water as the hours began to pass.

It was mid-afternoon when someone knocked on their compartment door. The sound polite, as Dudley rose to answer it.

"Yes?" he said, sliding the door open.

He blinked, a wild animal?


"Hello," she said, making a point of looking confident before the bewildered boy. "Have you seen a toad?"


Dudley blinked at her, beginning to look around for this toad.

"No," he said. "You've lost one?"

She shook her head.

"A boy named Neville, it's his toad."

Ah, Dudley nodded in understanding as he asked Harry. "Haven't seen one," he said, smiling at the girl.

Dudley turned back, deciding to introduce himself.

"Dudley Dursley," he said, managing to startle the girl.

She nodded.

"Hermione Granger, pleasure."


Gorble hadn't mentioned that one. "Well met," he added, wondering if she wasn't like him as they stood for a moment, neither saying anything.

Dudley felt Harry move, rescuing him as he approached from behind. He knew what the problem was, knowing Dudley the way he did.

The toad wasn't here, so why did she linger?

That's what Dudley was thinking.

"Hi," he said, appearing behind Dudley's shoulder. "Do you want help looking?"

Dudley shuffled aside, looking at Harry as if he was mad. "We don't mind," added Harry, smiling again. "I am Harry, it's nice to meet you."

The girl smiled back, appearing to relax at Harry's ease.

Dudley, now seeing he'd made the girl uncomfortable, was about to change to charming before -

"Yes please!" she shouted, turning away and out the door.

Harry nodded, turning to his side as their eyes met.

Dudley slumped a little, he didn't want to look for some toad. A further nudge to his side forced a stiff nod.

The girl bounced on the balls of her feet, waiting just outside as Harry moved past her, leading the way.

Again, Dudley remarked at Harry's change. It wasn't as if Harry was all that shy, or nervous to begin with; but perhaps everything he'd learned of late had enabled him to change.

It made Dudley smile, the sight unseen as he followed behind Hermione. He made sure to lock their compartment, the charm flowing from his warm fingertips.

Dudley hung back as they walked, letting Harry chat to her, the two getting on well as they came to the first compartment. Which was a no, as was the next whilst some had simply refused to open.

Dudley could sympathise, letting his mind drift back to stories of eastern conflict. If it had been him fighting, he'd have focused his time on killing the leaders. He'd noticed that many of the conflicts that arose had been due to poor leadership – and faith, a loyalty that took fanatical to a new level.

Dudley swore to be careful, wanting to avoid being led astray by a fantastical cause.

The minutes passed as they went from carriage to carriage and compartment to compartment, it was a real drag just listening to the same answers.

Hermione seemed to enjoy it though, becoming better and better as she went. However, things changed when they reached the next compartment, the door sliding open with a thud.

"Who are you?" sneered a boy with blonde hair as he stood from his seat. He looked at them with an air of distain, as if their appearance reaffirmed a nasty supposition.

It did.

"Granger?" he parroted. Hearing the introduction.

The boy scoffed, sneering at them again. "My Father was right. You don't know your place."

Hermione had withdrawn, shifting back towards Harry who seemed unsure of what to do.

Dudley knew what he wanted to do, but they needed to be cautious. This boy wasn't like this for no reason.

"Our apologies," said Dudley, his taller frame drawing the boy's attention. "We'll go now, it's clear the toad isn't here."

Dudley shifted intentionally, indicating Harry move past him.


He did, fuming as he followed Hermione, but not before casting a final scowl at the horrid boy.

Dudley stepped out, about to close the door.


He glanced through the gap, seeing as the blonde looked at him. "Who are you?"

Dudley tilted his head. "Dudley Dursley."


The door closed as Dudley walked away, leaving a perplexed Draco behind as he turned to his friends. "Dursley," he said, sitting again as Crabbe offered him a sweet, the boy taking it without a word.

"Never heard of it."


They eventually found the toad; the stubborn creature having hidden inside an open cubicle.

Dudley had felt it as they passed the open door. No one goes to the loo with the door open, not on a train as they watched Neville cradle it, like a woman would a cuddly cat.

It brought bad feelings to Dudley, who decided to subtly tell the toad never to run away again.

It listened, reluctantly.

Stubborn creature.

They arrived at their compartment over an hour later, having said goodbye to the pair there and then.

The girl had lingered though, Dudley wasn't sure why as he was tempted to read her feelings.

He didn't.

Harry though had actually enjoyed the ordeal, which made Dudley happy as they settled in with their books once again.

Bob was asleep, Hedwig too as the hours rolled past, before the train began to slow just after the ninth hour.

Dudley was a little giddy.

He could feel Hogwarts.

"Dud?" called Harry, adjusting his robes.


Dudley felt Harry shake him, snapping him to attention. "You need to get changed," he said. "You've just been standing there."

Oh, had he?


The deed was done in record time as Dudley turned to Harry. "There, how do I look?"

Harry gave a look, not sure what to say as he shrugged.

Dudley shouldn't have bothered, as a voice chimed around them. The guard; they'd arrived.

"…leave all luggage on the train, it will be transported to your dorms…"

Dudley happily left his things, bidding Bob to return to his cage.

Harry did the same, if with a little more difficulty.

They followed the crowd towards train's exits, bunching up as they queued. Some of the older years were pushing, stepping through the first years like grass in a meadow.

"Watch it!"

Dudley turned, seeing the redhaired boy from before.

Ron, that was his name.


The boy turned to them, waving at Harry who'd called for him. "Wait for us on the platform!"

Ron nodded, in the midst of being shuffled out the door.

They made it out soon after, sensing the crowd thin as the taller people left.

"First years over here!" shouted a man, a very big man, that Dudley hoped worked for Hogwarts.

"Hey guys!"

Ron had arrived by their side, smiling at Harry who greeted him happily.

Dudley said hello.

Seeing the assembled first years, the large man turned.

"Follow me!"

And they did, about five dozen as they walked the cobbled path. It was uneven, causing difficulty for those of a clumsy persuasion.

A girl fell on him, her hands gripping him tightly. "S-sorry!" she stammered, quickly letting go as Dudley loosened his arm.

"No worries."

She hopped away, joining some friends who'd drawn her back to their group.

They giggled.

"Alright!" called the large man, the lake appearing in the distance as they arrived at a small dock. "No more than three to a boat!"

One by one, the boats came around alongside a lip that jutted into the lake, letting them on before listing away.

Dudley joined Ron and Harry, clambering in as Ron cradled a lamp between his hands.

He looked at Dudley. "You're Dudley, right?" he asked, glancing to Harry for a moment. "Harry's cousin?"

Dudley nodded, finding his eyes glance at Harry. He must have missed that conversation. "Yes, Dudley Dursley. It's nice to meet you."

The redhead nodded, extending a hand which Dudley shook.

"Yeah!" he said, as the boats began to move. "I didn't realise the Boy Who Lived had a cousin!"

Dudley smirked, the Boy Who Lived did indeed have a cousin as Harry tried his best to hide his embarrassment. "I have no cause to be famous," said Dudley, as if he had to explain why exactly he wasn't known.

It seemed to throw Ron for a moment, the sound of sloshing water helping fill the gap as the castle appeared ahead.

Dudley had been waiting to see it, the others too.

To think such a building existed, even from this distance as Dudley saw its huge towers, each glinting with flecks glowing light.

Dudley looked deeper, seeing more as magic swarmed the castle. Their seemed to be colours to it, difficult to see as Dudley felt the boat hit a small wave, bobbing Ron and the lamp.

Dudley glanced, looking into his blue eyes as he turned to Harry.

He thought of trolls, fighting them whilst arguing with his brothers.

Dudley followed the thought as Ron turned back, breaking the connection as the castle looked ahead.

Harry moved beside him, pointing away with a happy smile.

He hadn't noticed.



Dudley stood with the rest, bunched together before the doors of the great hall.

McGonagall, as she'd introduced herself, was an interesting character.

Dudley had enjoyed her speech about rule breaking, were points really worth that much?

He didn't think so as he heard the blonde boy talk.

"…with the wrong sort, I can help you there."

He chuckled from behind Harry, having seen his cousin move to confront one Draco Malfoy.

So, this was Lady Malfoy's son. He seemed very interested in Harry, almost annoyed with how their first meeting had gone.

The boy had an agenda, one of a complex nature that was surely not his own.

His father was Lord Malfoy: a Lord. Which as Gorble had explained, offered many benefits.

Which Harry was in the process of permanently ending, as Dudley watched McGonagall return, sweeping Draco aside with practiced ease.

"Come, we're ready for you."

Cue music.

They walked in rows of two, with Draco up front beside Harry. They'd been the closest to McGonagall, their earlier quarrel all but forgotten as they took in the majestic hall.

Dudley was further back, besides a big boy who seemed to Dudley's eye, a little dim.

Poor chap.

As the walking stopped with McGonagall arriving at the front, the group vying for a view of the stool ahead.

"Now," said McGonagall, shuffling a scroll. "When I call your name, you will come up and be sorted into your houses."

The crowd murmured around, prompting nervous looks from the gathered children.

"Abbot, Hannah."

Dudley felt the crowd part as a girl with pigtails shimmered her way through.

Couldn't they have just picked those closest?

Apparently not, as the girl hopped atop the stool, clearly nervous as she clung to its top.

Abbot, he knew that name. Gorble had mentioned them, they were an old family as the girl's face disappeared beneath a dirty looking hat, crinkled and dark even from Dudley's position.

He pursed his lips, not wanting to put it on.


The hall clapped as the girl was released, slipping off the stool as she followed McGonagall's directions. She arrived at a table of honey and yellow, furthest on Dudley's right.

"Bones, Susan!"

Another old name, thought Dudley as the girl bustled through. Not quite so old but no less distinguished. They were related, the Bones and Abbot's as the girl followed her friend, the two hugging happily on arrival.

And so it went, a few more going before Dudley's name was called.

"Dursley, Dudley!"

He moved, excusing his way towards the front; the crowd passed easily, his larger frame and subtle physique pushing them aside.

The stool was rickety, as he perched on its edge, hoping to make it quick as the hat plopped over his eyes.



The hat had practically yelped the name, as Dudley waited for the hat to come off, beginning to frown as he felt it remain.

He raised his hand, lifting it off with a scowl before flicking it to the floor.

The hat did smelt like Aunt Marge.

"Mr Dursley!"

McGonagall leant to retrieve it, standing up as Dudley stood beside her. "My apologies, Professor," he said, as he glanced across the hall.

They'd barely clapped for him, with Dudley catching just a few before they'd all stopped.


"Mr Dursley."

He looked at McGonagall, a soft expression on her face. "Please make your way to Slytherin House," as she gestured to his left

Dudley nodded.

It was a short trip, the shallow steps helping him down as he arrived at the table.

A warm welcome, it was not as he found a space near an older boy, who seemed to visibly regret sitting near this end of the table.

Dudley had been the first to arrive as the next name was called.


The names kept on, name after name as houses were called. Dudley watched them all, noticing how their robes changed once they were sorted. He glanced at his own robes, smiling warmly as his fingers touched his family's snake.

He glanced up, looking away from the sorting and towards his table. People were watching him, subtly, but still did; one would look, frown, then look away. Then another and so on.

Dudley didn't mind them, focusing now as his cousin's name was called.

Everyone paid attention, silent was the hall as Harry perched atop the stool.

He looked calm, which Dudley was glad of as the minutes went by, and with it each any real hope that Harry would join their ancestral house.

Harry, much to Dudley's hidden surprise, had really changed recently. It had been gradual, he'd realised, long before Diagon Alley and the purple old man.

He'd never realised how much Harry took after him, yet now, as the table of red and gold cheered like thunder. He could see, this was who Harry was meant to be as their eyes met between the clambering people.

Dudley smiled, Harry too as they nodded; neither caring as people frowned at their exchange.

They'd see each other later, if Harry survived the swarm.


Food was served once the sorting was done, along with the Headmaster's bizarre speech about the 3rd floor.

He'd be sure to avoid it as he took a bite of his pie, the pastry good as Dudley chewed slowly.

Petunia would approve, yet not with the wave of intense scrutiny being sent his way, from a single foe.


The boy was evidently displeased.

"How did you do it?" he probed from the opposite side of the bench, having not touched his food. "You don't belong here."

Draco waited for Dudley's reply, letting him finish his mouth full.

"Do what, Mr Malfoy?"

Mr Malfoy. Dudley snickered inside, he'd hit the mark, the boy scowling at Dudley's proper etiquette.

He'd show who didn't belong here, and it wasn't him.

"Leave him be, Draco."

The two turned, each annoyed at the interruption.

"Keep out, Flint. You know it's true."

"Says who?"

The three turned together, now looking at a girl with a green prefect badge. "It's not up to you who joins Slytherin."

Draco scowled, yet didn't rebuke whilst the other boy smiled, his eyes lighting up. "Mary, you look well. How was your summer?"

Dudley turned away, not interested in this Flint's pursuits.

Draco hadn't given up. "Well?"

Dudley sighed, taking the time to retrieve his napkin. "I didn't do anything," he began, dabbing at his mouth. "The hat hardly waited, did it."

It had been the same for Draco, the hat making quick work of their sorting.

Dudley was pleased as Draco looked away, scowling as he muttered something under his breath.

Mudblood, perhaps?

He couldn't tell, nor did he care. Any reaction from him would only insight further use of the term as they resumed eating.

Draco had good manners.

"Excuse me."

Now what, thought Dudley as he turned around. "How may I help you?"

The girl seemed taken aback, shuffling a little as she stood behind him in the aisle.

She glanced at Draco, the boy having huffed aloud.

She was very pretty. "Mr Dursley," she said. "Would you happen to own an Eagle Owl?"

"I do," he nodded. "Why do you ask?"

The girl was very forthcoming, as Dudley glanced about, wondering if Bob had escaped to come and find him.

He couldn't sense him near, was he off… oh.

"Well," she said, perturbed. "It seems to be causing an issue… it won't-"

Something fluttered up ahead, before a delicate thump landed on the table in front of Dudley.

He looked a little worse for ware, what on earth had happened?

"Bob," said Dudley, by way of greeting as the owl hopped to its feet, unfazed as it adjusted its wings.

Dudley unravelled its memory, a trick he'd found worked best with creatures of higher intelligence.

What an ugly man.

"You tried to take him to the Owlery?"

He turned back to the girl, raising a brow as she tried to shimmy away. "Well, yes," she said. "Where else would he go?"

The table murmured, agreeing as Dudley realised the issue. Bob had come to find him, remembering all the times Dudley had asked him to find him once they were separated.


"My apologies, he's a little restless sometimes."

The girl accepted it, waiting.

"He'll go to the Owlery now," assured Dudley. Bob too as he barked, before flying off and away through the hall doors.

The girl watched him go, slightly taken aback as she glanced at those around, who'd been watching too.

An Eagle Owl?

They were notoriously hard to tame, how had the – why had the boy brought one of those?

It wasn't Dudley's suggestion, he'd say. As the girl left without a word, something Dudley was sure he'd get used to here.

He turned back to his food, eating quickly as the evening ticked away.

It was over quickly.

"First years, with me!"

This time it was a boy, a prefect like Mary as he herded the first years together, less than a dozen in total.

A small number.

"Follow me!"

The older students had already dispersed, the last of which trailed far ahead as they followed the prefect out.

The castle was grand, the route they took filled with interesting art; statues, tapestries and mosaics as Dudley spied their sprawling patterns across the high ceilings.

Dudley wanted a better look.

"Move it Dursley!"

Draco tried to shove him, with little affect as Dudley rebuffed. "Don't push," he rebuked, straightening his robes. "It's unbecoming."

Dudley was beginning to enjoy annoying Draco, seeing the boy's boiling expression so perfectly fit his annoying face.

They moved along, Dudley would return later as the route led them down steps and corridors to the dungeons. It was darker, with flickering candles as the group appeared by a large portrait.

The prefect stopped, turning to face the group. "This is our common room; the password will change every week. Don't forget it."

Nods all round, it would be forgotten; no doubt.

Draco was up front, eager to get in.

The prefect smiled at him.

"The password is: Serpentine."

The portrait swung open, causing Draco to stumble away. "Careful," commented the prefect. "You'll need your wits about you in Slytherin."

He turned on his heel, gesturing they follow as they filed inside.

Dudley was near the back, having taken the time to appreciate the almost gothic designs flowing along the walls.

"Now," said the prefect, with obvious haste as they arrived in a room of mossy greens and polished leather. "The rooms for first years are that way," he pointed. "You'll find your name on the door which is to be your room."

They waited, wondering if there was anything else.

"Well? Off you go!"

They shuffled for a moment, Dudley too as he tried to evade the growing confusion.

"Mr Hendric."

They froze. Dudley knew that voice as the prefect turned, caught flat-footed as he looked towards his looming Professor.

"Professor, I-"

"Detention," said Snape. "I'll convey the details later."

Mr Hendric wanted to argue-


He did, walking swiftly away.

The Professor stepped forward. "You'll find your rooms as Mr Hendric explained," he gestured behind them. "Just behind you, follow the corridor. The name will be displayed at eye level."

Some nodded, while others were too intimidated. Dudley thought the Professor looked tired.

"Meet here tomorrow at 07:30, the prefects will escort you to breakfast. I will meet you there."

Professor Snape turned, swooping away without a word as some made their way down.

Dudley didn't, instead moving forwards and into the common room's space.

It was aquatic, as Dudley spotted the looming windows in the periphery, letting the ill looking light filter into the wide common room.

There was a fireplace too, along with lights that didn't flicker with flame. He wanted a good look, pleased when Draco didn't follow as he and his friends walked away, heading towards their dooms with the rest.

Someone approached.

"What are you doing?"

Dudley looked, seeing another girl, not as pretty as she stopped him.

She wore an ugly scowl.

"We have an excellent common room," smiled Dudley, hoping to charm the obviously nasty girl. It didn't work as she walked quickly past him, a little too close as she shunted him back.

"There's no we about it."

She headed for the door.


Dudley watched her go, remembering her face as he walked away.


Good stuff, I think this one went well. Harry is more as he should be, while Dudley is following his own path.

They'll be more revealed in the next chapter, along with a real shocker.

Stay tuned, and if you want to read ahead, have a mosey through my Pa – treon / bactum and see what you think.

Till next time!


Good stuff, I think this one went well. Harry is more as he should be, while Dudley is following his own path.

Hope you’re enjoying it! Check out my profile for my Naruto story and P’ron under my username if you want to read ahead. 


Bactumcreators' thoughts
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