
Unexpected Wish

She sat on my stomach with a drowsy expression like she just had woken up from a dream. The crimson glow in Xie Yun eyes started to lessen as it began to dull, her eye became bright, as she observed the situation around her, her eyes shined with a bright light of understanding, as she slowly started regaining her sanity back.

Her face began to pale, like all blood had been drained out of her face. As she quickly checked to see whether, I was alive or dead. Noticing my calm gaze at her, and hearing my calm breathing. She let a sigh of relief like a great burden had been lifted from her.

"Seems like your sanity has returned?" A calm and leisure voice rang beside her ear, like the person speaking was just next to her. It surprised her for a second, but she quickly gained a composed look on her face.

she lowered her head, not daring to meet Mo Wang gaze. After an unknown amount of time passed away, she spoke in barely audible voice "I'm sorry." 

She originally thought. she could easily control her thirst, but it seemed like in her anger she lost control of her thirst. She was happy that Mo Wang was alive, but she just couldn't bring herself to face him.

Before, she could leave, her wrist was gripped by strong hand, as he suddenly pulled her back on the bed, she wasn't even allowed to resist, As she could only helplessly fall in the warm embrace of Mo Wang. 

It was too sudden for her to resist, she wanted get up and leave, but Mo Wang wrapped his arms around her waist as he  whispered in her ear "Don't you dare to move, little girl!!"

Xie Yun snorted and said "I'm older and more experienced than you brat, by at least three hundreds years." She had given up on her struggle to run away. Since it seemed like Mo Wang had no intention of letting her escape.

She took a long breath to calm herself down, and rubbed her head against Mo Wang chest. She spoke in an uncertain tone "Is it wrong to be selfish?"


This trouble only started because of her jealously and anger. That almost caused her husband life, she didn't knew why her kind had, this unceasing craving for the blood essence of their spouse. That in the end would become one of the reason for the death for their spouse.

Many people throughout ages had searched for truth, or made different speculation about blood demon cruse of endless thirst, but maybe only Mo Wang knew the real reason behind it.

This was another type of punishment from heaven. Heaven will enforce different types of punishment upon those that went against its will, according to its mood. The punishment of blood demon was watching their loved ones die or killing themself.

In return, heaven granted blood demon a lifespan that surpassed most beings in existence. For example; a cultivator of orb formations realm belonging to blood demon could live up to 1,000 years, double of a normal person, their race originally had a low fertility rate. So, it didn't took long, for their race to be wiped out of existences.

This was righteousness and justice of heaven,  seeing the muddle expression of his darling wife. who was probably confused about the origins of her curse? 

He could only sigh.... His hand moved close to her face,  as he gently caressed it "All creäture are selfish in some way or another, so it isn't wrong to be selfish."

Xie Yun went into deep thought, after listening to Mo Wang reply,  and asked "Do you love me?" 

Mo Wang nodded his head, not knowing where this conversion was going? Xie Yun  took another breath to calm herself and said: 

"Would you fulfil any of my wishes?" She stared at Mo Wang with anticipation and expectation. Yet, a little fear could be seen mixed within those eyes.

Mo Wang calmly replied "It would depend on your wish." She was his wife after all, till her request wasn't too ridiculous. He didn't mind granting them, if he couldn't even grant some of her wishes, then what's the point of being Heavenly Demon Monarch.

"Would you sacrifice your life for me?" The anticipation and fear in her eyes only increased.

"No!" Mo Wang didn't even hesitate, before replying. He simply wasn't one of those protagonist that would throw away there life for the their woman. 

And those people who threw away their life for woman. He thought of them as nothing more than cowards, instead of taking revenge for there loved ones. They only choose to die so they didn't have to live in a world without their lover. 

In the end, it was no different from satisfying their own ego. People thought death was hard, in reality it was easy and an escape from suffering. You will only feel pain for a couple of seconds.

What truly was hard? Is living, even when life got tough, and it was filled with all kind of suffering and pain. You must gritt your teeth and live every day with a smile to not let your enemies become happy.

Even when you wish to die, you must continue to live, to not let your enemies achieve. What they had desired!

Listening Mo Wang reply! a joyful smile appeared on Xie Yun face as she sealed Mo Wang lip.

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