

"Have you heard? There's a person who's going around the kingdom healing people!"

Lucifer smiled proudly at what the passerby just said, 'That's my minion! Giving good rep to yourself so that when I formally introduce myself as your master then I'd get good rep too!'

"I think I've heard of him. Wasn't he called the 'Saviour of the Heavenly Fowl'?"

Lucifer's smile strained a little at that and thought, 'But he does have a ridiculous name though. What got inside his head to not protest against that?'

"I heard that he keeps a demi-human with him. They even said that he treats the demi-human as someone very dear to him!"

Lucifer's eyebrows raised a little at that and ignored Death's deadpan, 'How come they're just curious? I thought humans would be disgusted about this prospect.'

"He even has a cute companion that has angel-like wings! I think the gods are descending upon us now."

Lucifer held back a laugh at that, 'What angel wings? What gods? Filo is just an ostrich with a human form while the gods here are so weak that they're too scared to face me!'

"That might be true as there was this fake dev-" The guy that said that froze in fear as he felt a terrifying aura appear behind him.

The people that the guy spoke to stood still as they looked at Lucifer's terrifying look and aura that they couldn't even move.

Lucifer was wearing his regular black tuxedo, tictac shoes, and a red polo shirt underneath. His golden hair covered his eyes but one could still see the color of his pupils glow behind his bangs.

Bat-like wings also appeared behind him as goat-like horns suddenly sprouted on his forehead. He then smiled at the terrified man but with sharpened teeth, "What'd you say human?"

When the man turned around, he immediately fainted with his eyes rolled back and foam appearing on his mouth the moment he saw Lucifer.

The people around them quickly ran away the moment they saw Lucifer's Bat-like wings and horns. But surprisingly, the people didn't scream in terror or anything. They just ran away.

Death looked at the situation at hand and thought, 'What is wrong with the people? They see the Devil holding someone like he's gonna kill him but don't scream in terror. Do people run away in fear without screaming in terror nowadays?'

Lucifer tossed the man that he was holding and walked towards Death and said, "Why don't you wear another set of clothes honey? You've been wearing a housewife's outfit for the past decade now anddd you're ignoring me."

Lucifer deadpanned the moment Death turned her face in another direction. He just couldn't understand why she was being like this... 'Oh, I think I know why she's being like this.'

Lucifer shook his head in amusement when he remembered Death gently turning down Ayane but it seems that the maid was quite persistent. Even though she got turned down, Ayane still acted like nothing ever happened and was bold enough to sleep with them in bed.

He then observed his surroundings and gave a creepy smile as he saw his most 'favorite' of the heroes. He quickly crept behind the said hero and whispered in his ear, "What is the great Sir Motoyasu Kitamura here?"

Motoyasu jumped back in surprise and pointed his spear at Lucifer wearily. Seeing that it was him, Motoyasu paled and quickly hid his spear as he thought, 'What in the world is he doing here!? I thought he was cooped up in his town or something!'

Lucier ignored the trembling hero and turned towards his companions and focused on the single red-head in the group. He let out an 'evil' smirk when he saw the red-head shiver in fear, "Oh! Princess Malty, what are you doing here? You still following mister hero around like a dog?"

Motoyasu gritted his teeth when he heard Lucifer say that but couldn't do anything as he was powerless compared to him. Lucifer ignored the frustrated hero and waited for Malty to answer his question.

Death who was with Lucifer rolled her eyes in exasperation and thought, 'Why is he even doing something like this? I know that she is a bitch and all, but can't we have Naofumi take care of them?'

Lucifer then turned towards her and said, "This is just for fun honey."

Death glared at him and said, "Well then, stop messing around and let's go home already. We're already done with our weekly stroll."

Lucifer turned towards the Spear Hero's group and then towards Death before finally looking at the Malty one last time and said, "I'll give you a parting gift so the next time you see someone I know they'll be glad."

He then snapped his fingers and watched in amusement as dog collars appeared on Motoyasu's and Malty's neck. Lucifer wasn't actually infuriated with Motoyasu like he was with Malty but he still felt frustrated at him for being so idiotic in the show and in real life.

Lucifer then turned towards Death and extended his hand and said, "Why don't we go now Milady?"

Death rolled her eyes playfully and grabbed Lucifer's hand and replied, "Then what are you waiting for Milord?"

Lucifer grinned at her and teleported back to their mansion. When he and Death finally arrived home, Lucifer was swamped by Artemis, Fitoria, and Zoe to cook for him while Death was immediately 'interrogated' by Ayane.

Lucifer then looked towards his daughters and... wait, what was Fitoria to them? She isn't his daughter, she isn't their friend, and she isn't their goddamn maid for his father's sake! What exactly is she doing here?

Seeing Lucifer staring at Fitoria so intently, Zoe and Artemis stopped their yapping about food and looked at him curiously. Fitoria was even nervous about how intense the look Lucifer was giving her.

After a couple of seconds, it seems that the first to crack was surprisingly Artemis, "Hey! Why are you staring at Fitoria so intently? You're not going pedophile on us are you?"

Lucifer looked at her lazily and said, "Why? Why does my intense look at her concern you so much? Did Fitoria magically your friend because I looked at her too intensely for your taste?"

Artemis glowed a golden hue as she can't seem to formulate any words to reply to his question. Why DOES it concern her? She and Fitoria have been at each other's neck since Day 1, so why does it concern her?

She then thought about it and a new resolve appeared in her eyes as she knew why it bothered her, "It bothers me because she is a maiden and I don't like you staring at her so intensely like you want to defile her!"

Lucifer scoffed at her words and said, "That's such a weak argument little goddess. You know that my wife is here and you still spout some bullshit."

Artemis gritted her teeth at his words but stayed quiet as she knew that Lucifer spoke the truth. He wouldn't dare do anything like that in front of his wife.

Zoe sighed in defeat and asked, "Father, Artemis, can you two please stop arguing? And father, why WERE you looking at Fitoria so intensely?"

Fitoria just stayed quiet and waited for Lucifer to answer. The argument Artemis had with Lucifer does concern her but she wasn't addressed so she didn't join the conversation.

Lucifer looked at Zoe placatingly while smiling and said, "I'm sorry honey, Artemis and I will just try to argue when you're not here."

Zoe's left eyebrow twitched at what he said and thought, 'So if I'm not here then you would continue arguing?!' She then sighed in exasperation and whispered, "I know mom said that I should expect something like this but I never thought that it would be much, much worse than what she told me."

Lucifer's smile strained at that while Artemis held back a laugh. Seeing her like that, Lucifer gave her one of the most terrifying of glares she ever seen in her life and looked back at Zoe, "I was looking at Fitoria because I was wondering why she is still in the house. She isn't exactly family and doesn't actually work for us, so why is she still here?"

Lucifer's words quickly caught everyone's attention as they never thought of that. What exactly was Fitoria doing in the house still? Wasn't she brought here just because she was being reprimanded?

Fitoria widened her eyes and immediately turned towards Death who was looking at her, "It seems that Lord Lucifer doesn't want me here any more Lady Death."

Death looked at Lucifer who looked back at her and said, "She's here because I wanted her to and she already asked permission from me to stay in the mansion."

Lucifer gave her an annoyed look and said, "And why wasn't I told about this decision?" while pointing at himself.

Death rolled her eyes and said, "If you were so adamant about her staying here then why did you only remember after a month?"

Lucifer looked at Zoe and then backed at Death, "Cause our daughter likes her presence here."

Death gestured towards Zoe and Fitoria while saying, "Then there's your answer! Our daughter likes her being here!"

Lucifer immediately turned towards Zoe and asked, "Why DO you like Fitoria being here? Aren't you annoyed with her daily fights with Artemis?"

Zoe calmly smiled at her father and said, "Don't worry father, I'm already accustomed to Artemis arguing with someone daily. And I quite like Fitoria's presence here as there is someone in this household that doesn't work for us or related to us."

Lucifer looked towards the direction of Fitoria and then at Artemis before walking towards a window and thought out loud, "If I let more people live in here would that make Fitoria leave this place? And would Artemis follow after her? Artemis doesn't like the presence of males and Fitoria gives off a presence of a loner... maybe this could work."

He then turned around and noticed the deadpanned faces of the other people in the room and asked, "What?"

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