
The Legendary Skill

Because he was a new student, Kuroko followed Shizuka sensei with Sousuke in her office. 

"Hello, my name is Tetsuya Kuroko"

Kuroko offered Sousuke a shaking hand. 

"This boy is taller than me, his body is more muscular than me too. he is a new student with me. Is he a secret agent that was sent in this mission too, or is he an enemy?" Sousuke thought in his mind.

"My name is Sousuke Sagara" he put some power in his handshake and Kuroko responded with power too.

"His power is as strong as an élite soldier in military" Sousuke thought in his mind.

Then he said, "Who are you?"

"Stop talking," Shizuka sensei said.

Ma'am," began Sousuke, "about that gun ... " 

"It will be returned to you at the end of the school term," she interrupted. 

"That's not the issue. The problem is that there's already around in the chamber. It's extremely dangerous, so please don't touch 

the trigger under any circumstances." 

"Huh? Oh, okay." 

"It's loaded with splat rounds that have an extremely high kill rate. So, even an accidental firing will cause fatalities. Handle it with caution, please." 

"I understand. Don't worry." 

She clearly did not understand. Against her instructions, Sousuke worried. 

From their desks in the clamorous classroom, students watched Miss Shizuka lead Sousuke Sagara and Tetsuya Kuroko into the room. 

Look, there he is! 

The gun nut! 

"Quiet down, everyone!" shouted the teacher, rapping the attendance book against the blackboard. 

"Take your seats and pipe down. It's time to meet your new classmates." 

"Obediently, the majority of the students quieted. 

"Okay. Mister Kuroko, please introduce yourself" 

"Hello everyone, my name is Tetsuya Kuroko, you can call me Kuroko, I'm from Seirin High, but because of the car accident, both of my parents die."

"You are Kuroko from Seirin High? From the basketball team?"


"Is Satsuki your girlfriend?"

"Yes, next year I will marry her"


"Next. Mister Sagara, please introduce yourself" 

"Yes, ma'am." Sousuke took a step forward. 

"My name IS Sergeant Sousuke Sagara," he boomed. 

Almost immediately, he paled at his own idiocy. 

"Surgeon So Gay Soggy Log?" called one of the jokers from the back of the room. 

"Sir John Soaks a Saw Gulag?" 

"Sergeant? Like an army sergeant?" 

"Quiet everyone! Give the new student a chance to speak," the teacher ordered sternly, again tapping against the blackboard with 

her book to quiet the class down. "As for you, Mister Sagara, this is no time for jokes." 

Sweating profusely, he snapped to attention and started over. "I am Sousuke Sagara. Ignore the 'sergeant: That is all." 

"That's it?" 

"Yes, ma'am. That is all." 

Ms. Shizuka looked at Sagara, but she didn't find where was Kuroko.

"Where is Kuroko?"

Then all of the students looked around and didn't find him.

"Hello, I am here," Kuroko said. He sat on the left corner of the back row.

Everyone was surprised by Kuroko. This is the legendary passive skill: Misdirection.

The first lesson was P.E. All of students needed to change their uniform. They went to exchanging room in the athletic building. But Kuroko and Sagara were missing.

With long strides, Sousuke crossed the school grounds, stopping in front of the athletic club wing. Surveying the building, he saw there were six windows in a row on the second floor. He located the stairs.

He went up. 

Having finished changing into their uniforms, Kaname and Kyouko started to leave the changing room, where there were still many girls in various stages of undress. 

But just as they were about to reach the door, it crashed open violently. 

Eighteen changing girls looked into the eyes of the student in the doorway: Sousuke. 

There were eighteen simultaneous gasps. 

"Eeeeeeeeeeee!" Shrieks rattled the windows. 

Sousuke stood there dumbly, wearing a look of profound surprise. 

Completely wasting a golden opportunity, he barely glanced at all the girls in their underwear. (Scantily clad women were only a distraction from the mission at hand, he knew.) 

Springing forward, he grabbed Kaname and threw her to the ground. Somehow, by the time they hit the floor, he had drawn a pistol but of an ankle holster. 

"Everybody, get down. Get down!" he yelled as he made a lightning-quick turn toward the open door. 

He waited, gun trained on the doorway. 

Nothing happened, of course. 

Keeping Kaname pinned to the ground, he kept the gun pointed at the door. He surveyed the room and did not see anyone who appeared threatening. 

Actually, upon second assessment, there were eighteen girls crowding around him with murder in their eyes. 

Ten minutes later, the mayhem was over.

"I never suspected you to have something like this," said Miss Shizuka, inspecting the .38 caliber revolver. 

"Damn you Sagara Sousuke, you disturb my youth time" Kuroko walked out from the room. He was in the room since all of the female students entered it and stand at the corner, enjoying the paradise scene. 

Everyone didn't know that he was here. This is his legendary passive skill: Misdirection.

Miss Shizuka felt there was a wind passing her. Kuroko used one of his Misdirection skill: Vanishing Drive.

"I felt a wind passing, but the windows are closed. Oh, no problem" she thought. Then she looked at Sousuke and said "it's time for punishment"

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