SO as you maybe have read in PROLOGUE that what I was ...
I don't want to say it again so let's begin story after I was dead ... yes dead.
after my dead I was in big in some big palace .
which have some maid and knight and some noble looking people .....
well they have some big looking attitude which I don't like it....
some were looking me in weird was ..... stupid weirdo's, and what the hell am I doing here anyway ...hm.. let's see..., ah that women look like she have most authority in here as she is sitting in that Throne like chair and other so I deducted that.
" he...." but before he can say anything that women talked " *sighs* I know that you are brave . but still can't you at last thing about other feelings . feelings of your mother atleast ..." said that women , who was sitting in throne .
when our girly boy heard that he was dumbstruck he was thinking ' what the hell .... what is she talking about feeling of who and mother were is my mother ... is this some kind of play ...yeah it may be as last memory was falling from roof "
as our girly boy was thinking
on there women said " * sighs * take her to her room for now Julia "
" yes mam " a girl appeared from out of nowhere and disappeared again , and reappear in from of our girly boy and touch her and just disappeared again but this time with our girly boy .
as our boy was thinking he don't noticed that he was in now different room with girly stuff and like princess bed and stuff.
" Princess Alicia you may rest now, untill queen call you " after saying that , that girl again disappeared.
when Alicia ( I will call her Alicia from now ) heard that he came back to real world from his thinking....
she started searching from where that voice came and how he came to this place . he saw a mirror in side of bed , so he started to walk toward it.
but when he saw his face and body he was shock , just more then shock because he saw that his chest had become big like it was swollen but he did not pain , and his face has changed , changed to more like boy.
" JUST WHA...ACK..." ALICIA started to have pain in his head , and he roll in the bed like to one has hitted his head with hammer more than thousands times .
he just rolled there and , finally lost consciousness .
+4 hours later .............
" arg....arg ".... he started to wake up now
and sit down on bed and rubbed his head
" so that's it , I am now Alicia , Alicia diviner, daughter of Emily diviner , goddess of all life and love .
okay that's I understand now that women on throne was my mom but, but WHY THE HELL AM I GIRL ? IS THIS REBORN OR TRANSMIGRATION INTO THIS BODY....But this body feel familiar and I feel good too....."
" so what is this all ???"
after thinking all this he just sighed and said " So I Am Now daughter of godess now"