
Summoning or Reincarnation

A green gleam of light flicked, I looked up then crossed the street right in the middle zebra cross, and then another light on my side shone


I was surprised that my impending death came so soon, it was a good life, or a bad one..? I'm not so sure, but death will come in a second.

I looked at the pedestrians walking along with me, they were already off the road seems like I'm the only one who reacted late

"Too bad I couldn't watch the anime I was hoping to watch..."

The owner of the light was a truck, I begin to think,

'Likely I could get reincarnated'

Quite possible, now I was trapped in my mind, anxious and kinda excited,

I accepted death, not thinking a way out.

The truck contacted, but another light shone,

"Wait... Is that a magic circle..?"

I disappeared in a flash...


'... Am I dead?'

I questioned to no one, there was nothing but the pitch black view of ever sought nothingness

'My body...I can still move it, but my movements are so slow'

I believe I was reincarnated or summoned, I don't know what hit me first, the magic circle or Truck-Sama, but both would end up in the same result, as if it would matter which who hit first, I'm in an Isekai, possibly.

I tried to move again, my movements were stiff and slow but not a bother.

I got an uncanny feeling, I touch my self, I can't feel anything, I tried to do it again, this time my hand went in my body

"Whats... Going on..?

I wanted to panic, but an invisible force calmed me down.

I removed my hand from my body,

I inspected my body by touching my structure, unusual skinny physique, it's similar to that of a skeleton, now that I thought about it, it is.

'What the hell, I always wish of becoming a skeleton, now it came true...'

Well, I'll figure this out later, I can still move my body but my 5 main senses aren't working either I can't speak, of course, I wonder how am I going fix this problem.

After talking to myself for sometimes, I think I'm a sociopath since I been talking to myself before I got transmigrated, now I set my journey to the nothingness.

I tried moving straight,

I ended up hitting a wall, okay now I went the other way which is my right,

Cave, I guess this was is a tunnel, I kept on walking

nothing but just walking

'How long do I have to keep walking, I know it's pretty naive of me to keep walking oblivious of life-threatening dangers, since am I even a life..?'

Before I could think again, I 'felt' like I killed something


To what I 'felt' sounded like 'ping' so I kept moving around





/You have levelled up, you may choose an ability/

- Mana Perception or Mana Audio -

I hear a voice of genderless being saying that I levelled up, I questioned my sanity before, so I'm pretty (in)sane.

It's similar to a videogame like RPG, this getting more interesting, it truly intrigues one's curiosity

'Now, I probably killed a weak creature, to why it took me a while, now it's giving two options for an ability'

Quite simple to understand the names of the abilities without looking through the description, Mana Audio will give me little advantage since it's like hearing, but Mana Perception which is the first option gives me more of an advantage, it will probably give me 360° view,

I'm not stupid to play around,

this is not a game this real life,

or should I say real unlife... I'm bad at this, whatever option one it is.

/You have chosen - Mana Perception - Integrating the ability/

'... Now, let's wait-! Aaghh!!'

An immediate burst of pain came! The feeling felt like a million heated needles piercing eye that seem to be placed on the centre of my forehead while mixing with a nauseating headache that can knock you unconscious, but something is keeping me conscious in this pain,

the pain is almost indescribable, it's excruciatingly painful!

'How long is this going to keep going!'

I move my body but trip on a wall as I held on it...

After a while the pain gradually weakened, the pain wasn't as painful as previously

'I'll take a mental note on that one...'

I was already exhausted from the pain, I wanted to sleep, wait, sleep? Skeletons don't sleep, perhaps it's a soul kinda related thing.

This advent is really tiring. Main Plan in this Isekai, take over the world.

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