

"So next week is February "?

Is that a rhetorical question or what, I asked myself. We were outside since it was break time taking a stroll at the school field

"This one you are talking about next month, do you have plans "?.

Emmanuella asked while quietly listening to them.

"Are you guys that dump, don't you know what we normally do in February ".

"You are the one who keeps tag on that".

Ella rebuked her and immediately they both began to argue.

"Serena, won't you say anything "?

Linda called out to me but I pretended not to hear her. They are not dragging me into their childish argument.

"Fine, you win, what's so special about February that you won't stop blabbing about it"?

" Am also interested in knowing Linda".

I finally joined the conversation. Waiting for Linda to explain the big month.

"Well, ladies, February is the month in which we celebrate Valentine's, and the school always through a lavishing party for that".

She ended it with a merry clap and chuckling to herself while I rolled my eyes and Ella shaking her head in disappointment. What did we expect from someone like Linda.

"Jesus, Linda, God have mercy on you. So only because of Valentine's Day, you won't stop whining ".

Ella is beyond mad while I kept on laughing. Trust Linda our drama queen.

"Goat, you didn't even let me finish ".

"What else do you want to add now that we don't know "?

I wanted to step in before it passes the length it has already reached.

"Ladies, ladies, what is it now"?

James joined the conversation from nowhere.

"Boss, who called you or asked for your help ".

Emmanuella asked getting ready to jump into James who is her all-time enemy.

" I don't have time for this shit, Ella. We have a perfect meeting after the break Serena be there ".

"Am not a prefect so am not expected to be there".

"Both class prefect, assistants, and school functionaries are called upon so don't slack ".

"What do you mean by don't slack"

Before I could even complete my word he is already walking away. Wait, is James showing me attitude?"

"See this one ooooh, who are you showing attitude for"?

Ella shouted but he didn't look back or even spare us a glance. Linda Who was whining mouth before kept quiet and kept on looking at me as if expecting me to say something but what could I say it's not like I did anything.

" Let's get back to class"

I said and didn't wait there as I made my way back to class.

"Hey, it's not because James showed you attitude that will make you give us the cold shoulder".

Ella shouted after me but I didn't reply cus my mood was soured, I just didn't know why James had so much effect on me. I know what he did wasn’t actually him showing attitude he was just doing his work as the school senior prefect but that couldn’t change the nagging feeling that I felt at the pit of my stomach.

Once we got to class, I took out my jotter and pen ready to leave the class because I wasn’t ready to entertain Linda when suddenly Linda grabbed my hand.

"Just a minute "

She said and I sat down back getting ready to hear her lecture me about love and relationship.

"What's wrong ?"

Okay, that's new, why is she asking me that? That’s practically unlike her

"Am as confused as you are"

She release sigh before she continued

"Am not going to make any comments, just ask him what's wrong ".

Does she seriously think am gonna do that? well ,if that's her thought then she's in for a surprise cus there's no way in hell am doing that.

"Thanks for your concern but am not gonna do that. If he wants to show me attitude he should also be ready to tolerate mine".

With that being said I left the class. I didn't know what is wrong with him and I didn't give a damn. If he can't come clean then he should fuck himself.

I entered the room which is almost filled with students, found a seat at the back, and sat down. After some time someone sat down beside me.

"Hope this seat isn't taking?"

I looked up at the new stranger and words…..

I looked up and it turned out to be an unfamiliar but handsome face.

"No, it isn't".

I watched as he brought out his handkerchief and wiped the seat before making himself comfortable.

"Am Alexander, Alex for short, prefect of class D ,twelfth grade".

" Serena, assistant class perfect class B of twelfth grade".

I decided to go along and introduce myself with a Smile on my face i shaked hands with him

"Never had of you, though I've heard a lot about a certain Serena ".

"The same could be said for you".

I said and we both laughed it was at this moment that James and the other prefect stepped in. We locked eyes for a moment before I frowned and looked away.

"That founder's son is so proud of himself ".

I turned and looked at Kelvin, Golden, and James.

"Which one cus there are three of them ".

"James, if that's his name ".

I watched as Alex's expression turned to one of anger and disgust.

"For a guy, you do know how to hold grudges ".

And here I am thinking that everyone loves him.

"Not everyone, maybe for you girls but for us guys we see him as an opponent ".

"Didn't know I said that out loud".

He chuckled and stared at me.

"That's cute".

"Coming from a Nigerian guy that seems wired".

Alex burst out laughing upon hearing what I said. Okay, what's funny about what I just said?

"You are cute and funny, such a nice combination to have I wonder why I didn't meet you for long".

"Probably because am too ugly to be noticed by you".

"Who told you that, you are not just pretty but beautiful as well".

Hearing that coming from a handsome guy like Alex, Serena couldn't help but blush.