
I love him

A young girl was parking her bicycle at the gate, taking a box into her hands and said to herself

"oh my goodness" the school is so big and pretty

(A guard wear a blue and white uniform looking professional approached her)

security guard: hello miss what can I help you with??

(A girl around sixteen years old with brown short hair, white skinned, blue eyes, long thick eyelashes and was wearing jeans and a simple white top)

sorry sir am Ava brooks I am here for a delivery; Ava responded while bow her head in sign of respect

security: what could that be??

Ava with a smile says a birthday cake sir

(he checked Ava body with a metal detector and nothing was founded on her)

security: you may carry on miss with a serious look on his face

(he opened the gate and allowed me in)

i looked at the school grounds filled with beautiful flowers, spacious, very big like ten storey buildings and the school was far from the gate

Ava said out loud; the school was filled with beauty happily

the security said to himself; little do you know that the people inside weren't beautiful in treating people. he said with a smile on his face

Ava walked toward the building, she was almost at entrance when she was two beautiful girls chatting on a bench

they were wearing a black short skirt, white shirt, brown tie, yellow blazer with school Lego on it "DAN HIGH SCHOOL", white socks and they're hair tied in a bun

Ava: Excuse me

the girls ignored her and continued chatting

Ava: am sorry but I...

one of the girls interupted her not allowing her to finish her sentence

girl: do we look like we care??? the other girl said : who do you think you are to dare speak to us!!! in a angry tone without waiting for a reply

the two girls stood up angrily and left

Ava: those snubs, just wanted to ask then if they knew Leo Blake the person that ordered for the cake

she moved into the hall fulled with students chattering around her, then the school bell rang for classes everyone was moving pass her even when she tried to stop them to ask them, they just ignored giving her different types of looks.

she stood there like a artifact not knowing what to

after a while she was alone in the hall, so she decided to leave even without delivering the cake and existed the hall

she was on in front of the building she decided to snap a picture of the building so she took out her phone, she looked and shout in surprised whatt!!!

she saw girl at top of the school building she looked like she wanted to jump

Ava was shocked not knowing what to do; she turned her face around to see a middle-aged man walking a distance

Ava screamed help help

the man looked shocked and ran toward Ava and said what's wrong

Ava told the man to look up

the man shout oh my god

the man made run for the hall, Ava dropped the cake and followed him

they ran fast up the staircases..

the man opened a blue door!!

they were finally at the top.

the man shouted "Marylyn"

the girl in shock almost lost her balance and said Mr Robert

Mr Robert: get down from there now!!!

Marylyn: am sorry but I can't i don't want to live without him😔😔😔

Mr Robert: we can talk about this with a tender tone

Marylyn: you know I love him right I really do (with tears in her eyes)with her eye swollen said I want only him in my life, I have been bullied by "THE WITCH" but I don't care as long as he would love me but he is dead now!!!

(marylyn walking at the edge of the building)

Ava was sad about the girl's sorry state she lost the someone special to her

marylyn:I don't want to live anymore(putting her hands in the air and about to jump.

her last words were I loved him

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