
Two moons

Spiral staircases. Some type of fear for spiral staircases, a certain dream that Jay has been getting repeatedly, always with white, spiral staircases. Something was different with this dream, however, Jay's body wouldn't move. He wouldn't go down the stairs, as if he, at least his dream self, has learned the results of going down those chillingly familiar stairs. Then, as if a giant hand, a force, pushed him forward, Jay started going towards the stairs. Then... as the dream always ended, Jay made a horrifying descent.

"Great..." Jay said, getting out of bed. He dressed up for school and reached for a cereal box.

"What are you doing Jay!? Look at the time, you forgot to turn on your alarm! Hurry and get in the car!" His mom yelled.

Jay looked at the time and noticed he was extremely late for school, and ran towards the car.

"Sorry, mom!"

"Sometimes you're so inconsiderate of your siblings.. your older brother already went on his own."

"Well... Cameron's school is closer than mine and Grace's..." Jay muttered under his breath.

"What was that?" His mom said.

"Nothing," Jay replied.

Grace, Jay's little sister, giggled.

"Well, we're here!" His mom said.

Jay walked into the school, hoping not to run into anybody. He kept his head down.

"Hey, Jay!" His best friend said, walking towards him.

"Oh, hey Nathan," Jay replied.

"Did you see that video everybody was sending around? The one of that crazy celebrity speaking about how the dream world, or the spiritual world... I forgot which one he was speaking about, was going to collide with ours in December?"

"I don't like speaking about dreams much, by the way, why do you watch those weird videos? Do you actually believe what he's speaking about?" Jay said sarcastically.

"Of course I do! Don't you see those videos about people hearing horns in the sky, or seeing three suns? Or those weird monsters in the sea?"

"Nate...you don't have to believe everything you hear.. anyways, we're both late to class, so let's hurry!"

Nate stood at the door, and one of the girls came running to open the door.

"Hey, Nate!" She said.

"Hey, what's up!" Nathan replied as Jay rolled his eyes.

Nathan turned around and winked at Jay.

"I hate this school," Jay muttered under his breath.

Jay daydreamed, as usual, thinking about Nate was speaking about. He heard his classmates speaking about the same topic Nate was speaking about. This surprised him because he didn't think his classmates would even entertain the crazy things Nate would speak about.

"Oh yeah, and when the dream world merges with ours if you meditate and open your third eye, you'd gain superpowers! You'd probably get x-ray vision... And you'd be a chick magnet of course!"

All the girls rolled their eyes, but all the guys laughed.

"Hey, what happens if you don't meditate or open your third eye in time before the dream world collides with ours?" One of the guys said.

"You don't actually believe in this stuff, do you? Although... getting superpowers sounds cool, but it obviously isn't real."

Jay was very intrigued, even though he didn't believe it, with the idea of superpowers. With powers, he'd be able to beat up, or at least put into fear anybody who has mocked or bullied him. This made him start to daydream even more.

The bell rang, and Jay started walking home, always looking back. The girls who would harass him always attacked or did something to him from behind, so he always had to watch his back.

When he arrived home, Cameron was already there.

"Yo, Cameron, is mom still at work?"

"Yeah," Cameron replied. Cameron was helping their little sister, Grace, with her homework.

Jay went to his room and started watching videos about the dream world colliding with the actual world. To his surprise, several Youtube channels and extremely popular celebrities were speaking about this topic. He hasn't seen so many people speaking on such a bizarre topic and wondered who even started this trend on superpowers, dream worlds, and all of that. He decided to click on the video with the most views.

"Now... I want you to know if you don't open your third eye and train it... you won't be ready for the upcoming months when the dream world collides with ours." The person began. "I'm sure most, if not all of us will get powers, but these powers will either make or break you! Depending on where your mind is and how you decide to use those powers. Now... it's becoming obvious the dream world is getting closer because I've been getting dreams more frequently, my fans message me saying their dreams are more realistic and frequent.. and you've probably been having more dreams too, huh?"

Jay thought about it for a second. Yes, his dreams have become more frequent and detailed.

"Look at how many more storms, tornados, and hurricanes are coming! The world is breaking apart, and the corrupt politicians, businessmen, people who work 9-5's would be the first to die when the dream world collides with ours...people who are dead inside."

Jay turned the video off and figured anybody who actually believed in this was insane.

Scrolling through social media, he noticed Nate gave him a message.

"I hope it has nothing to do with dream world stuff..." Jay said.

"Jay, look at these two moons in the sky!" Nate texted Jay. The image showed two moons close to each other, one the ordinary grayish-white color, and the other a dark blue color.

"No way, that's fake," Jay replied.

"Go look outside if you don't believe me."

Jay got up and looked outside, and to his surprise, just like what he saw in the image, two "moons" were next to each other. He quickly grabbed his phone to text back Nate.

"Surely there's some scientific explanation for this... I hope you aren't trying to link this with the dream world you've been ranting about."

"Nope, when those two moons collide, the sky is going to change colors and that's how we know the dream world has collided with ours. You're trying to tell me you've ever seen something like that before?"

"You said when these two moons collide we'd enter the dream world, huh?"


"How much longer until they collide?"