
Dreaded Vamp King

Lilly, after finding out that her dad was killed by vampires, she vowed not to rest, not until she make all the vampires pay for taking her happiness away from her, but what happens, when she finds herself, falling deeply in love with a vampire, unknown to her about his identity? What happens when she sneaked into the vampires forbidden den, where no one goes in and comes out alive? Do you think she'll be able to take the shock of seeing her worst enemy, Kai Red (Lucifer), sitting on the throne of darkness, looking as dangerous as ever? What happens when the deepest secret about her reveals itself?...

Charity_Charity_4891 · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Is this a setup?

Chapter ten

Lucifer POV

Taking one last glance at his corpse, I headed out of his office, and walked elegantly to the large office, where there were so many workers, having all their attentions on their desktop.

Stepping into the large office, some of them raised their gaze to look at me, some were having a confused expression on their faces, while some kept staring at me blankly, with so much questions on their faces.

"My name is Kai, and I am the new CEO of the company." I announced, while staring at their faces, one after the other, waiting for who want to lose his or her life, by questioning my decision. The atmosphere became tensed, as everyone glanced at themselves, having a confused look on their faces, and as if they know what awaits them, if they dared to question me, they all kept quiet. This is exactly what I want.

"Since it's Thursday today, I'm going to wait until Monday, to set up the company to my taste. There's going to be a list of workers, pasted on the board by Monday, if you're lucky to find your name on the list, then you're still a staff of the company, but if your name is not there, then that means that you no longer belong here. The new rules will be set too, and I'd advise nobody dare disobey me, if you don't want to see the other side of me. Now get back to work." I said coldly, as I felt my dark and intimidating aura, surrounding me, sending fear on them, and with that, I turned around and walked out of the office elegantly.

After hours of being in my new company, I finally left to go back home. Walking out of the company, I headed straight to the parking lot, and that was when it dawned on me that I should call Miguel, I need him to take care of something.

Stepping into my car, I reached out to my phone, which was laying on the passenger seat. Can't believe I left my phone in the car for the whole day. I had a really bad day today, I hope tomorrow won't be this worse. First, it was that annoying thief back at the restaurant, and later, the bastard that dares to disobey the almighty Lucifer, he had paid with his life though, so I'm calmed.

Picking the phone, I swiped the unlock button, but almost cringed, as I was welcomed with the picture of the annoying thief from earlier, displaying on the screen. I batted my lashes, to be sure I wasn't hallucinating, and when I opened my eyes, I was welcomed with her picture, still smiling at me. The heck! How did her picture get into my phone, huh?

Taking a close look at the phone, realization dawned on me, the phone in my hand, isn't mine. Gosh! How did I switched phone with her?

Letting out a sigh, I threw the phone on the seat, and threw my head on the headrest for seconds, with my eyes closed. Why the heck does this have to happen? I don't want to ever see her annoying face again, and now I have to, if I want to get my phone back. Who knows what she'll do that'll piss me off, this time around.

Fastening my seatbelt, I turned on the car ignition, and revised the car, before driving out of the compound, and in the next seconds, I was already on my way, speeding to the restaurant, where I saw her earlier, who knows, I may see her there again, and finally get my phone back from her.

After driving for what seemed like forever, I finally got to the restaurant, but found it closed down, and I just couldn't resist the urge to growl. For goodness sake, I'm not in for this whole shit, and it's already getting me pissed.

Letting out an angry sigh, I picked up the phone, and swiped the unlock button, before inputing my number, after which I dialed it, as I waited patiently for her to pick up. The phone rang for almost a minute, before someone picked up.

"I'm waiting for you in front of the restaurant, bring my phone for me." I said coldly on the phone, and without waiting for her to say anything, I hit the end button, and disconnected the call, before dropping the phone on the seat, as I rested my head on the headrest, so much going on in my mind. Can my day get any better?....

Author POV

She stared at the screen of the phone, having a shocked expression on her face. She just couldn't believe what just happened, as much as she tried understanding the whole thing, she just found it all confusing, and she could only scoff. The imagination of switching phones with the mysterious man, is all like a dream to her, as she tried recalling how it all happened, but just couldn't wrap her head around it.

Her mind wandered off to the incident back at the restaurant, and she just couldn't help concluding that the young man must've set her up, but then, she really needed her phone. As much as she didn't want to go there, she know she really need the phone, and not going to collect it, will cause damages to so many things.

"Are you ok? You look tensed." Nina asked, as she stared at her worriedly, giving her a questioning look. Her eyes darted to the phone in her hands, and she pulled a puzzled look.

"Did you changed phone Lilly?" She asked confusingly, while giving her a questioning look.

"There's a big problem Nina..., the man from the restaurant earlier, I think I switched phone with him, and he just called me to come get it at the restaurant." Lilly said, with so much worry in her voice, and displaying on her face.

"What! Is that some joke or something? I mean, how the heck did that happened?" Nina exclaimed, looking all confused, as she couldn't wrap her head around the whole thing.

"I don't know. I really need to go get the phone Nina, but I'm scared, what if he's just trying set me up, huh? What if he's with the cops now, and trying to lure us into getting arrested? That man looked dangerous, and doing this, is not going to be a big deal to him." She ruffled her hair confusingly, as she stood up, and paced back and forth for seconds, before stopping to take a glance at the phone, which was now laying on the bed.

"I'm thinking same thing Lilly." Nina added, looking all worried.

"I think I have an idea. I'll just wait for him to call, and when he does, I can just tell him to come get it from here." She suddenly stopped and suggested.

"That's the craziest thing Lilly, what if he brings the cops here? That'll be worse, you know?" Nina objected, and she sighed deeply.

"What do I..." Her words were cut in her mouth, as the phone came ringing again. Taking a glance at Nina, she walked lazily to the bed, and picked the phone, before sliding the answer button, not checking who the caller is.

"Lucifer..." Came the masculine voice from the other end, and she froze on her spot, as the name rang in her head...