
Dreaded Vamp King

Lilly, after finding out that her dad was killed by vampires, she vowed not to rest, not until she make all the vampires pay for taking her happiness away from her, but what happens, when she finds herself, falling deeply in love with a vampire, unknown to her about his identity? What happens when she sneaked into the vampires forbidden den, where no one goes in and comes out alive? Do you think she'll be able to take the shock of seeing her worst enemy, Kai Red (Lucifer), sitting on the throne of darkness, looking as dangerous as ever? What happens when the deepest secret about her reveals itself?...

Charity_Charity_4891 · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs


Chapter eight

Author POV

He leaned his back on the bench lounger, staring up at the sky, which was already getting dark, as he keep drowning in his own thoughts. As much as he want to wrap his head around what exactly he's thinking about, he just found his mind, occupied with so many thoughts, which he can't seem to comprehend where they were all coming from.

He sighed softly, as he closed his eyes, and threw his head back, while thinking about nothing. The sound of the footsteps drawing closer, pulled him out of his thought, as a familiar scent filled his nostrils. His eyes darkened, and in the next seconds, he snapped his eyes opened, not tilting his head to look at the person that just dared to disturb his peaceful time.

"What is it Miguel?" His cold deep voice came on, as he sighed softly, trying to contain the sudden anger, that tried consuming him.

"Sorry to disturb you Lucifer, but I think there's a little problem." His voice quivered, as he whispered the last past. He just couldn't stop praying silently, for the worst not to happen, knowing what he's capable of doing. His heart came thumping heavily against his chest, as he found himself, getting consumed by the dangerous creature's aura.

The words hits him like a bombshell, as he snapped his eyes opened, before tilting his head to look at Miguel, having a mixed expression on his face, a dazed one, and a confused one. He just couldn't wrap his head around what his loyal servant just told him, he just couldn't wrap his around the problem he's talking about, knowing that no one dares to disobey the fierce Lucifer.

"Speak!" His cold voice sounded so deep, sending shivers down the man's spine, as he couldn't resist the strong wave of fear, that keep trying to consume him. He couldn't help wondering what would happen, when he finally release the bad news to him, the imagination of the havoc, keeps making him quiver, but he know he can't hide it from him.

"Lucifer...., the CEO...he turned down the offer." He said, trying not to stutter, but he ended up stuttering anyways. He gulped down the lump in his throat, as he stared down at his shoes, waiting for the worse to happen. For some minutes, silence enveloped the atmosphere, as everywhere tensed up, even the sound of a pin drop could he heard, if any fall on the floor, his aura keep darkening, and radiating in the whole place.

Meanwhile, Lucifer keep staring deep and dangerously into space, as his eyes darkened, his once deep green eyes, are now as red as blood, slowly, his hair stood erect, his breath, slowly coming out in a grunt, his blood boiling in anger, his demon, struggling to take over him, but he tried to resist him, knowing what will happen, if he takes control of him. How dare that bastard to disobey him! How dare he disobey the almighty Lucifer! He had always tried to be cool with that bastard, but he chose to ignite the anger in him, can humans ever know where they belong to? Can they ever know that they're weak, and shouldn't be messing with him?

"Fix an appointment for us, I'm meeting him in two hours myself." His deep voice came on, and with that, he stood up, and headed back into his room, not sparing Miguel a glance.

Stepping into his room, he walked over to the mirror, and leaned in on the chair, with his hands on it, as he stared into his own bloodshot eyes, anger surging through him, he tried controlling it, but the more he tried, the more it keep coming.

"Argh!" He growled angrily, as he grabbed the chair effortlessly with his left hand, and threw it across the room, while breathing heavily.

"You bastard!" He growled at nothing angrily. Turning around, he stormed into the bathroom, and stripped out of his clothes, before getting under the shower, after which he turned it on, as he let the water down his body, calming his tensed muscle.

Staring into space, with his eyes opened, while the water keep falling on his head down to his toes, he couldn't stop thinking about the incident, the thought of someone, turning him down, angers him so much, as he anticipated on punishing him.

After spending almost an hour under the shower, he finally turned it off, and ran his hands through his hair, before grabbing his robe, and wore it. Walking back into his room, he took his time to get dressed, and in the next half an hour, he was already standing in front of the mirror, looking at his reflection, dressed in all black, with a black sunglass on his face.

Turning around, he walked over to the bed, and picked his car keys, before teleporting to the parking lot. Stepping into one of his black cars, he turned on the ignition, and drove recklessly out of the compound, and in the next minutes, he was already on his way, driving to God knows where.

After driving for almost twenty minutes, he finally drove into the compound of a magnificent building, and stopped at the garage, before stepping out of the car. Once he got out of the car, he looked around the place, and adjusted his coat, before walking elegantly towards the entrance door.

Stepping into the building, he walked straight to the receptionist at the lobby.

The lady behind the counter, stood up as soon as he sight him, and gave him a seductive smile.

"I'm here to see Mr Anderson." He said, his voice, void of friendliness.

"If I may ask sir, may I see your appointment letter?" The lady asked politely.

He sighed briefly, trying to control the sudden strong wave of anger, that surged through him. How dare she to question him! How dare she question the almighty Lucifer? Is she signing her death certificate? Is she on a suicide mission? As much as his demon want to teach her a lesson, he tried to restrain him.

Taking his hand to his face, he got rid of his glass, with his eyes closed. Opening his eyes, which were now bloodshot red, he locked eyes with the lady.

"Take me to Mr Anderson." He said to the lady, who was now staring at him, looking hypnotized...