
Drawing Our Love

Samuel Huang is a world famous surgeon that can cure any illness and do any type surgery with 100% of success. But this isn't what he wanted. He love to draw and fell in love with a beautiful girl, but due to the pressure of his family, he was forced to abandon his dreams and love to become a doctor. Just like that Samuel live his life in regrets and took it to the end of his life. When he is lying in his death bed waiting to die, the God Of The Underworld walk up to him and give him an offer that will change his life forever...

Duguo_Loner · Thành thị
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8 Chs

Painting 7: Shattered Memories

"Hahahaha! I can't believe that I've fallen for a whore like you.", I began. "All this time, I've ignored the person who truly love me to missed someone who is just by my side for my wealth and talent! What a fool I've been."

"Beneath all that beauty is a total witch who looks down on people!", I continued. "I never intended to use this orb, but if it is to punish someone like you then it's worth the sacrifice!"

*Crush the red orb*

As the orb shattered into pieces, clouds of red smokes crawl out and enter Bethany's body.

Her skin turn red then pale then back into her original skin tone again. Bethany's pupils dilated and turn grey along with her veins starting to show itself.

"Yo, Bethany?", I started. "You still there?"

I kept calling out her name, but all I got back was a cold glare. She's acting as if her soul has been taken away. Just what the hell did that orb do to her!?

"I love you Samuel.", She said quietly.

"Huh?", I replied in surprise. "I'm sorry!?"

"I love you Samuel!", Bethany yelled. "I love you to the point I could die for you if you asked me to!"

"It work.", I mumbled. "It really works!"

This girl is madly in love with me! What should I do now?

"Hahahaha! Fascinating.", The Hell God laughed as he appears behind me. "So you've decided to use it after all!"

"Well, she's now under your control!", He continued. "What will you do now? Kill her? Humiliates her? Order her to do something illegal? I'm looking forward to see how will you punish this woman!"

"Even though she's a total witch and deserve to be punish for her malicious personalities and sins, Bethany was once the woman I love the most in this world.", I replied. "I won't be softhearted enough to forgive her yet not too cold to order her to do something cruel."

I pointed at Bethany and smile.

"Take off your clothes, say that you are a whore, and confess your sins to everyone."

The room turned silent as everyone began to whispered into one another ears.

"Is this really Samuel? He's a total different person from what we've heard."

Of course I'm different. I'm not just a mere 17 years old brat, I'm a world famous doctor and have experience in life for more than 80 years.

As Bethany began to take off her uniform, a male student ran in and cover her up with his uniform blazer.

"That's enough Samuel! You don't have to do this to her!"

Who is this kid and why is he protecting Bethany?

"Who the hell are you?"

The male student clench his fist, stand up, and punch me in the face.

"This one is for Bethany and for putting me through all that suffering!"

I wipe the blood off my lips and punch him back in the face twice as hard.

"Don't think that I dare not to hurt you just because this room is right next to the discipline office and I don't even know who you are!"

The male student laugh as he tried to get up from the ground.

"You don't know me, but I know you. Because of you, my family was shattered. Because of you, my mother has to get murdered!"

Huh? His mother got murdered because of me? What the hell is he talking about!

"What the hell are you talking about? Today is the first time I ever saw you.", I said.

"Seventeen years ago, your dad went on a business trip in Hawaii and he fell in love with a woman.", He began. "Even though that woman know that he can't be with her, she willingly accept to be the third wheel and get mocked by everyone around her."

"Just like that, every three weeks that man would go visit her...until one day. The person knocking at her door wasn't your dad, but it was your mom instead.", He continued. "Your mom told her that she is pregnant and beg the woman to stop interfering with their life. The woman agree with your mother request and broke up with your dad without realizing that she herself was also pregnant. Weeks later, she realize that she is pregnant and went to see your dad and ask if he is willing to accept her and this child. Unfortunately, what she got back was a cold glare from him and his wife as they push her out of the mansion so the only choice she got left were either abortion or raise this child herself. Out of pity for this innocent life form and a heart of a mother, she decides to give birth and raise this child."

"As years passes, the child grown up to be a fine young man and they live a happy life together.", The male continued as tears began to fall down his eyes. "Unfortunately this happiness couldn't last long. One day, a group of men in black suit break into their home and kill her while the child hid in the closet. Before she died, the man told her the name of the person who hired them to murder her and that person was your mother."

"Fascinating story, but where are you in this fairy tale and what does her death have to do with me.", I asked as I clap my hands.

"That woman was my mother and the child in that story was me!", He replied. "My name is Raphael Wang, I'm your half-brother!"

What? No way! I have a half-brother? Why didn't my family tell me about this?

Wait, I remember father keep looking at a photo of a beautiful woman when mother is not around. Could she be Raphael's mother? If that's the case then I need to bring him to meet father right away! He's been sad for years.

"You are my brother! Why didn't you tell me sooner? Our father's has always regret abandoning your mother and you! Come with me, let me bring you back to where you belong.", I smile as I hugged him.

"Get away from me!", Raphael yelled as he pushed me away. "I will never forgive your family!"

Raphael's eyes glow as dark shadows swallow him along with Bethany and vanish.

"We shall meet again Samuel.", Raphael voice echoed as he disappeared. "The next time we meet will be the day that I'll slaughter your family...brother."

I have a long lost half-brother who can use dark magics and he wants to kill me. But how can he be so sure that my mother is the one that ordered the assassins to kill his mom.

"Hahahaha, you have a fascinating twist there.", The Hell God complimented. "This is the cost of alternating the past, but if you want to know whether or not he's telling the truth. I could give you another relic that could take you back in time...with a cost."

Time traveling sounds like something big, the cost of using it must be a huge price as well. Am I right?

"This pocket watch can help you travel back into any time period that you set on it, but six years will be taken off your life and another three layers of seals will be applied onto your heart for every time you uses it.", The Hell God instructed. "Now, it's time for me to collect my debt from you."

When he reaches out his hands, a small green ball of light flew out of my body and got absorbed into his body. I could also feel some sort of chain crushing my heart.

"You now have exactly seventy-nine years left to live in this world.", He smiled. "Also, using the relic won't just take life force from you, but it also gives you back something valuable...a fragment of your memories."

What? My memories?

Argh, why does my head starting to hurt so badly.

"Someone! Call the nurse!", I groaned. "I don't feel so well!"


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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