
Drawing Our Love

Samuel Huang is a world famous surgeon that can cure any illness and do any type surgery with 100% of success. But this isn't what he wanted. He love to draw and fell in love with a beautiful girl, but due to the pressure of his family, he was forced to abandon his dreams and love to become a doctor. Just like that Samuel live his life in regrets and took it to the end of his life. When he is lying in his death bed waiting to die, the God Of The Underworld walk up to him and give him an offer that will change his life forever...

Duguo_Loner · Thành thị
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8 Chs

Painting 5: This Might Be Weird, But Can You Be My Date?

"Um...classmate Samuel. Are you ok?", A gentle voice said.

I turn back and there she is...

"You are...my wife. I mean Jane from my class right?", I smiled. "This might sound weird, but can you go out on a date with me?"

Jane gave me a weird look.

"As a friend?", I continued.

"Sure, I'll go on a date with you as a 'friend'.", She replied. "Where are we going?"

I point toward the amusement park with hesitation. How on earth would a stranger go out on a romantic date with someone that they barely know!? I was just an ordinary guy before my talent was expose.

"You want to go here?", She asked. "Isn't this place made for young couples only?"

I just nodded my head with a blush on my face. Damn it Sammy! Where did your confident go!?

She just grin and walk closer to me.

"Hey, do you like me or something?", Jane smiled as her face reach closer to mine.

Damn she too close...to the point where he pair of grapefruits is touching my chest. Listen little friend, don't stand up. Don't stand up you hear me!

What should I do? I just confess to Bethany this morning, can I be shameless and flip my words upside down. No, I have my pride...I must keep it. Here goes nothing. Say no!

"Yes, I love you since we first met!", I answered.

WTF? This isn't what I want to say? Why did I say that I like her!?

"Consider this my handicap to you."

Damn it, Is that you Underworld God? Well, no use explaining now. I'm going to be shameless and admit it!

"I know that I confess to Bethany this morning, but the truth is that you are the one I love!", I shamelessly said.

"Your face is really thick you know that.", Jane mocked. "This morning is a different girl now you switch to another one just like flipping a pancake."

"Hahahaha. So this is what teenagers of this era is like."

Shut up, I don't have to be this thick face and shameless if you don't change the words in my conversation!

As I talked to myself(to the Underworld God), Jane smile at me with an innocent look on her face:

"It's alright, I'm here so you won't have to be alone anymore."

Alone? She think I'm talking to myself cause I have an imaginary friend? Technically I am talking to the God Of Underworld/Hell, but it's not as embarrassing as having an imaginary friends at age 17!

"I...I...it's not what you think it is."

Jane held my hand and point toward the entrance to the amusement park.

"Let's go buy the tickets before they close down the park."

Her gentle voice has move my heart. This is my wife? The one who has always been by side.

*Internally crying*

We ran toward the gate and bought two tickets and enter the amusement park.

Majorities of the rides were made specifically for couples only, especially the Haunted House and Tunnel Of Horror.

I have a fear of ghost so I tend to avoid go thriller and horror related rides every time I visited an amusement park. What is going on here is a whole other story. I'm going on a date with a girl who loves horrifying things, but I'm afraid of ghosts and monsters for GOD SAKE! Please don't choose to go in there. Please don't choose to go in there.

"Hey, let's go into the Haunted House. I heard it's very scary."

God must have really hated me! Why God? Why?

"What's wrong? Are you afraid? We could always to a different ride if you are too afraid.", She smiled.

Come on Samuel! You've seen bloods and organs every single day throughout your entire life. How can you be afraid of some fake monsters!

"What? Afraid? No way. Let's go inside.", I said while forcing my tone to sound confident and not afraid.

Jane smile and held my hand as we walk inside the Haunted House.

It has been 15 minutes since we've enter the haunted house and we still haven't reach the exit, how big is this house? Anyway, it isn't as scary as I remember it in the past. Maybe this is the benefits of getting older. Scary things from your childhood suddenly became a laughing stock when you remember how scary it was when you were lit-


"Ah!", I yelled in surprise as I punch whatever jumped in front of me.

"Argh! That hurts! I was joking! Why the hell did you punch me for?", The Hell God screamed.

"Wait...it hurts?", I asked.

"Of course it hurts you idiots!", He replied.

How did I hurt a God when I'm just a mortal?

"It's because you are not a mortal!", He replied while covering his face to hide the bleeding.

"What? I'm not a human? That's impossible!", I argued.

"It's a long story, I'll tell you about your identity later.", The Hell God paused. "How goes your date? Did I help hehehe?"

"Thank you for your 'help', but I'm ok by myself.", I said sarcastically.

He just stared at me with a strange look on his face and then disappear.

It seems like Jane was too distracted by the other fake monsters to notice that I was talking to someone else. Phew, here I thought she might think I'm insane after seeing me talking to myself multiple times.

We continue to explore the haunted house and when we finally reach outside, Jane was holding tightly onto my arms. She might love horror-related stuff, but I have to admit that the ghosts and monsters they put inside were quite scary and realistic for something that is made out of metals or plastics.

Meanwhile inside the haunted house...

"Alright everyone, good work on scaring the girl so that my little brother can be the hero.", The Hell God complimented. "Now you demons and ghosts can get your ass back to hell and have a party. Beers on me!"

"I have to ask one thing. Do you think it's time for us to awaken and give his majesty back his memories?", One of the demon asked as he look out to the exit.

"Not yet. We can not disturb his rest unless it's really necessary and an emergency!", The Hell God replied. "He had sacrifice too much for the three realms. His majesty deserve a good rest."

"But...he's been gone for ten thousand years! Things in the Underworld aren't looking good.", He argued. "You are just the White Impermanence. Your powers won't be enough stop the other demons when they decides to rebel."

"Enough! None might not speak of this again.", The Hell God yelled. "We should only bring back our True God Of Hell when balance of the three realms is near destructions!"

Three hours outside of the amusement park...

I have admit comparing to the eighty years that we've spent together, this has to be the first time that I truly love my wife. How foolish I was to not accept her love in my past life! Maybe she could be the one that can help me break the seal!

"I have a lot of fun today", Jane said.

"Yeah me too.", I replied as I move closer to her for a kiss.

She immediately put he finger onto my lip to stop it and smile.

"Not so fast buddy. I can't be conquered that easily"

Hahahahah, I knew it wasn't this easy, but no matter. I'll make her fall in love with me tomorrow when I show the school my real talent!

Jane kiss me on my cheek and walk away.

"See you tomorrow at school!"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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