

A boy who never had the chance to do anything thanks to his illness always spent his time in the hospital. The only thing that brought colour to his life were Marvel and DC comics. NOTE : THIS IS AN AU ( ALTERNATE UNIVERSE ) [This World is a Bridge between the DC and Marvel multiverse, all the possible information you know about the characters is totally useless since there is a possibility that it will never happen or it will happen differently] Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel or any of it's character. I own my own elements and my OC(s). --- WARNING : English's not my Mother tongue So there will be grammar and paraphrasing mistakes Hope it'll be readble -- UPDATE SCHEDULE : NOT FIX

Xuefang1 · Tranh châm biếm
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67 Chs


After the light blinded most of them, Zak kept hitting the one who was seriously injured, and it looked like he didn't notice the light.

Kamala was the same as Zak since she noticed the light, but the rest of them were very nervous because they believed that it would not bring anything good.

Kamala was very nervous trying to stop Zak from hitting the boy but he was not stopping at any moment and without realizing she was starting to lose control of her powers and suddenly she shouted.

"Stop it, stop it... I said stop it!"

Only to with one blow with her enlarged hands send him flying to the Cap statue, when she realized what she did she was terrified, she was going to say something but one of the group's bullies shouted at her.

"Back off freak you are one of them, don't you dare touch us! we have to go!" to start lifting Zak, they tried to talk to him but he was barely reacting "this will not stay like this freak all of your kind must disappear and..." but before he could finish a shadow came out of the bushes and stood in front of Kamala only for that person to speak and yes that person is our mc 'derek'.

"Or else what? You will do to her the same thing you did to me surround her in an alley, beat her and leave her dying to her fate" they all went silent, although Kamala was frantically shaking her hands trying to shrink them to a normal size but stopped after hearing what that person said.

She was little shocked but it was not the same for Zak's group it was as if they had seen a ghost.

"You, but how come you are... it's impossible, we thought you were dead..."

Hearing what those idiots said Derek seriously wanted to pay them back with the same coin for what they did to the previous owner of the body but decided to calm down, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't let them go just like that, no of course not.

"Dead seriously, didn't you guys say that we are monsters, let me tell you this we monsters don't die easily" only to shout.


His body started to grow metal scales all over his body and his nails elongate like a beast.

The metal scales on his body shone in the moonlight.

The thugs and Zak himself were afraid of the monster looking like it came out of hell itself, but Derek didn't care at all and just started walking neither so fast nor so slow which only made the fear of him increase even more, when Derek was a few inches away from Zak's face he looked at him mockingly.

"You're not feeling so brave now are you, or is that..." before he finished speaking he was interrupted by one of the goons of the "die monster" group which hit Derek in the left side of his face with a metal bat, but before they could rejoice he spoke to them.

"was that supposed to do something to me" just to take the metal bat away from the idiot who attacked him like it was nothing to smile at them like they were idiots.

They were very surprised by what they saw except for Kamala because even she could resist those attacks if she uses her powers, but suddenly even she was left with her mouth open by what this unknown person did because she could see how he opened his mouth and as if it was nothing began to eat the metal bat bite after bite.


"This tastes like chicken, CRUNCH" Derek said as he looked at the group of idiots.

They were really scared of what was going on right now, until someone in the group yelled out and that was all it took for them all to do the same and start running for their lives.

"Hii, hi, hi, hi run that monster will kill us!"

"Hmm bunch of idiots think that because we are inhuman everything they do is justified" as Derek said that he turned to Kamala and the boy who was still on the ground, to start approaching them and deactivate his power.

Kamala was on guard as she saw the stranger approaching them, but relaxed a bit when she saw the guy return to normal, once he was in front of them she smiled at them.

"Good thing I got here in time, looks like you guys are okay though not quite."

"My Name is Derek Hale Dragneel"

Kamala totally relaxed seeing that Derek was not an enemy and was friendly with them.

"Hello Derek my name is Kamala Khan and I am an Inhuman it's nice to meet more fellow Inhumans and this is..." as kamala was about to introduce the other boy she bent down to help him up, he turned her down.

"don't touch me."

"What, but you're Tiny Dancer, right? What do I do with this?"

"What are you talking about? Please.... Let me go!" said the boy to start to get up with difficulty, while all this was happening Derek just stayed watching everything that was happening (for the moment it seems that my presence did not altered the story as I know it, but I should not trust too much. Something could always happen that could cost me my life)

But suddenly he heard something with his enhanced senses with his enhanced senses to be on guard in case a fight starts, while watching Kamala get nervous when she realized that the boy was not that Tiny Dancer.

But once the boy ran away, many Drones began to appear and heard footsteps but they were very loud and noticed the sound of metal friction.

For her part Kamala didn't know what to do and didn't even notice Derek behind her until she felt a hand on her shoulder and turned quickly with her hands enlarged to attack.

"Hey calm down I'm not your enemy, they are" Derek told her as he pointed to the drones in the sky.

"Now that you calmed down we should hide and get out of here before they see us and capture us to experiment on us."

After he finished speaking he took Kamala's hand to follow him and hide behind some bushes to start crawling and stop before reaching some stairs but they still couldn't go to the stairs as the droids were already looking for them and were passing by that place, while they waited for about 10 seconds until the drone turned its back to them.

Derek quickly stood up while pulling Kamala and started running and climbing the stairs.

While they were running in that direction suddenly many lights appeared and that scared Kamala a lot but before she could scream he covered her mouth with his hand to throw her to the ground quickly between some bushes, while they were like that Kamala was more nervous and about to scream again until Derek put his hand on her lips "SHHH don't make noise or they will see us".

Derek for his part was also nervous this is the first time he was in this kind of situation but he was better controlled thanks to the fact that this is his second life.

And having already died besides being in the presence of a God that if he wanted he could erase his existence as if it was nothing and even so he decided to cheat when he made his wishes.

Once all the Drones left he got up quickly and took Kamala's hand again to start running.

Not even 10 meters since they started running to get to a fountain, they had to stop to hide again, because in that place there were 3 androids looking for any sign of them, once one of the robots turned around they ran to get to the bush on their left side which is 7 meters away from them.

Once they got there they started walking slowly squatting and climbing some steps to get the right side and when the robots lost them they again started running, but Kamala started mumbling "Can I go home, will they know who I am?".

When Derek heard her mumbling (too bad I've heightened senses), he looked at her but she looked down, realizing she wasn't going to look at him, he put his hands quickly on her cheeks and looked up and looked directly into her eyes "I can't promise you that everything will be okay but I can promise you this, I won't let them take you, it's not much but I can do it" even though she was still a little nervous but thanks to what Derek told her she wasn't as nervous as before, she just nodded and smiled and kept running.

When they were about to reach the exit, 4 robots and 3 drones suddenly appeared looking for clues or anything that could lead them to the two of them.



"Derek we are at the exit but now what should we do?" he heard what Kamala said, while trying to find a way out of there.

He came up with an idea and with his Dragon Slayer Metal power he decided to create a kunai.

Although he was tryin' to create it but he couldn't because that was his first time creating a weapon but still after some attempts he was able to create it.

He waited for an opportunity and when the opportunity came he threw it about 20 meters from where they were to a wall but he was not able to control his strength and the kunai ended up going through the wall.

They got up quickly but when they were about to reach the exit but derek's instincts warned him not to cross that door so he concentrated on listening to what was behind the door, only to be very surprised to hear that many robots were waiting for them to come out to attack them.

"Kamala we can't go out there."

"What, why?..." but before she could ask any more questions he quickly grabbed her to hide only to watch as several robots passed through the port.




To say Kamala was shocked.

"Now you understand why I said that, come on I think we can get out this way" she just nodded and followed him, although she was amazed at how he did it and wanted to ask him but it was not the time for that, they ran until they reached the mural where all the victims of day A were.

"Let's go through the bushes" Derek told her to follow him and start crawling slowly until they reached a bridge to cross it until they reached a wall which they had to jump over, once they jumped it they reached the statue of Thor which was near a small water lake which was very dirty after 5 years without the maintenance.

"Hey Kamala do you think they know how to swim those scraps?"

"What? or do you think I know what your idea is let's go"

They got into the lake, to say that was the most hazardous thing they have ever tried, but the one who got the worst was Derek.

Well thanks to his enhanced senses, they followed the path until they entered the sewers of the park, when they arrived at drainage they looked at tunnel to follow the way.

But there was only one way through which Derek heard the robots "come let's go this way" this time Kamala did not ask why and just followed him when they got to the end of the tunnel they only found a wall.

"Kamala once I destroy this wall we have to run as fast as we can because the noise will attract them to us".

"I understand, let's do it!"

Once they agreed Derek shouted as he transformed his arm into metal with scales to raise the damage power of his attack




"I think I overreacted haha"


"Come on we have to get out of aqu���" said Derek a little embarrassed, but before they could go they saw how a person in an AIM suit teleported on top of a giant robot.

"It can't be AIM has humans looking for us and they could teleport too!"

Said Kamala as that person teleported again.

"Haa this is getting more and more complicated, come on Kamala we have to get out of here in time, we will have to improvise a little with your polyform powers stretch your arms and collide with the protruding bars until you get to the other side but be careful one false step and you will fall into the void"

"you go first, when you will have passed I will come too."

"I understand."

After saying that Kamala got ready to jump getting a few meters back to get speed to jump.

When she was about to get at the edge she jumped nd stretched her legs to higher and started to enlarge her arms and hands.

Once Kamala reached her destination Derek took a little distance just to jump when he reached the half way point he didn't catch the bar which scared Kamala a lot "Derek noo".

But the next thing he did surprised her even more.

"KARYU NO KAGITSUME (GARRA DEL DRAGON DE FUEGO)" and his feet lit on fire and he started flying like he was IRON MAN until he got to Kamala, once he got there Kamala's face said she wanted answers.

"When we get out of here I will answer all your questions but at this time we have to get out of here."


Once again they resumed their journey until they came to some stairs to exit through a manhole.

Derek : "You first I'll keep an eye out for one of those robots."

Kamala : "I understand but you better get up there."

Derek just smiled at what Kamala said and watch as she went up.

He watched as she went up but suddenly he heard someone near her and suddenly he saw how they put an electric baton on Kamala's neck and she was knocked out.

"No Kamala" shouted Derek to start climbing the stairs, but when he went up he only saw a car door close and it started to accelerate.

"Shit I trusted myself I have to save..." but he couldn't finish because of a familiar sound in his mind.











"Shit now it's getting serious and system gave me a mission i've to catch that car" said Derek to climb a building and started jumping every building chasing the car.

up to here.


worry not guys grammar and paraphrasing will get better in upcoming chapters...

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