
Ch.5: Results

Both Jason and Skye look at each other then at Eliza. Skye worn a wicked smile. A second later, both grab Eliza by her cuffs and not a second later, power shot her to the mat. All three student council members look at her like what the heck just happened? All three of the student council members then threw their opponents aside to prevent Eliza from getting onto the mat. It was a close call as Eliza slid onto the mat as a sword and a lance of vines came inches from piercing her.

"And goal I suppose." Eliza gripping the mat awaiting her fate. Jason and Skye giving each other a high five.

"Well ****" The knight withdrew his sword away from Eliza.

"Nothing we could do but to prevent these other two from the woods from reaching the mat." The mage agreeing, slinging another tester away from the mat with her vines.

"Shall we show this pair how we operate?" Claire then whistle. A second later, Jason and Skye dove out from the woods as a dragon blast sear where they been standing. The knight was soon onto Jason and Skye, splitting the two up. The knight went for Jason while the student council president went for Skye. The mage stood guard against the other testers. Skye evading every blast the student council president's dragon could launch. All the while parring with the student council president herself. Jason and the knight were at a standstill to see who moves first. The knight moved and Jason soon was on top of the knight, bringing down a lightning sword strike. The knight blocked the strike as Jason landed to do a side slash which was blocked as well. He went on with his slashes, eventually cracking key points of the knight's armor and sword.

"You good with your sword. Been awhile since I was last pinned like this." The knight exclaimed as him and Jason crossed swords.

"So does that mean I can go full out on you?" Jason replied with a wicked smile.

"It is not a knight's battle if he does not go full out." The knight threw the answer back with a inward slash followed by a blunt strike which Jason blocked the blunt attack. Jason answered in full, producing a lightning aura that showed hint of an Element Equip armor. The strike followed by a side hammer kick came milliseconds later but stop short when the knight's torso armor burst to pieces, Jason's steel toe shoe tip inch away from the knight's exposed school uniform.


Skye on the other hand was facing two opponents. Claire and her dragon. Skye unable to land a strike while wanting Jason's permission to go full out but not receiving an answer. She skidded back and threw her halberd up into the sky. She then chant a short chant and magic seals appearing on top of her hands.

"Freakin Jason." Skye avoided a tail slam from Claire's dragon. She then countered with an air palm, blasting the dragon away from her then reverse palm into Claire's mid section. It was no use as Claire slipslided over, making Skye unbalanced. Skye face planted into the ground, Claire's sword at the back of her neck.

"Would of been bad if that reverse air palm would of landed.." Claire said.

"You lucky you not in my scythe landing spot." Skye sighed as her scythe landed right beside them, blade in the ground, 1/3 into the ground.

"Too bad you not actually the one that need to be stickered or this would of been a good fight. Wait what???" Claire mouth drop as Jason sat down on the mat.

By the end of the day however, only half of the goal amount of participants got onto the mat. Jason and Eliza, four knights, three mages, and one small framed female dragonight. Each person got a dorm room for himself/herself. Eliza and Jason high five each other before Eliza was broad kick by Skye as their Witch Oath contract ended. Akira pop the two for using their dragon powers to get into the academy but in the end, congrats them on passing. Skye was still flared up and her powers didn't cease till that night when both Jason and Skye fainted in their dorm room.

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