
Dragon Lord: Erotic MMO

In the year 2173, the world's first Full-World Virtual MMORPG game 'Astral Online' changed the face of the blue planet Asteria. With its revolutionary Digital Capture System, players could scan themselves into the game with up to 20% beautification, and millions flocked to play it. The game's popularity skyrocketed with the introduction of the Real Money Trading (RMT) system, and professional players formed guilds and factions to increase their profits. But this prosperity was short-lived, as players began to fuse with their avatars, gaining powerful abilities in the real world that tipped the balance of power and caused chaos. Two years later, demons and monsters from inside the game invaded the real world, decimating over 90% of humanity. The remaining survivors were left hiding in fear, unable to fight back against the invaders. Zell was an average player who spent most of his life working overtime to make ends meet; although he inherited a wonderful house thanks to his parents, most of his wages went to the property tax and food bill. He found solace in collecting beasts in the game and evolving them into humanoids, primarily females. When the end came, he was powerless and alone, with only his pets and Rika, his cherished Flame Rabbit, as his companions. In a final act of bravery, Zell saves the life of a strange girl with white wings, sacrificing himself. But instead of dying, he awoke in an empty white room with a single computer and a game-like screen that allowed him to edit his IRL avatar and persona. Zell's second chance at life came with a mission: survive. But who gave him this second chance, and for what reason? Could he meet Rika again, or was she lost forever? As Zell navigates this dark new world, he must confront the harsh realities of survival, facing danger at every turn and making difficult choices to determine his fate.

Duke_Asmodeus · Kỳ huyễn
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298 Chs

Chapter 11: Griselda - Grey War Maid

Zell stood motionless, his black hair swaying in the slight breeze, as he looked towards the beautiful female wolf, her silky white body and raven black top. She felt noble, strong, and fierce. Her bloodstained lips and snout were not ugly; they only added to her beauty.

"I want her to become my companion!"

—|Veronica: 'I smell trouble! That wolf isn't normal, Infera, you damned beast goddess! Oi! What are you doing? This wolf shouldn't even exist!'

Suddenly, as if a bond formed between them. Her thoughts, feelings, and hopes flowed into his mind.

A proud and mighty wolf that desired to be below only one. He must become the most powerful below nobody. Or her pride would cause her to kill him herself!

"How nostalgic, this sensation… It's different, though. You are not even level 5 and have become a battle pet! Strange, but beggars cannot complain!"

The female wolf is both proud and filled with a noble soul, she could feel his pain, sorrow and desire to become the strongest and bow to no one else. With a beautiful slow gait, she paced towards him. Her little tail swayed with a graceful wag.

A moment later, she sat before him and rubbed her snout along his leg, sniffing and taking in the scent of her future master and companion.

She was a very human-like wolf. He could feel her noble pride. It felt like the royalty he saw on the television, also her prowess in battle caused him to feel joy. He needed to learn many things and could rest easy with these two cute females beside him.

—|Congratulations! Gained an eternally loyal Noble Wolf|—

Wolf Sex is Female, Breeding Pair Confirmed

Sealed until humanised (No furries here, sorry cute little Zell!)

Please Name Your Partner!

—|Zell: 'Uhm? Breeding pair? What… Isn't she just a battle pet?'

[System is ready to activate]

— Would you like to activate it?

— Will randomly select a system based on your status.

— We will randomly allocate a support goddess. (Pray It's me, Hehe!)

Fifteen minutes passed as he contemplated his choice, It was a strange time to begin.

He felt like some peculiar plot was unfolding, but he ignored it for the past fifteen minutes and enjoyed the soft silky fur of his new partner, as she licked his hand and nuzzled against him gently.

"She's so cute!"

"Wahn!" (Oh, thank you for the compliment! You are a charming gentleman yourself!)

Zell pressed his face close to her, those blue eyes like gems that could see into his soul. A persistent sense filled his mind as her thoughts about him formed words from her growls and noises. He felt a deep joy. During his last life, he could never understand his pets. Only when Rika gained a human form could she speak.

The noble wolf caught him off guard when her soft, cold black nose pressed against his with a slight boop, then stroked her snout against his face. Because his mother was sick, he never had real pets during his life.

—|Zell: 'I take back what I said, whoever set my pain threshold to 100%. Thank you, because now I can feel what it's like to have a pet show their affection on my flesh!'

Veronica fluttered her angel wings above his head, turning away with a pout. She wasn't angry but glad for the two successive compliments from him. He normally only complained about her.

—|Veronica: 'Stop… You'll make me blush… Hehe!'

"Pleased to meet you. My name is Zell. I will be your partner for the rest of our lives. My back is yours to protect! Leave the front to me. Griselda!"

"WAHN!" (Oh my! Is that the name you gave me? It's wonderful, thank you! A Grey battle maid? This Griselda will protect your back and heart from enemies!)

—|Zell: 'I accept her and the System! Hit me with your best shot.'

[Noble Wolf] [Female] [HP: 12/22] [MP: 3/5]


Name: Griselda [F]

Race: Noble Wolf (Demon)

——| Attributes |——

HP: 22/22 | MP: 5/5

STR: 4

MAG: 2

VIT: 7

SPR: 2

Attack: 8

Magic Attack: 4

Defence: 14

Magic Defence: 4

Mana Regen (Per Minute): 2

——|Stat Growth Per Level|——

|STR + 3 | MAG + 1 | VIT + 4 | SPR + 1|

——| Skills/Spells |——

— Glafiren (Glaciren + Flagen)

Enchant Claws with White flames empower strength and speed for 15 minutes.

[5 Ice damage, 3 Fire Damage, STR +2, Haste]

— Blitzen

Enchant Body with Thunder and charge an enemy bursting out with area damage in a 10-metre dome.

[8 Thunder Damage, 2 Physical Damage]

— Stunning Howl

Perform a loud, aggressive howl and stun all enemies within 30 feet for 1.5 seconds.


— Devoted Woman

Her level will increase with your master. In return, she shares her aptitude with him.

[Both gain +1 extra strength and Vitality growth per level] (Already added)

— Griselda the Noble Battle Maiden (New!)

Griselda cannot be slowed! Resists all charm, fear and mental effects.

Her heart lies with only one master for life. She will kill his enemy, then die with his body together in flames. Should he die?

[Immune to all Crowd control except stun]

—|Congratulations! Searching for System and Goddess!|—

[Optional Quest completed!]

Optional (Exp +5) (5 Exp Added to Free Exp Pool)

— Kill 3 Wolves along the way!

Pesky wolves will devour the weak, beware of their sharp teeth and hunting nature.

— Killed 12 Wolves in total! Gained 20 Exp!

— Class: Magic Knight (Greatsword) - Level 1: 49/100 —> 69/100

— Sub Class: Lady Killer - Level 1: 59/100 —> 79/200

Zell felt Griselda was more than enough. What System did he need with her skills and that bonus to his growth, too? His hands stroked through her silky black fur and fluffy white fur on her chest in a rough circle. The girl's little tongue stuck out as she panted loudly.

——|Stat Growth Per Level|——

|STR + 4 | MAG + 3 | VIT + 3 | SPR + 3|

Your improved growth is pretty good, Zell! My cute little half-dragon, hehe!


"Hehe, I love dogs. They are so cute!"

—|Veronica: 'Well, I have seen how much you loved those mutts with fleas… Enough to lose all the flesh from your back to protect them from a demon's fire breath. Others would just let them die, then revive them… Idiot, value yourself more!'

Griselda made it easier for him as her body sat close, pushing the areas that felt best towards him to enjoy her fluffy grooming time. She knew once he was ready; they would leave to hunt down other wolves and the goblins that wiped out the last human town several months ago.

—|Griselda: 'I am glad you were such a wonderful gentleman. I had already lost my world to demons. Let me help you. However, I can save yours from the same fate!'

[System Found!]

[Binding System]

[Beast Evolution System Gained]

—|Infra: 'Ever wished to upgrade your cute pets? Make them wonderful humanoids and surround yourself with a fluffy paradise. But not a furry one! Hehe, then look no further.'

—|Infra: 'Because I am Infra Goddess of Beasts! The one who shall guide you on this journey of the magnificent beast's harem!'

—|Infra: 'My beloved Half dragon Zell! Our fate is tied together, far greater than even Astra.'

—|Infra: 'Beast Girls Banzai!'


"Wan!" (Oh my, cheer up, master! We are fine without this weird woman.)


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