
Dragon God Slayer

While Naruto and Sasuke were having their battle at the valley of the end, during the Sasuke Retrieval Mission, so many things cause a tear in space, sending Naruto to Earth Land. Found by a Dragon God, what would Naruto do in this new world. Adventure, maybe. Dragon God Slayer Naruto. Strong Naruto.

BlackInfinity_1289 · Tranh châm biếm
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190 Chs

Disaster 4

"Wait. The sword. I think it is what the elder woman is referring to," realised Naruto. He also noted how they both are trying to take the sword from themselves.

'She was fighting against a large man who is pulling it strongly and those pulls are the reason for the shockwaves as each pull they made is releasing an inch of the neatly wrapped sword.' Naruto observed

"Leave it. It's mine. I found it." Said the girl as she pulled harder.

"This sword would fetch me a good sum. I'm not letting this go, especially for a little bitch like you." Said the man as silver magic started to form around him.

"Fire Dragon's: Iron Fist," yelled Natsu as he charged towards the man with a flaming hand. Naruto stopped before he could move further with his hand.

A small silver bullet hit the place Natsu stood and vapourised it in a second. "Wha-"

"No, Natsu. There is more than what you see. He is surrounding them with some kind of barrier and there are more people than you can see," said Naruto, scanning around.

"Naruto, why is the area they were in like a forest?" Gray asked and Naruto turned around, they were surrounded by a forest. He looked around to see a small puddle to the side exactly at the area where they came from. 'A teleportation spell?' Thought Naruto.

"It appears to be some kind of teleporting water, Gray. We should escape the area before that cave collapses," he urged them. Though he can teleport them any time.

"Come on, girl. Give up. You can't win against me," said the man as he pulled harder. Naruto knew why the man is not attacking with his magic.

"Ok, here is the plan. We are going to divide into groups and attack. Happy and Natsu, you go to the right. Gray and Sirius, you go to the left. I'll take care of the guy in the middle. Remember, there are many hiding and we don't know some also be waiting," ordered Naruto and they nodded.

"Good, now disperse," he said and all of them dispersed. Naruto sent one clone each behind 2 groups just to be careful and moved towards the sword.

He can feel the immense strength of the sword. Though he doesn't know whether both of them are feeling the shockwaves, he know they are destructive.

He is also curious how this teleportation puddle formed and why the shock waves are not affecting the puddle and travelling and affecting the village.

He walked closer to inspect what they were fighting over. "Stop your futile effort, girl. This sword won't save you. My men are waiting for my order." Said the large man with a cocky smile.

"So what? It chose me and this is mine." She argued and Naruto observed them closely. The thug, he assumed to be, has a massive build with his body being round with relatively thin limbs.

He has a big mouth with several broken or missing teeth, a pronounced crooked nose and a very large and hairy chest and torso. Long, thick, woolly black hair falls down the back of his neck, underneath a black bandanna, and a small scruffy black beard.

He wore an open buttoned white shirt with rolled-up sleeves, green trousers with black line patterns, a yellow sash around his waist and classic black swashbuckler boots complete with large bronze buckles.

He also has holders for several knives, daggers and guns to use at short notice and a small gold pendant to a chain around his neck.

As for the girl, she wore a light purple dress with black edges with some pins and a grey overshirt on it. Naruto saw a small holder for the sword they were pulling and understood that it belonged to her. Understanding what was going on, he slowly walked towards them, silently, to not get noticed by either of them.

"It seems you won't relent. Attack, men," called the thug and several magic bullets were sent towards the teenager with the thug tightening his grip on the sword, locking her in place.

The girl was frozen still as she saw her death approach. She can't move as the thug's vice-like grip held the sword in place and is restricting her movement. If she wants to move, she should leave her hold on her sword.

Naruto saw this and went towards her and pulled her out of the way of the bullets, becoming a human shield as he doesn't have time to make a barrier due to the close proximity of the bullets.

All the magic bullets hit the foolish blonde who came out of nowhere. He didn't care much. He looked in satisfaction as the girl finally let go of the sword and it is in his hands now, fully.

"Yes, yes. We did it. We finally took the sword. Now, men deal with them. We shall party after this," called the leader only to get a muted response as no one replied.

"Men?" He asked, turning around. He saw no one in their designated hiding spots and heard explosions of predominantly fire and ice from his surroundings.