
The early life of an Elf

In the mountains near what will be called Mount Paozu in the future. We see a small shack like structure on one of the mountains.

Inside the small shack is and an older looking gentleman and the most beautiful young child you could ever see.

Sylvar ( See ., Var ) POV

It's been about 5 years since my pod crashed near my gramps home. The earth is surprisingly different then the earth in the canon Dragon-ball, well I guess I am 1000 years before canon even starts.

But at least I have plenty of time cause did you know elf's can life for hundreds of thousands of years... me neither.

Now then here's a few thing I've found out in my 5 years of life. First of the humans here are much much stronger then their future counterparts. They life in small tribe like villages. But these villages are always being attack by what my grandpa calls demons.

I guess that's why everyone is so much stronger then the future humans, the martial arts it's pretty advanced for a lower level planet. Ki is also very well known as the users of ki are considered master martial artist and the protectors of the human race.

"Hey gramps when will you teach me how to do martial arts" I ask my grandpa.

"Hmm we will start when your eight as to not damage you body with the extreme training"my over worrying grandpa says to me.

"But I can handle any training to throw at me old man" I say with a small smirk.

"Oh really" gramps say with raised eyebrows.

"Of course I can old man. After all I'm Sylvar Darc the future strongest man in the world"

"Well then "future strongest man" let's see if you live up to that name then shall we" my grandpa says with what looks to be a sadistic looking smile.

2 hours later

" I REGRET EVERYTHING" I shout out as loud as I can

"If you have energy to speak you have energy to train. Now get up and train with me Sly" my sadistic grandpa says with a small smirk

"But I can move gramps" I try to hit him when with my signature technique

'Puppy dog eyes'

"Haha that technique doesn't work on me any more boy" ' damn he almost got with that move, he just looks so cute and cuddly'

"Damn it!" I shout

Another 2 hours later.

Grandpa POV

Little Sylvar lasted longer then I believed he could. Four whole hours of my training most grown men can barley last for two hours.

Looks like Sly might just become the strongest man alive but he's going to have to take that title from me first hehe.

Sylvar ( See ., Var) POV

I woke up in a comfortable but familiar bed. I stare up at the ceiling contemplating life after the torture I just got from my old man

I look around my room it's quite bare except for the multiple different types of plants and flowers all around the room. For some reason nature just calls to me some tells I can almost hear them speak to me but I can never quite understand them a pity really.

I get off my bed and pick up the basin of water just underneath my bed and carry it over to the small mirror like object on the cupboard. I look to the mirror and I still can't get over how great I look I'm a be a lady killer when I'm older

I have multiple different shades of greens as my eye colours it's quite catching if I do say so myself. I also have a peachy skin tone with two pointed ears. My hair is black with a few blonde highlights that naturally grow in my hair. My face is round and squishy but I look adorable.

"Ah your finally awake boy. You sure did take your time waking up" my grandpa says leaning on the door frame.

" well that's because some old sadistic old man was torturing me yesterday" I say with narrowed eyes

"Oh did you happen to catch his name I might know him, afterall all old people know each other"

The shamelessness of this old man. I just turn my head away and pout.

"Haha come on come get something to eat Sylvar"

In the kitchen we are eating what looks to be porridge but isn't I still haven't figured out what it is.

While I was eat my grandpa turns to my with seriousness etched across his face.

"So Sly do you still what me to train you"

"Yea I do gramps" I say to him.

"Why" He says to me.

"Why what gramps?" I ask

"Why should I train you"

I contemplate what he asked me, yes I do know what's going to happen in the future with Goku and the Saiyans. With Frieza, Cell, Buu and even Lord Beerus.

But gramps doesn't know so my reason has to be believable but also something that I agree with too. Oh I know.

"Train me so I can beat all the Demons and send them back where they came from" I say with determination clearly visible in my eyes

My gramps stays quiet for a few seconds just looking into my eyes

"Very well I'll train you but I have a few conditions" Gramps says to me.

" What are they" I reply.

"One never use your power to harm innocents or lord it over someone to get your way.

Two what I teach you is to bring peace not war.

Three when train I'm Master not gramps or old man it's Master. I'm my understood"

" I understand Master" I say to him

" Very good we start tomorrow so rest well boy as tomorrow I'm going to introduce you to hell"

"O..Ok master" I say

No ones POV

And so begins with the journey of Sylvar to become the strongest in the world but will it he as easy as he hopes it to be

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