
Dragon Ball: Back in Black

Reincarnated into Dragon Ball after an unexpected death, a man must now face enemies and threats that not only endanger the universe, but multiple universes. Given the body of Goku Black and a few other items, this reborn Saiyan will have to transcend his limits time and time again in order to become the strongest. This is the story of a Saiyan who will become the strongest mortal in the universe. In all of the universes.

OmniSpectra · Tranh châm biếm
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82 Chs

Battle Against A Saiyan Elite

I see Nappa glaring at me from across the arena. I roll my eyes at the buffed up baldy before letting out a groan.

My family surrounded me with various degrees of emotion, my parents trying to talk me out of doing what they believed to be suicide. I don't know why since this wasn't a battle to the death, but it didn't seem to matter to them.

The only one who seemed to think that I wasn't in any danger was Raditz. It was most likely because of his idolization of me making him think that I was infallible, but I'll take the vote of confidence nonetheless.

"Zyleth, are you sure you want to do this? Nappa isn't some low ranking Saiyan." My father asked, his gaze having a small hint of worry.

"That's right! You don't have to do this, Zyleth. Bardock can just go and talk to the King! I'm sure we can figure something out." My worried mother said, kneeling down and placing her hands on my shoulder.

I smile a small bit before gently removing her hands from my person. I turn towards Raditz and see him looking up at me with nothing but sheer belief. I ruffle his hair before looking back towards Nappa and stretching out my arms and legs.

"It's fine. Trust me, this won't take long." I told them.

Bardock grips onto my shoulder and looks me in the eyes. "Don't underestimate him. You maybe slightly stronger than him at the moment, but he has years of experience to back it up."

I had to hold myself back from a chuckle when he had said "slightly" stronger. At this point in time, I'm over three times stronger than Nappa was during Saiyan Saga. Considering that Saiyans, especially Saiyan Elites, don't really seem to train, I'm sure he's around the same power level. He's possibly even a couple hundred numbers weaker.

"Don't worry, he won't beat me." I reply with a smirk.

Bardock stared at me as if trying to ascertain whether I was being confident or just plain arrogant. After seemingly finding what he had wanted, he closed his eyes and let out tired sigh before relinquishing his grip.

"Go, before I change my mind." He said.

"Bardock!" My mother exclaimed, obviously not pleased with his decision.

He looked towards Gine and shook his head. Her eyes widened before looking down at the floor with sadness, but also reluctant acceptance.

When I saw the look on my mother's face, there was only one thought immediately blew through my mind.

I am going to beat the absolute shit out of Nappa.


I stand in the middle of the arena, facing down Nappa as a crowd of Saiyans start taking bets on which one of us will win. Apparently to the people running this little wager, there was 100/1 odds of me winning.

They had given out our power level numbers and the number of planets we had conquered. Since they used the power level read from the throne room three months ago, me and Nappa were said to be equal, with me being stronger than him by a little less than a hundred.

And while we were equal in that regard, we were definitely not equal in terms of experience. The number of planets conquered by Nappa far exceeded my single conquest by about three hundred. By the looks of him, he had about twenty or thirty years on me, so it was to be expected.

"You should just give up." Nappa suddenly said, grabbing my attention away from the overzealous crowd of Saiyans. "There's no shame in running away with your tail tucked between your legs."

God, I want to knock that mocking smile off his face. There's literally nothing more shameful for a Saiyan than backing down from a fight. Say what you want about Vegeta and his pride, but when you're a Saiyan born and raised on Planet Vegeta, you finally start to understand why he always spouted on about his Saiyan Pride.

We are a race of warriors born and raised for battle and conquest. I understand now why Vegeta prides himself on being the Prince of all Saiyans even though the Saiyan race was basically extinct. When you're raised like a Saiyan, that pride ingrains itself into you like a white-hot brand on your soul.

So when he told me to run with my tail tucked in between my legs, my Saiyan Pride flared inside of me, wanting nothing more than to beat him into the ground. More than I already wanted to that is.

Before I could retort, the Royal Family had finally come out, which silenced the crowd of rambunctious Saiyans almost immediately.

When I had set eyes upon them, I couldn't help but find myself marveling at the beautiful Saiyan woman that stood beside the King. It was at that moment that I had come to a startling realization and quickly subverted my gaze.

That was Vegeta's mother I was just ogling!

I didn't even think Vegeta had a mother! I mean, it obviously makes sense that he does, but I've never seen her until now. Jesus Christ, did the King score a home run with her. That face alongside her cold stare made me think that she was a woman who can and will kill you in about a thousand different ways.

Which was basically my type.

I don't know why, but a woman who can kill you whilst not giving one ounce of a shit was basically the epitome of my hotness scale.

Kinda reminds me of certain blonde android...

"Zyleth... Nappa... Are you both ready to begin?" The King asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Nappa exclaimed.

I give the King a nod of my head. There wasn't any decorum expected of me here. This was an arena, not a throne room.

"Then let the battle commence!" The King shouted.

As soon as the King had shouted that out, the crowd went crazy once more, some even shouting various things that they wanted to see Nappa break in my body.

With a cocky smirk, Nappa spread his arms wide and started to talk. "Come on, kid. I'll even let you have the first--"

I speed blitz in front of Nappa faster than he could even compute and punch him hard enough to send him flying into the Arena's rock wall.


The arena and all of its inhabitants went silent. So silent that you could hear a pin drop. They just saw a four year old child embed a Saiyan Elite into a wall.

Even the King's jaw had dropped at the display, which greatly surprised his wife. There were only a handful few times when her husband has had that look on his face, and it usually came from a meeting with Frieza or Lord Beerus.

"What's wrong, Dear?" Sela asked her husband.

After a few seconds, the King finally seemed to process the question and answered. "I... I couldn't follow his movements at all... I didn't even see him move until Nappa was blow away..."

That statement surprised not just Sela, but the young Prince as well. If his father couldn't see Zyleth's movements, doesn't that mean that Zyleth was stronger than his father?

And even with the Royal Family's reaction, they still weren't the most shocked out of all those witness to this event. That belonged to Zyleth's own family, who couldn't even fathom the strength that he had.

Well... all except for one of them.



I look at my hand and flex it a little bit. He was sturdier than I thought he was going to be. I guess all that muscle really is good for something.

I knew Nappa wasn't down and out just yet. I had purposely lowered the strength of that punch specifically so he didn't get knocked unconscious.

I also knew that he wasn't out because I could feel his power level rising from Nappa-shaped hole in the wall.

He suddenly shot out from the hole, his eyes filled with nothing but anger as he screamed from the top of his lungs.


Well, looks like someone got a rage boost.

I waited until he was directly in front of me before kicking his chin and sending him up into the air. I vanish and appear directly into his turbulent path before locking my fingers together and striking him in the dead center of his back, causing him to spit out a mixture of blood and saliva.

The force of the Sledgehammer sends him barreling back into the ground, leaving him lying motionless in the center of a crater.

I slowly fly back down and land beside his body. I give him a small kick on the side, and hear him groan in pain.

Oh good, I thought I might have accidentally killed him. Although by the way that bruise on his back is already starting to form, I'd say that I definitely broke his back. Fractured it at the very least.

It was interesting. That rage boost put him around 10,000. Still about 14,000 too short to do anything to me, but hey, at least he tried.

I hear Nappa groan in pain again once again and I look around at the arena, seeing that no one was doing, nor saying, anything. They just sat there with shocked expressions.

"Uh... Is someone going to help him?"