
Chapter 1: Forward

Hi Friends!

I really hope you take a second to read this if you are new to my books, and if you are new to me as an author.

Downfall is a book I wrote exclusively for my monthly newsletter throughout 2018 and early 2019. Subscribers were able to read along with me as I wrote out my rough draft. It’s something fun I started doing a few years ago, and plan to keep doing in the future.

This version is expanded, edited, polished, and pretty, so don't worry.

BUT!!!! Yes, big but, if you are new and unfamiliar you may wonder why, while you are reading, this standalone there isn't a name for the city the story is set in, or why a handful of pivotal characters don't have names or fully explained backstories and physical attributes.

All that vagueness is on purpose. I am not lazy. I am not forgetful. I wasn't cutting corners. I want this book to stand on its own, no question, in case it is your first book by me. I don't want new readers trying to figure out who this character is and how they fit into this story vs. who they are and where they fell in their originating series.

This book is an island in an ocean of a bigger series; however, you don't need to worry about what you may have missed to read this one, I PROMISE. This one is its own thing. It has its own vibe, feel, pacing, and history.

If you read and do find yourself wondering about The Boss, Boy Genius, The Devil, and his wife, and anyone else filling out the cast in the city, please check out my internationally bestselling Welcome to the Point series here:


Love & Ink

Happy reading,


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