
Douluo: I am Ultraman

Vaiss was reborn in Douluo Dalu 1 and almost died at first. Knowing the dark future of this world, he used the gift from the system to change the future. #System #Ultraman #Maybe a harem

Fluffas · Tranh châm biếm
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23 Chs

Chapter 6: Sparring

In the first class of Spirit Hall Advance Academy.

"... So, if you saw a giant pinkish-blue flower, don't go near it, it is a Fake Orchid. Now, moving on to another soul beast, the Lion Horse…"

Vaiss was listening intently. He thought school was going to be boring but he forgot he was in a different world. Except for the common maths, literature, etc. The other classes were like game knowledge to him.

He was learning game knowledge in school, a scene dreamed of by all gamers in his previous world. 

The teacher glanced at Vaiss, he stood out in class, being the smallest and youngest. The teacher, Xu Ya, knew Vaiss was the son of the pope and the candidate for the holy son. She felt troubled when Vaiss entered her class. 

She was worried that Vaiss would be arrogant and make trouble in class but turned out, Vaiss was a diligent and honest boy. Xu Ya was relieved. But then a whole new trouble happened.

While Vaiss was intently listening to her lecture, the other students, especially the female student, were not concentrating in class. They kept glancing at Vaiss from time to time. Xu Ya kept reminding them but it didn't work, she sighed. Blame Vaiss for being too handsome.

Vaiss spent a fulfilling day, he went back to Bibi Dong's Pope residence. At home, he saw Bibi Dong still in Pope's clothes reading a book with a frown.

'... These theories are either plagiarism or baseless assumptions. Was I really such a naive girl? I never thought I would call such a charlatan a person with great talent and fell in love with him.

No, in a way, he was a talented man. After all, he could dupe two women to become his licking dog.'

Bibi Dong thought self-deprecatingly and the book was burned to ashes using her spirit power. Vaiss saw this and could tell what book it was, it was a theory book written by Yu Xiaogang. Seeing Bibi Dong burn it, Vaiss felt happy.


Vaiss ran and hugged Bibi Dong. Vaiss felt uncomfortable if he didn't hug Bibi Dong at least once a day.

Bibi Dong wrapped her arms tightly around Vaiss, she felt healed when she hugged Vaiss. Gone were those dark feelings, all left was warmth, like hugging a little sun. Bibi Dong was a little addicted to this feeling.

She always felt that Vaiss was a gift from god for her, to make up for her past suffering. 

Ever since Vaiss came into her life, her life became better. She managed to ease her tense relationship with Qian Renxue, and thanks to his first soul skill, the difficulty of the plan of creating the Spirit Empire was reduced. The Spirit Hall has become stronger with the huge number of new blood joining in.

"How was your day, baby?

"It's great. The school was interesting. By the way, Mom, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what is it?"

Bibi Dong smiled, despite being a Spirit Elder, her son was still as little and cute as before. She was distressed for him but also a little happy, she preferred that Vaiss stay little for a little while longer. Bibi Dong liked it when Vaiss acted like a baby and asked her to spoil him. If he grew up, he wouldn't do it anymore.

"Why can twin martial souls only use one martial soul at a time, not two?"

"Well, it's not that we can't, theoretically we can but the requisite is too harsh.

First, physical and mental strength. Using a martial soul is like wearing armor, it was already heavy with just one. If you want to put on two pieces of armor, you need to have powerful physical strength to don the second armor, and mental strength to not give up suddenly and force yourself to move under that weight.

Second, you need to worry about the clash of attributes and energy between the two martial souls.

And last, even if you can clear the first and second requirements, you have to have a vast amount of spirit power to use two martial souls at the same time."

Bibi Dong saw the surprised and awed face of Vaiss and felt a little proud in her heart. 

"So you see, baby. It is not easy to use two martial souls at the same time and even if you use it, you probably can only exert half the power of the martial souls. It's not worth the effort."

"I understand, mom."

Vaiss smiled but he was thinking of trying it when he had the time. Although it was hard to do, Vaiss thought that he could do it. 

Bibi Dong raised her brows, as the one who raised Vaiss, how could she not see that Vaiss was still stubborn and wanted to try it?

"Vaiss, are you thinking of trying it behind mom's back?"

"No, how could it be? Vaiss is a good boy, he wouldn't lie to mom!"


Bibi Dong looked at Vaiss with a look of "I don't believe you." 

Vaiss smiled and got down from Bibi Dong's lap.

"Mom, I'm going to train."

"Wait. Vaiss, you have enough strength now, what you really need to learn now is how to utilize that strength. If you can't use it, it is useless.

From today on, you'll go straight to your usual training place after school. I have arranged people there, you need to battle them every day. They will not hold back."

Bibi Dong's face was serious, she usually spoiled Vaiss but she was strict when it came to cultivation. 

She had seen how fast Vaiss's cultivation rose, she was afraid he would be led astray by the rising power. She had seen many geniuses who grew strong fast and became arrogant, thinking that they were invincible. They were vain in both strength and mind. Only to be reduced to waste after a single loss.

Bibi Dong didn't want Vaiss to be like that glass genius who breaks with a touch.

Vaiss grew serious, now that he thought about it, he never tried to fight someone. He talked so loud about fighting Tang San and the gods but he didn't know a thing about fighting.

"I understand, mom. I won't let you down."


Bibi Dong smiled. 

In his usual training place, there were already six people waiting for him. Four males and two females, they were young and wearing the Spirit Hall uniform. And there was an elevated circle-shaped ground with a stone edge, it was a makeshift ring.

"Hello, young master. Let me introduce ourselves, my name is Senet Bindes, I'm a level 65 Assault spirit master, martial soul Wind Rapier."

Black hair, black eyes, and a stern face, Senet bowed to Vaiss. Then he pointed to a green-haired man with glasses.

"His name is Dexter Hope, a level 55 Control spirit master, martial soul Jade Vine."

"Nice to meet you, young master."

Dex bowed with a smile, he looked like a gentle scholar. Senet pointed at a twin with blonde hair and red eyes.

"They are the Xian brothers, Xian yan and Xian san. They both are level 57 Agility spirit masters, martial soul Bladed Grasshopper."

"Hi, young master!"

They bowed and waved at Vaiss, they were in sync in both speeches and moves. Senet pointed at the two females.

"The one with black hair is called Yu Lan, she is a level 56 Defense spirit master, martial soul Heavy Aurora Shield.

And the one with blue hair is Mira Tessh, level 54 Auxiliary spirit master, martial soul Spring Sparrow."

"Young Master, hello."

"Pleased to meet you, young master."

Vaiss was a little surprised that Yu Lan was a defense spirit master, you really can't judge a book by its cover. Such a slender woman turned out to be the tank. Mira was a quiet and calm person.

"Nice to meet you all. I'm Bibi Vaiss, level 35 Assault spirit master, martial soul Ultraman Vaiss. Please take care of me."

Vaiss grinned as he introduced himself. Senet and the others were a little stunned by Vaiss' cuteness and then by his level. They already heard it before but hearing and feeling it in person had a different impact.

Senet was the first to snap out.

"As ordered by the pope, we will be serving as the young master sparring partners and instructors. And we will not hold back, but rest assured that Mira will heal your wounds and will not leave any dark wounds."

Senet still felt that the strength of the members here was overkill, matching a Spirit Elder with Spirit King and Spirit Emperor was too much.

"Then follow mom's order, I can take a beating!"

Vaiss was already prepared for it.

"Then we shall start with the first sparring with Dexter as the opponent."

They already agreed that Dexter will go first and gauge Vaiss' strength. They didn't believe that the pope would make such a mistake, so the problem lay with Vaiss. 

The two stepped into the ring.

"Dexter, level 55 Control spirit system, please."

Dexter released his martial soul and soul rings, it was the best combination, 2 yellows, 2 purples, and 1 black. Four thick green vines sprouted from the ground.

"Vaiss, level 35 Assault spirit system, here I go! Martial soul possessed!"

The phantom of Ultraman Vaiss appeared and merged with Vaiss, three black soul rings came out behind Vaiss.

Senet and the others felt their martial souls were suppressed and were dumbfounded by the three black soul rings. 

Now they knew why the pope sent them, if Spirit Elder and Spirit Ancestor were here, they would be too weak to be able to serve as a sparring partner.

"Be careful!"

With a shout, Vaiss rushed in front of Dexter, it was too fast. But Dexter was experienced and quickly woven the vines into a tight barrier, blocking Vaiss. But he was surprised by the impact, it was like an attack by a Spirit King.

"First soul skill, Vine Forest!"

Tens of green vines burst forth from the ground and they lashed at Vaiss from all sides. Vaiss's mind scan already saw them and he quickly dodged.

Vaiss flew back and threw two light chakrams toward the vines, but unlike the trees, the chakrams encountered resistance when cutting the vines.

It only cut five before they were crushed. Vaiss frowned and sighed, as expected, it would be different between cutting a tree and things powered by spirit power.

"Then How about this?" 

Vaiss summoned Myriad Aegis and from the aegis, three golden energy swords came out. Unlike chakrams, these energy swords didn't look like they were created by energy but by forged steel.

Vaiss also covered his arms with blazing sun energy, the shining arms were like swords.

"Second soul skill, Giant Vines! Third soul skill, Thick Sap!"

The green vines suddenly became as thick as a person and secreted a large amount of dark green sap that wet the ring. Vaiss guessed the sap was used to slow and trapped enemies like glues. So Vaiss flew in the air and dodged the incoming vines.

Vaiss swung his hands and cut a vine in two, the three swords also swung at the incoming vines. After awakening psychic ability, Vaiss can easily multi-task, controlling three swords was his limit for now.

Senet and the other's faces were serious, they were shocked by Vaiss' combat prowess. Vaiss was inexperienced for sure, he missed a lot of attacking opportunities and his movements were jerky. However, Vaiss was just six years old and this was his first battle, this kind of prowess was outrageous.

Seemed like the Spirit Hall was going to welcome an invincible titled douluo. The prospect of raising this kind of existence would be something that they could brag about their whole life. 

Dexter smiled, now that he knew Vaiss' strength, he no longer held back.

"Fourth soul skill, Vine Prison!"

Too preoccupied with cutting the incoming vines, Vaiss didn't realize that all the vines surrounded him and locked him in a ball made of vines.

Vaiss sighed and retracted his energy and Myriad Aegis, he already lost. While he could cut the vines and free himself, this was a spar, if it were a real battle, it wouldn't end with just imprisonment.

Vaiss couldn't help but feel a little lost and frustrated, he never thought he was invincible but he thought he could leapfrog easily, like the MC from novels. But he was thinking too easily, this was the real world, just strength would not guarantee victory.

Dexter released the prison and all the vines and sap disappeared. 

"Young Master, please don't be disheartened. You are strong, you just lack experience."

Dexter was not comforting Vaiss, he really thought it. Vaiss's raw power and speed were already on par with low-level Spirit King, he just needed battle experience.

"Young master, what Dex said is right and our purpose is just that."

Senet said. Listening to them, Vaiss felt a little better. Yeah, I may fail this time, but I will win next time. Then suddenly the Points system sounded.

"Points +145."

Vaiss was surprised, sparring could add points? Even if he lost?

Vaiss smiled and became full of energy.

"Let's continue!"

Vaiss said energetically. He could learn and get points, Vaiss was excited!

Looking at Vaiss who regained his energy, Senet and the others commended Vaiss's strong heart.

And from that day on, Vaiss trained with them. It was hard but Vaiss felt his combat prowess growing steadily.

Thank you for reading my work and please enjoy :)

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