
Chapter 11 Resolve!

Bing Xian looked on the the 11-12 year old young boy and rolled his eyes.

'If you want something and have the strength to take it, just do it! Subterfuge and schemes are nothing in the face of true power!'.

The small six year old child went unnoticed on the roof of the Village Chief's house and watched down at the spectacle beneath him unfold.

Watching Zhu Yan's men beat up the mortal villagers tugged at his heartstrings, but he suppressed that feeling and watched on objectively.

If Wang Xue left with Zhu Yan, even a small child in this world would know what malicious and horrible acts she'll undergo. And for someone who was currently living his third lifetime, Bing Xian already knew all too well what would happen to her.

"Are you going to save her then? Or are you just going to let her be?".

The [Immortal Midnight Crane] materialized on Bing Xian's shoulder and looked down at the villagers below. It was a sight he had seen many times before. The strong taking advantage of the weak, and the weak are crushed beneath the strong.

As a beast who had lived for over 700,000 years, Senior Crane had seen more than his fair share of war and conflict.

With some of the actions that he'd seen humans take, he wondered if humans were more bestial than the beasts they claim are beneath them....

"It's your decision, Bing Xian. If you chose to let her be, than leave Green Valley Town tonight and head to the Demon Grotto. Your a level 19 Spirit Master and will reach level 20 in a few days..... however, if you chose to save her, you have to be aware of the consequences".

Bing Xian didn't respond.

In his previous life on the Douluo Continent, he had been in this situation before.

Forced to abandon others in order to save himself. It was a cowardly act, but his own survival was put before others. He reasoned that it was because he was weak and didn't possess any innate spiritual power.

But this was different!

He had the power! He could defeat them! He could save them!

'But should I?', he thought.

If he saved this village, undoubtedly he would be praised and honored by the villagers for saving them from the Zhu Clan. But in return he would be hated and a mortal enemy of the Zhu Clan.

If all life was equal, than even a scoundrel like Zhu Yan would have worth. Even the lowest of criminals while may not possessing the same karma as a good and honorable man, deserved to live just as any other.

"If that's the case then why not just kill them all? To someone like you it should be easy to wipe out such low class martial artists". Said Senior Crane.

Bing Xian shook his head and stood up. His shoulder length dark blue hair waving in the night sky.

"In my previous life I wondered the world in search of a way to activate innate spiritual power. I was a mortal and I was allowed to travel anyway I pleased and no-one cared. I lived alone and I died alone....".

"Bing Xian....". The crane looked at the small boy it was perched on with a solemn gaze.

Bing Xian didn't hide anything from Senior Crane. He wouldn't hide anything from any of his Spirit Rings, so the Crane already heard about his previous lives.

"But in this world I possessed full innate spirit power and three Spirit Essences! In my previous world I would've been a demon amongst geniuses! A real man amongst men! A King! Perhaps even a God!".

The purple eight eyed mask appeared on Bing Xian's face and a purplish black mist enveloped his body. His voice was warped slightly and a cold aura leaked out of his body.

"In this world I have every chance, everything thing I ever wanted, every opportunity to become a King.... but what is a King without his subjects?".

The Crane raised its eyebrow in confusion at Bing Xian's words. It sounded like he wanted to become a King but he wasn't that much of a chunni was he?

'He wouldn't try and create something like tha Tang Sect.... would-', the cranes thoughts were interrupted by a loud childish voice.

"Don't even think about touching this King's people!".

The Killing Intent leaking out of Bing Xian's body surprised everyone! Even Bing Xian and Senior Crane!

A formless pressure was exerted on everybody in the village square below and many of the weak willed villagers passed out from his bone-shivering heaviness!

Zhu Yan, despite being a scoundrel was the first to recover thanks to his Rank 4 Martial Talent. His will was stronger than the average martial artist and he was already a Early Stage 2 Body Transformation Martial Artist.

"Who are you!? This is official Zhu Clan business! I would appreciate it if you didn't interfere. If you do-".

"Did I say you could speak brat?".

Bing Xian's voice was cold and unfazed by Zhu Yan's threat. His immature and unstable Killing Intent wasn't enough to paralyze the Zhu Clan with fear like the original [Ghost Douluo], but it did overwhelm them for a few seconds.

The expression on Zhu Yan's face turned hateful and he pointed at Bing Xian's figure and shouted,

"Kill him! Cut of his head! I want him dead!".

The group of 3rd Stage Body Transformation Martial Artists nodded at each other and they all ran towards the Village Chief's house, their swords drawn and their techniques at the ready.

Bing Xian looked down at the 10 3rd Stage Body Transformation Martial Artists and rolled his eyes.

To someone like him, whose power is equivalent to an Early Pulse Condensation Martial Artists he could wipe out even a group of fifty 3rd Stage Body Transformation Martial Artists.

The moment the group of 3rd Stage Body came within 20 meters of Bing Xian his body flashed and he appeared in the center of the group.

"He vanished!".

"He's one your left!".

"Get him! Get him- argh!".

Several tendrils of shadows shot of Bing Xian's shadow and pierced through several members of the group, instantly killing 2 of them and injuring another 4.

The perpetual smile on the mask of the [Undying Nightmare Ghost Demon] sent shivers down both the villagers and the Zhu Clan cultivators and the eight purple slit eyes locked onto the Zhu Clan people made them feel as though a hungry ghost was about to claim their souls!

Bing Xian spun around and focused on the closest Zhu Clan cultivator and a black wind started to spin rapidly around his arm.

[Twilight Slash]!

A wave of black spiritual power shot out of Bing Xian's arm and cut through the group of 3rd Stage Body Transformation Martial Artists.

The faces of the villagers and remaining Zhu Clan people went white at the sight of the dismembered bodies.

Bing Xian slowly stood up and another torrent of spiritual power gathered around his arm, spinning rapidly like an unseen tornado in the cover of darkness.

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