
Prologue: The Boy and the Garden

Dugu Bo noticed something peculiar.

After discovering this mysterious garden in the Sunset forest, his first reaction was excitement and frustration.

Excitement because it would quickly accelerate his studies into a cure for his poison and lamented the fact that he didn't find it sooner.

Yet his though process was interrupted by the strange presence of an egg.

When he reached the deepest parts, he had found an mysteries egg lying there. It was already weird to find an egg in such a dangerous location, but it became even weirder as the herbs started to cover him, as if protecting the boy from the poisonous Dugu Bo.

Curious, Dugu Bo approached the egg, easily getting past the immortal herbs using his Titled Douluo cultivation.

Dugu Bo finally reached the egg and examined it's appearance.

The egg was large, about the size of an human child, and was emanating heat on one side while a chill was emanating from the other.

Suddenly, a crack emerged from the egg.

The crisp sound resounded, and it started to become more intense.


Finally, a part of the eggshell cracked and a white creature made its way out.

Dugu Bo stared at it curiously, and his gaze was fully focused on the white object.

That is…

Dugu Bo was stunned, as the broken egg revealed it's contents.

It was a baby.

The fair and delicate little baby's skin was smooth and sparkly just like jelly; the veins beneath his skin could be seen vaguely.

His eyes were closed but his peculiar white hair and long eyelashes were already grown. The baby's eyes were heterochromatic, one colored red while the other was colored blue. His two tiny hands were holding onto eggshells, and he kept putting them in his mouth, making "kaka" sounds as he chewed.

He had teeth, and they seemed very white just like the teeth of an ordinary child. However, how could a baby that was just born have a full set of white teeth?

Without warning, the baby opened it's eyes, and looked at Dugu Bo.

"Wa, wa!" He cried out all of a sudden, his loud and clear cries echoed in the entire garden.

Dugu Bo quickly reached out to the baby in order to pacify it. Stroked by Dugu Bo's hand, the baby was lulled back to sleep.

Dugu Bo finally registered his action, and quickly took back his hand. His whole body was poisonous, and could easily kill a child.

However, why did baby look totally fine?

'Is it because it was born in the garden?'

This garden had mysterious properties, and with the baptism by the land and immortal herbs, plus his strange birth, it wasn't a surprise the baby could survive his poison.

Dugu Bo looked at the sleeping child, before making a decision.

Picking up the child, Dugu Bo said

"From now on, your name is Dugu Sheng! My name is Dugu Bo, and I will raise you from here on out."

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