
Douluo Dalu: Bibi Dong is my Martial Soul

(Smuts) - CH 58: Bibi Dong (handjob) CH 72: Bibi Dong (first sex) -------------------------- (A/N: This book isn't a copy, it's just that I've transferred it from my second account, That_One_Alive_Ali, to this account.) What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for our protagonist, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali Lightborne, or Ali Ashborne, it's the third option! When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him! Not a simple Random Omnipotent Being though. But a Random Omniversal Being! A being of absolute transcendence! One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, wished to be reincarnated in Douluo Dalu 1 (Anime) and for the R.O.B, who he called Crow because he was a crow version of Alien X, to make his life interesting as hell! There will definitely be smut, and it will start with S in the chapter title

That_One_Dead_Ali · Tranh châm biếm
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87 Chs

0.1) Soul Bones (Until CH 66)

(Internal & External Soul Bones)


1,000,000-year Skydream Ice Worm Skull Bone

400,000-year Ice Jade Empress Scorpion Right Arm Bone


2,000-year -> 1,000,000-year Man Faced Demon Spider: Arachnid Scythes

2,000-year -> 1,000,000-year Man Faced Demon Spider: Arachnid Bracelets






(1,000,000-year Skydream Ice Worm Skull Bone)


1) Spiritual Overlord: while this Soul Skill is active, all of Ah Li's spiritual type abilities will be strengthened by 5 Ranks. Meaning when he's a Lv 20 Soul Grandmaster, he can easily put a Lv 70 Soul Saint under an unbreakable illusion.


2) Mental Manipulation: Ah Li can manipulate the mind, the mechanism of proceeding information and a set of immaterial facilities that are linked to it. He can create, control, customize, negate and otherwise fashion parts and functions of mind as perception, desires, thoughts, beliefs, memories, emotions, attention, personality, behavior, psychologic and intelligence in a variety of ways.


3) Mind Control: can control the minds of others, including their thoughts, perceptions, memories, emotions and personality. Depending on the user's skill and power, this can range from a trance-like state very similar to hypnosis, to the target being completely subject to the user's control.


4) Perception Manipulation: Ah Li can manipulate perception, which is the mind processing of sensory information to organize and interpret it. Forms of sensory information include visual (sight), haptic (touch), temporal (time) information. By manipulating perception, various effects can be achieved. Can create "illusions" complex to the point where even those who are aware of what is happening begin to doubt their own senses. Perception means by which someone is aware of the world around them. Manipulating perception is more than simply creating illusions. Rather, it is the act of directly changing an individual's ability to experience the world. From the basic senses such as sight and hearing, to those lesser known, such as proprioception or nociception, to the rare abilities to sense auras or magic, all of these senses together make up an individual's perception of the world, and manipulating it entails nothing less than restructuring the world as they are able to sense it.


(400,000-year Ice Jade Empress Scorpion Right Arm Bone)


1) The Pride of the Ice Empress: an ice tornado will be created which will grow bigger and bigger in size, destroying everything, and freezing whatever that couldn't be destroyed.

2) Ice Empress' Wrath: An incredibly strong ice ability accompanied by an enormous amount of pressure released from the user.






(200,000-year Flying Nightmare Centipede: Nightmare Sickles)


Description: long and extremely sharp blades that come out of the back of the forearms. Will also appear on the extra hands brought by the Abyssal Centipede Martial Soul.

1) 500% increase in all attributes for each Nightmare Sickle.

2) Extremely toxic and corrosive poison of the Flying Nightmare Centipede belonging to a 200,000-year one. Is reabsorbable.

3) Nightmare Slash: an extremely deadly energy projection which can be released from any of the Nightmare Sickles.

4) Ultimate Attack: an Ultimate Attribute belonging to the Nightmare Sickles. Defies and ignores all forms of defense or anything that tries to get in the way of attacking the target, including the Invincible Golden Body and Nothingness Soul Skills.

5) Ultimate Corrosion: an Ultimate Attribute belonging to the Nightmare Sickles. The attribute that is directly connected to the attribute of death. This Soul Skill, while active, ignores all defenses and directly destroys the target.


(2,000-year Man Faced Demon Spider: Arachnid Scythes)

(Age: 2,000 -> 1,000,000)


Description: eight spider legs that come out of Ah Li's back and are stored between his ribs.

1) Eight independently manipulable appendages.

2) Toxic and corrosive poison of the Man Faced Demon Spider.

3) Poison Synthesis: can not only inject poison through stabbing, but can also create and bring out the poison inside of the Arachnid Scythes.

4) Life vitality Draining -> AOE-type Life vitality Draining.

5) Poison Re-absorption.

6) Soul Power Absorption.

7) The Queen: extremely small Man Faced Demon Spiders live inside of the Arachnid Scythes with numbers and age according to the age of the Soul Bone and Ah Li's Rank, with the calculation of Years = x5ⁿ and Ranks = x5ⁿ, where the result of both will be combined. They don't have any intelligence nor feelings and will follow all of his orders like puppets, even if it's to kill themselves. Ah Li and they themselves can also control their sizes to grow bigger or shrink.


100 years) x5¹: x5

1,000 years) x5²: x25

10,000 years) x5³: x125

100,000 years) x5⁴: x625

200,000 years) x5⁵: x3,125

300,000 years) x5⁶: x15,625

400,000 years) x5⁷: x78,125

500,000 years) x5⁸: x390,625

600,000 years) x5⁹: x1,953,125

700,000 years) x5¹⁰: x9,765,625

800,000 years) x5¹¹: x48,828,125

900,000 years) x5¹²: x244,140,625

1,000,000 years) x5¹³: x1,220,703,130


Lv 10) x5¹: x5

Lv 20) x5²: x25

Lv 30) x5³: x125

Lv 40) x5⁴: x625

Lv 50) x5⁵: x3,125

Lv 60) x5⁶: x15,625

Lv 70) x5⁷: x78,125

Lv 80) x5⁸: x390,625

Lv 90) x5⁹: x1,953,125


(2,000-year Man Faced Demon Spider: Arachnid Bracelets)

(Age: 2,000 -> 1,000,000)


Description: bracelets that can shoot out various webs. An Arachnid Bracelet, which is a black bracelet, will appear on each hand, even on the extra hands brought by the Abyssal Centipede Martial Soul. The Arachnid Bracelets can also extend to become fingerless gloves or turn into actual claws. Have the special feature to be seen as normal bracelets unless Soul Power is poured into it.

1) 100% increase in all attributes for each Arachnid Bracelet.

2) Stingers: extremely sharp retractable stingers can come out of the bracelets which had the same poison as the Man Faced Demon Spider.

3) Life vitality Draining.

4) Poison Re-absorption.

5) Domain of Slaughter: Domain-type Soul Skill where the field in a 100m radius can be filled with the almost invisible threads of Arachnid Scythes. Ah Li can control the threads to not hurt allies. The area of effect will increase by a digit every Sacred Level. 100m at Lv 10. 1km at Lv 20. 10km at Lv 30. 100km at Lv 40. 1,000km at Lv 50. 10,000km at Lv 60. 100,000km at Lv 70. 1,000,000km at Lv 80. 10,000,000km at Lv 90.

6) Thread Manipulation: Ah Li can create, shape and manipulate threads and strings, long, thin and flexible forms of material. Most commonly, he can generate them and use them to control the movements of people and manipulate their movements akin to how a puppeteer controls puppets. He can also move threads telekinetically or use them to move other objects. Depending on their tensile strength and durability, thread manipulation can be used as a thin and stealthy weapon to slice up enemies or cut through objects with ease. Moreover, Ah Li can shape strings into weapons, such as whips and swords, or use them to form shields or traps to bind his opponents and immobilize them.

7) Threads of Slaughter: a new type of thread will be acquired every Rank so that the base form of the threads can change into that form of thread. The colors can also be changed. Extremely beautiful, soft and silk-like texture that can be used for clothing and such. Extremely hard and tougher than most things. The weight of the threads can also be controlled to make them light as a feather or as heavy as an entire mountain. The durability of the webs increases with Ah Li's strength.


1) Decapitating Thread: an almost invisible and extremely deadly thread that can cut through almost anything without difficulty. The strength of the Decapitating Thread depends on Ah Li's strength and Soul Power Level. Can also be strengthened even further by linking the Arachnid Scythes with the Physical Power Orb. Ah Li can also turn them into normal threads to use them as silk and for clothes or such.

2) Marionette's Thread: anything caught in it, living or not, becomes Ah Li's puppet.