
A big secret!

Ryan looked around in excitement. This must be the power of his second spirit. It felt really weird. He could sense everything around him, even time, without looking in any particular direction. But that still wasn't all. At least, it didn't seem so to him. There was obviously more, but something was holding him back. But he couldn't figure out what it was. And he couldn't see his manifested second spirit. 'Where the fuck did it go?', he thought, frustrated by the fact that he couldn't find it. That's when his eyes landed on his sister, standing in front of the door to his room, with a timid look on her face. She'd been standing there since his spirits had awakened.

As Ryan looked in that direction, he saw his sister, like usual, but, there was some extra stuff too. For starters, she was covered in a golden aura. Her blonde hair had also turned a bit more golden. But the most important thing was on her forehead; A vertical eye. 'Huh? What's the meaning of this?', Ryan thought as he slowly approached the nervous Jin. He'd always had some doubts about her. Like, how she grew so fast without having any cheats like him. Because as far as he knew, she was a normal kid found by his parents. Alone in the forest. Protected by an extremely spirit beast. Who gave up its life for her. 'Gaah', the he thought about it, the worse his headache got, and the clearer the picture became. 'I shoulda known', Ryan thought, 'All of these facts point towards just one direction; That little Jin is a 100000 years old evolved beast. My parents brought her back because they didn't need any more spirit rings. Plus, they wouldn't have killed an infant anyway. They are good people. But what I cant quite figure out is....', Ryan tried to think what beast she resembled. After a few seconds, he figured it out and was dumbstruck. Then he got the tiny clue his father left behind in their names because he had the same doubts. In his mind, he wrote down both of their first names. Yan Jin. As in DD, the first name comes as the second part, he rearranged the names to how westerners say; Jin Yan (which literally translates to 'golden eye'). There's no way Shan knows James Bond, so, this was definitely a clue about Jin. As expected from the great Sherlock Holmes Douluo.

He'd been thinking all of this as he was walking towards Jin, and by the time he reached her, he figured out what she was. There was only one option; The Three-eyed Golden Lion, said to have the power to rival even the draconic beasts and to be rarer than an adult movie with a proper story (You'd be surprised by their number). He slowly placed his right hand on her and gave her head a gentle pat. She flinched. Ryan laughed when he saw this, and laughed, "Little Jin, were you afraid of your ge?". She nodded. "Why? You know I wouldn't do anything to you,", Ryan wore a shocked expression on his face and asked, "Do I come of as that kind of person! I am a failure as a big brother!", he started sulking. Jin gave a weak laugh. Two drops of tears fell from her eyes as he said, "I was worried ge would not like me anymore", then she hugged him tightly, letting loose all the tension she had felt since the ceremony was done. Ryan felt like he was with a chiropractor. It was too tight (yeah im not making any comments about that). But he decided not to complain and hugged her back. "Dummy, your ge is never gonna leave you alone, even if you want me to", Ryan said, with affection filling his voice. But, as Jin heard it, her face immediately blushed, and her heart started beating really fast. Ryan felt it, but decided to ignore it. She quickly struggled out of his arms and gave him a weak kick on his right foot, "You're the dummy!!". She then ran back to her room with a flushed face, quickly shut the door.

Seeing this Ryan thought, 'Girls grow up really fast eh? Especially when they're thousands of years old. Thousands of years. Maaan.... This feels like world history class all over again. Geez (both exclaiming and saying the name), its been a couple of millenia since you were crucified. But I bet this girl only felt it like a year or something'. He then walked out of the house to see his parents, but, they were nowhere to be seen.

He waited in front of the house for a half hour before two figures emerged from the forest, all covered in sweat. Yeah, yeah, it was his parents. His mother, with a satisfied smile on her face, was tightly holding onto his father, like she couldn't properly walk if she didnt. Just what the fuck did they do? Ryan felt like he could venture a guess, but then he passed on it. He couldn't any more crazy for today. As they reached the courtyard, Ryan gave them a look full of contempt like saying, 'As expected of you rabbits' (no offense to any bunnies). Then he increased the intensity of the look and turned towards his mom. Hua felt like he meant, 'I expected this of dad, but not you mom'. Her face immediately flushed red and she bolted right into the house, like a cheetah.

Understanding what the look towards Hua meant, Shan felt offended, and said, "Hey! Why am I the pervert?! I actually did get out of the house to get some fresh air. It was all your mother's fault! She's the pervert!". Suddenly, a ladle hit him on the forehead and he fell down. "Oops, said that too loud", he mumbled as he got up slowly. "Hmph. It's okay. Looked like mom had a lot of fun. Nice!", Ryan said this with an expressionless face and gave a thumbs up. Shan replied with a naughty smile as he scratched his head, "Thanks, I worked really ha.....aaaah???!!! Why are you talking to me like that you precocious little brat?! I'm your father!". Ryan gave him a lousy expression in reply, that looked like, 'meh, I'll think about it'. Shan gave up on it and said, "Anyway, why are you here? were you trying to peep?". "Ew! No! Do you take me for some kind of sicko just because I happened to be your son?", Ryan said. The last part hurt Shan. He placed his hand on his chest and started fake crying. Ryan ignored it and continued, "I'm here for something far more serious,.... father".

Shan stopped crying and looked at him. He knew when Ryan called him father in that tone, it meant that shit was serious. He wiped away the fake tears and asked him with a serious face and deep voice, "What's up?". Ryan only said one word back, "Jin Yan". "Hmm... You figured it out eh? But, you weren't supposed to be oblivious to that till you're at least a Spirit Douluo?", Shan wondered. "I dont know, you tell me. I got an in-built domain when my spirits were awoken", Ryan said, immediately realising his mistake. He had said 'spirits'.

Sup guys? Godofjerks is back in the house!

As I said yesterday, there will be double release today. Although it wont be for another couple of hours though, as I got some stuff to do (like, eat). Thank you for understanding and the wishes yesterday. And... I know beasts are cliché, but I swear I'll make it awesome! Also, we have passed 100k viewers and 100 power stones!!!! Go us!!!!

As always, thank you for reading and let me know if you have any questions or find grammatical errors.

See ya!

Godofjerkscreators' thoughts
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