
DOULUO DALU 2: Legend Of Zhu Tianmeng

10,000 thousand years after Tang San and The others ascended Many Things happened The God of Chaos and The Goddess of speed decided to send their 1st son in the Douluo Dalu World as the war in the god realm is still raging on He was named Zhu Tianmeng and this is his story

Lockedkid69 · Tranh châm biếm
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23 Chs

Chapter 6: Specialized Assault Team

The whole Class 1 was silent

When Tian Meng sat down on his chair no one was still saying anything even the sound of breathing can be heard, only Bing Bing is acting normally in the whole room

Zhu Yi was shocked she didnt expect that his little brother would be this strong he was almost as strong as her

Then she smiled with the two of them here in this class then winning the new student competition would be a walk in the park

"Everything you heard here will stay inside this room if anyone of you tried to leak some information outside to the other classes then I will fail you" Zhu Yi said, the competition here at shrek academy is very intense, cultivation resources are not unlimited after all, all of the students nodded, then they looked at the back, with those two monsters here their class, the championship is already claimed by them

The class began and after a few hours of discussion, the bell rang its time for the students to have some lunch

"Lets go, Xiao Tong will get angry if we were late" Tian Meng said to Bing Bing, after that the two of them left, they still have two hours before the class in the afternoon starts

Shrek City

Blazing Phoenix Restaurant

A beautiful young girl is standing in the front of the restaurant, she got long crimson colored hair, her eyes are red like her hair, she was wearing a black dress with red lining and a golden trident badge can be seen pinned on the right chest area of her clothes

The people walking outside the restaurant are looking at her intensely but they dont have the courage to approach her after all, anyone who enters Shrek City knows about that Golden Trident badge that was pinned on her clothes,it only means one thing she was a member of the Sea God Pavillion, and she was young this littke girl definitely is a monstrous kid

After a while a beautiful girl with a green hair arrived together with a boy with yellow hair, the red haired girl quickly hugged both of them

The two of them have something pinned in their clothes too, it was the logo of the school, that have a 5 swords formed into crown on its head, the boy and the girl have this on their clothes, the common spirit masters dont know about it but the higher leveled ones knows about that mark

It was the badge of, The Specialized Assault Team who was formed 2 years ago, the team currently only have two members and both of them are mounstrous kid, they are a team built to specially hunt down Evil Spirit Masters around the continent, and for 2 years they already killed 34 Evil Spirit masters, they are famous outside the Shrek Academy, the Absolute Ice Duo

The three entered the, restaurant today Xiao Tong is going to treat them lunch, yesterday the three of them just returned into the academy after a week of hunting, Xiao Tong now is a Level 32 Spirit Expert, with one yellow spirit ring and 2 purple

"Big brother, Master said that in two years I can also enter the academy to study, and maybe I can join the shrek 7 devils too" Xiao Tong said excitedly

"Xuan Lao said that we can join that too, but fighting against kids are boring" Bing Bing said

"Well, if Xuan Lao said that we should join too, then we will join the team, you can be the captain if you want" Tian Meng said

"Master said that the price money for winning the continental competition is atleast 1 million gold coins, the captain will be given a spirit bone and the school will give him/her a private house inside the Inner Sanctuary" Xiao Tong said, when Bing Bing heard that she became excited

"Thats it Tian Meng were going to win the continental competition and I will be the captain, I want that house" she said after all she dont like leaving with others at all,if they enterred thebinner sanctuary and she have her own house then she and Tian Meng can share the house again just like their dorm right now

"Well your the boss, if we can be picked as a member then we will join them" Tian Meng said then their ordered arrived in the past 4 years he devoloped a liking towards sweet and cold foods so when the ordered arrive, the waiter placed a giant strawberry sundae on their table

Bing Bing and Xiao Tong ordered a cake and they started to eat, Xiao Tong is completely cured, her flames are completely under her control, which headmasger Yan is happy about

After they ate the three of them split again, the two returned to their class while Xiao Tong returned to Headmaster Yan's office, the Headmaster is her personal teacher after all

When Tian Meng and Bing Bing arrived at the class room the Teacher is already there, the two of them entered the classroom, the other students are not here yet because they habe an hour more to relax

"Big sister, you didnt said anything to us that you will be our teacher" Tian Meng said to Zhu Yi

"You two are always outside the school to take on missions, I'm surprised too when Headmaster Yan assigned you two to my class, I didnt thought that the two of you in just 4 years will reach this strong already" She said while smiling

"We just got lucky" Tian Meng said

"With you and Bing Bing here the new student exam will be easy win" Zhu Yi said

"Oh thats right, it will happen after 3 months right? In thay time I'll have my 5th spirit ring too" Bing Bing said, Bing Bing and Zhu Yi chatted for a while, while Tian Meng slept quitely

The bell rang and the class started,the afternoon class is physical training, Zhu Yi told them to run 100 laps around the park of the school and those who didnt finish the test will be expelled

Bing Bing and Tian Meng didnt even used their, essence power and soul power while running and they finished it quickly, in the whole 300 newly students, 150 will only be accepted, and the top 64 out of all the students will fight in the competition

The classmates of the two just looked at them while running easily, their pride was destroyed, that afternoon 7 students are expelled for cheating, they acted like they completed the 100 laps run but in reality they dont so the teacher expelled them quickly

The peacefull life of Tian Meng and Bing Bing continued for three months nothing happened special at all, Bing Bing broke through to level 50 Bing Bing and Tian Meng took a 3 day leave before the exam starts, when they returned Bing Bing got her black spirit ring, in truth is all she did was to absorb some ice essence and she can form her own spirit ring, right now Bing Bing got 5 black spirit halos while Tian Meng got 2 black 1 red and 2 gold spirit rings

Tian Meng tried to give some of the GrandMist pill to Bing Bing but when he gave one of them the pill jumped away from her hands and it returned to the bottle, so the two of them didnt force it starting that day, the two of them took missions to get some resources for Bing Bing to upgrade her spirit rings,also the two of them have used all of the resources that the black bag have, and some of the resources inside are not compatible for them, and they are too precious to sell, so they just keep it stored in Tian Meng's ring

As usual the morning class started and Zhu Yi grouped them by three, as expected Tian Meng and Bing Bing are together and their third teammate is Lu Kai, this is definitely the strongest team in all of the new students

After that the class was dismissed, Tian Meng and Lu Kai talked about the strategy that they will use that afternoon

"You are going to be the star here okay?, my main job is to support you using my burgers, let Bing Bing Control the fight, all you have to do is to go all out" Tianmeng said,his burger spirit essence can give buff, and heal so he is going to use it in the fight

Lu Kai agreed, when he heard the battle plan, as a attack spirit master nuking the enemies with his magma is his favorite thing

The next day afternoon

The three of them registered their team name as Team Bing Bing, and assigned Bing Bing as the team captain because she said she wants to

Their first match up is with the class 4, there are a total of classes in the new students, all of them have 30 students each class

When they entered the arena Bing Bing made an ice chair, she took out a pillow,place it on the chair and she sat down, Tian Meng was standing beside her while yawning, he didnt slept well last night because of his training, and last of all Lu Kai was in the middle, he was holding a big burger on his hands

Zhu Yi's instruction to them was very easy

"Do anything that you want, just win and dont kill them" She said to them

As the referee announced the start of the fight, Lu Kai quickly ate the burger after that he felt incredible, like he can destroy everything, his strength was boosted 3 times, and it will expire after 40 minutes

And just as expected Lu Kai alone moved in the whole match, their opponents are destroyed by him alone

"Team Bing Bing wins!!"

"His two teammates didnt do anything at all, specially that beautiful girl, she just sat down their while reading a book" one of the student said

"You're right, but their team name is Bing Bing, she must be strong" another one said

That day Team Bing Bing won three matches, Lu Kai was enjoying the time of his life, the burgers that Tian Meng gave to him is very addicting, it taste good, smells good, and most of all it gives a strong buff, the feeling of strength is very addicting after all

The 2nd day of the exam, they won 2 times again, and just like the past day only Lu Kai moved this time, Tian Meng was eating inside the arena during their matches, no one dared to say anything at them at all, even the teachers are okay, what matters to them are the result and as long that no one is cheating everything is okay

After that they sucessfully passed the exam, and entered the top 64 too, the third day of the exam Lu Kai destroyed 3 teams alone again scoring all 8 wins alone they only need two wins to be the champion

Zhu Yi summoned the three of them in her office after the fight

"You two must perform in the upcoming match some of the teachers are saying that you two are just playing around the fight" Zhu Yi said

"Big sister, I didnt play at all I only ate inside the arena, they even attacked me right?" Tian Meng said

"That's right big sister, I'm perfectly behave during the whole fight, who the hell even said that we are playing" Bing Bing said, Lu Kai didnt know what to say, all he knows is that for his teammates this battle is very boring that they dont want to participate at all

"Hayz, its one of my rivals in love in the past,she is just making it hard for you guys, anyway the next fight is between you and her class strongest team" Zhu Yi said

"Okay then this time I will take them on, to be fair" Bing Bing said, Lu Kai almost coughed out blood when he heard it

'You will fight them? To be fair? Thats pure bull shit' he said in his mind

"No, let me, your going to turn them to popsicles" Tian Meng said

"You're an Ice Element user too, idiot!" Bing Bing said

"I'm not going to use my sword, I'll slap them with my burgers" Tian Meng said and the whole room became silent