
DOULUO DALU 2: Legend Of Zhu Tianmeng

10,000 thousand years after Tang San and The others ascended Many Things happened The God of Chaos and The Goddess of speed decided to send their 1st son in the Douluo Dalu World as the war in the god realm is still raging on He was named Zhu Tianmeng and this is his story

Lockedkid69 · Tranh châm biếm
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23 Chs

Chapter 20: Visitors

That Night

The Shrek Team gathered in the fornt of the room of Tian Meng and the others, after a while Wang Yan knocked on the door

"Oh its you guys, come in" Xiao Tao opened the door for them and they went inside

Everyone sat down on the sofas, and they smelled something delicious, the Tian Meng came out while carrying a large metal tray then he placed it on the table

Everyone saw that the tray have cheese burgers on it and Tian Meng saif to them

"All of you can eat all you can" He said then he sat down and started to eat a burger, Bing Bing and Bi Ji sat beside him and they took one burger each and ate it too, Xiao Tao and Tang Ya took one too and they started eating

Bei Bei took one burger too, and he started to eat very quickly, the same goes for Xanshi, both of his hands have burgers on it and he is eating like there is no tomorrow then he suddenly stopped and he quickly ran towards the bathroom, after a few moment Tang Ya left too, then Bei Bei Left too

Yuhao didnt know what to do, the same goes for the others

'Yuhao what the hell are you doing, go and eat that burger quickly, go go go!!!' The sad worm said to Yuhao and he quickly took one of the burger

After a while the burgers are gone, all of them are eaten the members of the Shrek Devils that ate the burger for the first time was sitting on the floor

The Next Day

Everybody woke up refreshed and they can feel something changed about them

"Xiao Tao open the door we have some visitors" Tian Meng said, then Xiao Tao opened the door and the two person outside was surprised but they quickly calm down

They entered the room and they walked toward Yuhao but suddenly the two of them cant move at all

"Members of the Body Sect, you really got guts to appear in front of me" Tian Meng said, the two man became shocked when they saw Tian Meng they are too focused on Yuhao so they didnt saw him

"Elder Ice Sword we are not here to cause trouble, we just want to talk with Huo Yuhao" A man with long purple hair said

"I'm not asking you what are you doing here, who told you that you can come inside my room?" Tian Meng said then he stood uo and walked towards the two man

"You cant even move an inch, hahaha,I think the rumors from The Body Sect are just rumors after all" Tian Meng said as he placed his hand on the shoulder of the man with long purple hair

"You dared to attack my juniors in front of me? Do you think I'm blind?" Tian Meng said then the shoulder of the man started to freeze

"Have you experienced something like being frozen slowly to death" Tian Meng Said

"Tian Meng let them go" Xuan Lao appeared beside Tian Meng

"Xuan Lao, but this two dared to enter my room, hehehe, well I may let them go if they can that is" Tian Meng said as he stopped freezing the man

"You two can go now" Tian Meng said but the two man didnt move at all, because they cant still move, Xuan Lao sighed and he slapped the two away and they left

"Their lucky you came if not then 2 members of the body sect will die again" Tian Meng said

"This will not be the end of this, that old monster wont let this pass" Xuan Lao said

"Then let him come, Its been so long since I stretched my body, when that time comes I'll be the one to play with him" Tian Meng said, Xuan Lao just sighed but he was not afraid too, after all, Shrek Academy won the war against them 4,000 years ago, and right now, Tian Meng is here with them

The day passed quickly and everyone was excited after all some of them broke through to a new rank

15 days later

Shrek Academy dominated the whole competition, some of their enemies just surrendered right before the fight and now after 15 days the top 64 are announced

Tian Meng is sitting quitely in the first row of the arena, He was alone today because the girls didnt want to watch the boring fight anymore

Tian Meng got nothing to do so he just watch the battle to kill time, as the day progressed the fight in the arena got intense, Shrek got a 2v2 battle and Luo Chen and Dai Yaochen easily won

"Hayz this tournament is really boring, looks like the strong teams will meet up after the top 16 are decided" Tian Meng said

"The Xing Guang Auction Store is going to open tonight, maybe I'll go and check out some of their goods" He said and he stood up

That Night

When Tian Mwng returned to their room, nobody was there,then his communicator ringed, and he saw a message from Bing Bing

'Bring money I want to buy a spirit bone' She said

Tian Meng looked interested in this, after all Bing Bing is a very picky person, this spirit bone must be something special

Tian Meng took all of his money and he headed out when he arrived at the auction room he saw Bing Bing on the first floor and she was looking at a jade colored spirit bone

"A Hundred thousand year old spirit bone from an Ice Scorpion?" Tian Meng said

"Yes, I need this, the price is 10,000,000, but this spirit bone can only be used by spirit master who have the absolute ice, true Ice and Origin Ice elements, or else it will not work at all" Bing Bing said when one of the hostess heard it she hurriedly came to Bing Bing to verified what she said and Bing Bing Explained it to her

After a while the owner of the Auction house came, it was the king of the Xingluo kingdom, and when he saw Tian Meng and Bing Bing he hurriedly greeted them, in the end Bing Bing paid the spirit bone for 10,000,000 and she took it away

Then Bi Ji told Tian Meng that she want a spirit bone too, and she wants three of them, when Tian Meng heard this his wallet nearly cried

When they looked at the Spirit bone Bi Ji wants, it was 400,000 year old Black Swan torso spirit bone that have a price of 100 million, the other is a 127,000 years old skull spirit bone thag came from a beast called Sea Drake, and the last is a left leg spirit bone that came from a 269,000 year old Golden Eagle, this three spirit bone cost a total of allmost 50 million

"Okay we will buy it" Tian Meng said luckily he brought all of his money, Tian Meng asked Xiao Tao if she want some spirit bone but she said that nothing here is compatible with her, Tang Ya wants to buy a spirit bone but her and Bei Bei's Money are not enough, so Tian Meng promised that he will definitely bid for it, Bei Bei wanted to buy something too but in the end, he didnt told Tian Meng about it

After that they are escorted in the room with their personal hostess and the auction started, and with Tian Meng's wealth he bought everything that the kids wanted, in the end he paid 669 million in the auction house, when Tian Meng looked at his wallet he just sighed, fortunately the bases that they destroyed have a lot of money

"Elder brother is the best!" All of the Shrek Seven Devils said

Bing Bing, and Bi Ji are very excited when the hostess gave the spirit bones to them, well everyone was really excited

After that evryone returned to thier hotel, Wang Yan said that he need Tian Meng's help tonight while the kids absorb the spirit bones, after all everyone of them one spirit bones each that Tian Meng paif for them, Tian Meng gave two spirit bones to Tang Ya, and 3 To Bei Bei, after all spirit bones that are compatible to spirit masters are hard to come by and he have money to spend so he helped them

Tian Meng sat on the sofa as he guarded the others while they are busy absorbing their spirit bones, after a while he saw that Luo Chen is having a hard time so he helped her out

"Eat this three burgers and I will help you absorb this Spirit bone" Tian Meng said, Luo Chen quickly ate the burgers and Tian Meng placed his hands on the silky white back of Lu Chen and he began to channel his Origin Ice to her

After some time, Wang Dong is the first one to recover, and she saw everyone is still busy, so she just quietly sat down and meditated

After a while Bing Bing is done too and she helped Tian Meng to assist Luo Chen, maybe this is a good chance for her Ice essence to evolve into absolute ice

After 8 hours Luo Chen woke up and she felt like being reborned, and her ice essence suceeded its second awakening, it was now an absolute ice element

"Senior I'm very thankfull for what you have done to me, if my age is not a problem to you then please take me as one of your wife" She said seriously but at the same time she is embarassed too

Tian Meng looked at her and he didnt know what to do, in the end Bi Ji and Bing Bing looked at each other and they nodded, Xiao Tao nodded too

"We agree, after the competition ended, pack up your things and live with us,as your elder sister, I'll share Tian Meng to you" Bing Bing said and Luo Chen happilly hugged her

"But how about my opinion?" Tian Meng asked

"Love can be learned, you will fall for her in the future I promise, after all you are this time of man that make girls fall in love with them easily,so you must take responsibility for her" Bi Ji said

"If you really dont want me then I will not force you" Luo Chen said

"Hayz fine, you can live with us, maybe someday I fell for you too" Tian Meng said, now he acquired a complete set, an Ice Queen, An Ice Empress and now an Ice Princess

Then Tian Meng looked at Bi Ji and Xiao Tao, and he just sighed