
DOULUO DALU 2: Legend Of Zhu Tianmeng

10,000 thousand years after Tang San and The others ascended Many Things happened The God of Chaos and The Goddess of speed decided to send their 1st son in the Douluo Dalu World as the war in the god realm is still raging on He was named Zhu Tianmeng and this is his story

Lockedkid69 · Tranh châm biếm
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23 Chs

Chapter 16: Hunt Them

1 month later

Shrek Academy

Poseidon Court

A bright red folder was placed in front of the Table, Tian Meng, Xuan Lao, Mu Lao and Headmaster Yan can be seen sitting beside the table, all of them have serious looks on their faces

"Is this information reliable?" Xuan Lao said

"Yes, my agent gave this to me yesterday, luckily the organization is now having an inside fight, or else delivering this folder to us will be impossible" Headmaster Yan said

"I was surprised too, to think that the two of them are still active despite their age"Mu Lao said

"Ice Sword Douluo, I want you to go to their secret bases, never mind their HQ, for now we should focus on eliminating them bit by bit, were lucky that even now they dont know who are killing them" Mu Lao said

"I'll give you a week to prepare, but dont get reckless, always remember that the safety of you and your teammates are the main priority" He added

"Don't worry elder, I'll remember your advices" Tian Meng said as he stood up and cupped his fist

"Good, you can go now" Mu Lao said, Tian meng cupped his fists abd left the room

"There is a 90% that he will meet a limit douluo on this mission, Great Elder is it good to send their team out?" Headmaster Yan said

"Dont worry, that kid is past that treshold already, if he really go all out even the three of us here will not win at all" Mu Lao said as he smiled

When Headmaster Yan heard it he was not shocked at all, after all Tian Meng's spirit Halos are out of this world, he just wanted to hear Mu Lao confirm it

"Hayz this Holy Ghost Church really is something, to think that the Sun Moon Kingdom will join forces with the Dark Spirit Masters, they are really getting desperate" Xuan Lao said

"The Body Sect are active too, they are moving in large group and assisting their weaker members to hunt spirit beast,right now Xingdu forest is very dangerous, the Heavendou Forest became a battle field right now, and the spirit beast are migrating towards the great Stardou forest" Headmaster Yan said

"Nobody will dare to disrupt the Stardou Forest, that forest was protected by the God Of Chaos, every spirit master knows about this, if they really tried to harm the forest then he will destroy them" Mu Lao said

"The gods of the Heavenly Clan are still there, silently watching this world, so no one will dare to attack that forest, thats why the spirit beast are migrating there" He added

"One of the reasons no one dared to attack the city is because of this tree, there was a legend passed down to every Pavillion Master and that is, as long as this tree is here, then the God Of Chaos up there is still watching us shrek academy" Mu Lao said

"Out of the 10 Gods that Ascended that time, 8 of them came from shrek academy, one from the Speed Clan and another one came from the Breaking Clan which is under the Tang Sect, with their blessings this land became the best area to cultivate in the whole world" Mu Lao said

"My time is coming,Headmaster Yan, Xuan Shi I found a good seedling from the young generation, Tian Meng said that with a little training he can became a good candidate after Bei Bei" Mu Lao said

"What is this students name?" Headmaster Yan asked

"He is called Huo Yuhao" Mu Lao answered

Inner Court

Tian Meng's House

Everyone is preparing for their mission, Xiao Tao was excited because she can now participate in the mission, at the same time she was afraid too, after all their opponents are all titled douluo

"Remember our battle plan, we will not act alone, this time we will act as a group, all we need to do is kill them all, leave no traces behind and we will leave" Tian Meng said

"This time, everyone will go all out, this world dont need dark spirit masters at all, when we meet a titled douluo, our priority is not to kill them, but our own safety,is that clear?" Tian Meng said

"Yes Captain" the three girls said

"Xiao Tao, you will go and help Bi Ji at our back line while Bing Bing will be at our middle and I'm going to be our vanguard, our enemies this time have 2 limit douluo, Mu Lao said that he knows the two of them so they might be really strong" Tian Meng said

"Everyone should rest early,tomorrow we will leave at 5am" Tian Meng said

That night Bei Bei and Tang Ya arrived at their house, the two of them will take care of Xue Nu while the 4 was on the mission

"Tang Ya, The sect that killed your parents are all dead, Bing Bing and Xiao Tao eridicated them a few months ago" Tian Meng said this to Tang Ya and she was shocked, she cried when she heard that, after all those years she finally have revenged her parents

"You should move on, having a heart full of hate and revenge is not good, you should enjoy more of your life in building the Tang Sect with Bei Bei" Tian Meng added

Tang Ya thanked him, after that Tian Meng gave him something that will help her Blue Silver Grass evolve

"This is my gift to you, please take care of Bei Bei well in the future, and our little princess while were gone, this will be a good practice for the both of you" Tian Meng said, Tang Ya and Bei Bei blushed and Tian Meng left them while laughing

The next day

After 7 hours of flying the team arrived at their first area which is the East side of Xingdu Forest

Destroyed trees and spirit beast corpse can be seen everywhere in the forest, even the ten year old spirit beast are not spared

"This Holy Ghost Church really makes me angry, I will skin them alive if I saw one of them" Tian Meng said

The team explored the forest, and they helped the spirit beast they saw with the help of Bi Ji

Night came and when everyone was about to sleep they heard and explosion, everyone stood up quickly and they headed towards where the explosion came from

What the group saw is a 12 man team, they are battling a 40,000 year old Blood Ox

Everyone took out their tripled layer burger and eat it and they quietly vanished on the spot

Bi Ji quickly slowed the movements of the enemies, and Bing Bing freezed them up, the 12an team became popsicles, after all this team only had a rank 73 Soul Sage as their leader

Tian Meng Sliced them all down without any mercy, then Bi Ji healed the Ox, and it ran away

"5 of them are Soul King, 6 are Soul Emperor and One Soul Sage" Xiao Tao said

"The competition for spirit rings are intense, I dont know why this thing happened" Bi Ji said

"I also dont know why, but if they continued this then all of the spirit beast will go extinct, and the balance of nature will be destroyed, humans are really greedy" Tian Meng said

As they are talking they flet a strong fluctuation of soul power coming from the north side of the forest

"Looks like a large fight is Happening there" Tian Meng said and they quickly ran towards the north

When the team arrived they saw two groups, one of them are wearing soul weapons and armors, while the other are wearing Black robes with red lines on it

"The body Sect and the Sun Moon Kingdom's Soul Weapon Team" Bing Bing said

The leader of both team are Titled douluo, and the weakest on both team are rank 84 Soul Douluo

"You three stay here, let me try my 9th spirit ring for the first time" Tian Meng said, and the three nodded and he vanished


"Show yourself I Know that you are here"Both of the Titled douluo said

Tian Meng appeared in the middle of the two teams

"19 members of the Sun Moon kingdom's Soul Weapon Team, and 24 Members of the Body sect, all of you will die here today!" He said

"Ice Sword Douluo, the body sect didnt do anything to provoke you, do you really dare to kill us here?" The titled Douluo of the Body Sect said

"You are just alone, and you have the guts to say things like this?" The titled douluo of the Sun Moon Kingdom said

"Hehehehe, is that your last words? Then you can die know" Tian Meng said while his 9th Blue Spirit Ring lit up

The space and time around 10 miles stopped and a Giant Blue Sword with 9 rings Appeared, it started to multiply and stopped when it reached the number of Tian Meng's Enemies

"This is the product of the average sword art father gave me and my 9th spirit ring, and I call it

Origin Ice Sword Punishment" Tian Meng said then the swords on the sky started to spin and they fell down

As the time resumed, The three girls saw that all of the enemies became dust, and they are surprised when they saw this, so they asked Tian Meng

"Ice can cause burns too you know, and my ice is not just simple ice, its the origin ice, its normal for them to became ash" He said, after that the team explored the forest, they started to hunt down the hunting teams of the three organizations, now their enemies are, the Sun Moon Kingdom,Body Sect and The Holy Ghost Church

God Realm

A group of 8 man was watching a big flatscreen Tv while drinking some beer

"2nd Brother looks like your kid is catching up to you in terms of sword skills" a man with a long yellow hair said

"Heh! He can only summon 50 swords right now, when I was his age I can summon 12 million swords" The man called 2nd brother said, and the others laughed

"Your son is really good, Brother Klein your position as the Sword God is in danger" A man with a long purple hair said

"If he can pass my Sword Trial then I will give him the position, that is if he pass" Klein laughed evilly then someone knocked his head

"Dont bully him too much or you will sleep on the couch tonight" A lady with a long black hair said

"Okay okay, I got it, I'm just joking" Klein said, and the other guys laughed at him

Then they heard a shout coming outside the house, its a voice of a girl

"MUBAI! COME OUT, I TOLD YOU TO WASH YOUR CLOTHES FIRST BEFORE YOU START DRINKING WITH ELDER BROTHER, COME OUT HERE OR I WILL DRAG YOU OUT!!!" When everyone heard this they looked at the man with long yellow hair, and he sweated a lot

"Hehehe, Brother Mubai looks like it will take time again before we see each other" A man with a short purple hair said while laughing

"This is why I told you guys to do the chores first before heading out" a handsome man with red hair said

"Hahahaha! Luckily I already cooked our dinner or Xiao Wu will get angry too" A man with a long Blue hair said, then they heard a shout again


"Yes,yes, I'm coming darling!!!" Mubai said as he stood up and quickly headed out