
- After Boom Comes Crash

Finally it was time. Quickly a purple spirit ring appeared behind Coldin. In its centre a snake like head could be seen with needle sharp teeth filling its jaws.

Ma, Ro and everyone not in a trance like state where blown away. They knew that Coldin was close to a breakthrough but didn't expect him to actually get a purple ring as well, his mind showed a toughness unatural for his age.

Crackling could be heard coming from Coldin and the air around him became still, stagnant. Arcs of grey light began so show all over his body, which the highest concentration of arcs by his fist.

The next punch that Coldin did after using his spirit ring sounded double layered. His punch landed on the earth and a boom echoed this was followed by a crash similar to what you'd hear in a thunderstorm.

Everyone not practicing looked at Coldin with their jaws slack but Ma and Ro knowing better looked to En Ci saying at the same time "what the....F*CK DID HE DO?!?" This snapped the group out of their shock and looked towards En Ci waiting for an explanation.

En Ci smirked "what do you expect when he gains the spirit ring from a Demon eye Eel?" Once again the group where frozen in place this time Ma and Ro couldn't think straight.

Chloe looked at her grandfather and said "but the only demon eye Eel in the lake is one of the lakes kings. Unless...?" As she finished her thought out loud she looked at En Ci with wide eyes waiting for him to tell her it wasn't true.

But En Ci let her down "that child was a monster before he got this ring and this just proves it even more. Your right he got it from that lake king. As for why he could absorb it or as to why his ring is purple I have no idea." En Ci shook his head with a small smile playing on his face.

Back with Coldin and Long Yue. When Coldin used his second ring it added another beat into the rhythm and while most people would be thrown off Long Yue was too focused on using his rings to the best of his ability.

The ones to notice the additional beat of the war drum were the people behind them. BOOM BOOM CRASH BOOM BOOM CRASH. The beat rang out, they started to follow a new pattern as if it was a casual change.

Stance, punch, grab, twist, throw and stance. They chained together one technique with the other rather than just practicing a singular punch. Following the rhythm they used the crash of Coldins thunder as a linking move to the next technique as if natural.

Hours later the drumming could no longer be heard what it left behind was a field of pupils laying down spread eagle gasping for air. En Ci walked up too the pair of madmen who had now stopped and where's happily talking to each other.

"You boys put on quite the show, almost better that the actual teaching of some ignorant twins" En Ci said with a chuckle as two shouts could be heard from behind him, saying some profound swear words.

The pair laughed at the unlucky twins. Long Yue stepped forward and said in a respectful tone"master thank you for helping brother find a suitable spirit ring"

A chuckling could be heard from next to him as Coldin tried to contain his laugh as En Ci's face gained a light blush to it "he found it himself I did nothing" these where the words En Ci finally said after getting over his embarrassment.

Long Yue was stunned turning to Coldin for conformation only to receive a nod. What followed Long Yue's shock was the natural question of "well what can it do?" The group of teachers off to the side approached to listen in as well intrigued by Coldins spirit ring.

"Well first I can use it to summon a soul guardian version of the beast so I guess that is something that is guaranteed every ring." Every one listened intently to Coldin's explanation, normally he wouldn't dare tell a group this large anything but seeing that En Ci didn't tell them all to leave he decided to trust the old man.

"Second is the form of the Eel" Coldin released his spirit again and quickly activated this state before continuing. "In this form I have what feels like an extra organ in my body, by stimulating it I'm able to produce an aura of lightening/electricity, I can use it for both defence and attacking but it doesn't seem able to leave my body so it's more like I'm clad in a armour then something I can control freely. This ability also has a passive of lighting strikes twice this literally means one punch is equivalent to two attacks, it seems similar to the stacked hammer effect blacksmiths can use"

The group listening to Coldin looked around at each other as Coldin explained and finally they all muttered in unison "monster"

So I ended up going with an Eel spirit. This was inspired by a certain ability in a fairly tribal fairy tail character. I think this could work well as it gives an augment to Coldin’s chosen method of combat, this being body martial art due to his physique. (Basically street fighter with no weapons)

I’ll update the status later today with the new spirit and ability’s.

And I’m made a basic cover for the time being as I was getting bored of it being blank, it will probably change later.

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